Degree and
Program Name:
Submitted By:
What are the learning objectives? / How, where, and when are they assessed? / What are the expectations? / What are the results? / Committee/ person responsible? How are results shared?1. Students will demonstrate ability to present a therapeutic recreation barrier analysis. / Instructor utilizes the CASL speaking rubric for evaluating an analysis assignment in spring, REC 2250. / A) 100% will obtain a score of 16-24 on the CASL speaking rubric. / A) 100% met expectations; 0 did not meet expectations; 0 were exempt. / Courses are reviewed and revised as necessary to insure that all students have the opportunity to acquire the required competencies. Results are shared with the Curriculum and Assessment Department Committees.
2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of leisure education models, principles and facilitation techniques. / Instructor analyzes a group facilitation assignment with a content rubric in REC 3111. / 100% will obtain an overall score of 80% or better on the content rubric. / This class was not taught in the 2010-2011 academic year, so data was not received for this report.
0 exceeded expectations: 0 met expectations; 0 did not meet expectations; 0 were exempt. / Instructor reports to and discuses with the Chair and Department Assessment Committee. Results are also discussed with the Department Advisory Council; are placed on the web site; and reported to NRPA Accrediting Agency through periodic written reports.
3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of specific and comprehensive program planning in representative therapeutic recreation settings. / A) Instructor analyzes a specific program planning assignment that occurs as part of the REC 3250 course with a content rubric.
B) Instructor analyzes a comprehensive program planning assignment as part of the REC 3250 course with a content rubric. / A) 100% will obtain an overall score of 80% or better on the content rubric.
B)100% will obtain a score of 80% or better on the content rubric / This course was not taught in the 2010-2011 academic year, so data was not received for this report.
A) 0% exceeded expectations; 0% met expectations 0 did not meet expectations; 0 were exempt.
B) 0% exceeded expectations; 0% met expectations; 0 did not meet expectations; 0 were exempt. / Both sets of results are shared with the Department Assessment Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Results are also shared through the IBHE and NRPA reports.
4. Students will apply ethical principles to the practice of therapeutic recreation services. / Instructor utilizes a content rubric to evaluate answers to three ethical problems submitted by the student in the REC 3360 class. / 100% will obtain a score of 18 out of 24 or better on 3 rubrics. The rubric has been designed to include items specific to the assignment (identification of problem, ethical principle applied, solution to the problem etc.) / This course was not taught in the 2010-2011 academic year, so data was not received for this report.
On the rubric: 0% exceeded expectations; 0% met expectations; 0 did not meet expectations; 0 were exempt. / Results will be shared with assessment committee to view commonalities; results will be posted on the Web site and given to the Department Advisory Council and used in the Accreditation Report. Instructor/Committee share responsibility to respond to results. Instructor referred 1 student to web based site for further development.
5. Students will demonstrate the ability to understand and utilize assessment and documentation processes in therapeutic recreation settings. / Instructor evaluates a documentation assignment in REC 4355. A content rubric is used. / 100% will obtain a score of 80% or better on the content rubric. / 6.25% exceeded expectations; 75% met expectations; 18.75% did not meet expectations; 0 were exempt. / Changes to the class assignment will be part of curriculum changes discussed in paragraphs below. Results are shared with the Department Curriculum and Assessment Committees.
6. Students will demonstrate knowledge needed to successfully pass the NCTRC certification exam. / Eligibility for the NCTRC exam occurs after the student meets sitting requirements which include an approved range of undergraduate coursework and field experiences. / Students will meet or exceed the national passing average of testing scores. The national average is 66%. / No data was received for this review period. / Results are being examined by TR faculty and curriculum changes are being developed to help students be more successful in passing the national exam. These changes and results will be shared with the Department Curriculum and Assessment committees.
(Continue objectives as needed. Cells will expand to accommodate your text.)
Describe what your program’s assessment accomplishments since your last report was submitted. Discuss ways in which you have responded to the CASA Director’s comments on last year’s report or simply describe what assessment work was initiated, continued, or completed.
Rubrics and other measurement indicators to track outcomes are being developed as part of the curriculum redesign occurring in Summer of 2011.
Summarize changes and improvements in curriculum, instruction, and learning that have resulted from the implementation of your assessment program. How have you used the data? What have you learned? In light of what you have learned through your assessment efforts this year and in past years, what are your plans for the future?
Curriculum changes in the Therapeutic Recreation option are being developed aimed for approval in the Fall of 2011. This is also being pursued with consideration of new NRPA accreditation standards, the new ATRA curriculum recommendations and as the department prepares for the 2013 Department Accreditation process.