Mercer Island

Young Life


Full Name: / Date:
First / Last
Street Address / City / Zip
Your Email: / Your Phone: / ( )
Parent’s Email: / Home Phone / ( )
Grade: / Birth date:

Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper and include with your completed and signed application.

  1. When and through what circumstances did you decide to follow Jesus?
  2. Why do you want to participate in Student Leadership this year?
  3. What is Young Life from your perspective – its purpose?
  4. What areas of your Christian walk do you hope to develop most this year and why?


Welcome to Young Life Student Leadership! We are looking forward to an extraordinary year together growing in our relationship with Jesus. As a Student Leader you will not only represent Young Life, but you’ll represent Jesus as well, to your peers, family, teachers, and the community as a whole, and by applying you are also indicating that you want to follow Jesus in a deeper way. Therefore, this year we will hold you accountable to the following requirements.

  1. I will avoid the use of all alcohol and illegal drugs
  2. I will abstain from sexual immorality
  3. I will regularly attend Student Leadership meetings
  4. I will meet all program accountability requirements

In an effort to ensure the integrity of Young Life’s Student Leadership program, we will vehemently uphold these requirements and failure to meet them will likely result in your removal from Student Leadership.

By signing below you are indicating that you have received the Student Leadership Notebook, the calendar, and agree to the conditions stated above. Please bring this, along with your answers to the essay questions, to the next Student Leadership meeting.

Signed: / Date:
Your Name
Parent’s Name

Mercer Island YOUNG LIFE



  • Lifestyle Choices – As a Student Leader, you are representing Young Life and more importantly, Jesus, to your peers, younger kids, your family, and the community as a whole. We are also striving to follow Jesus and there are some things to avoid which we have identified as particularly harmful to your reputation and walk with Christ. As a student leader you may not use any illegal substances, including alcohol. You will also be asked to abstain from any sexual immorality. If you have questions as to what is and is not acceptable, ask first.
  • Grace First Policy – Regarding the Life Style Choices section above, if Young Life finds out that you have violated the Student Leadership Agreement and we have to come to you about it, you will be asked to stop participating in Student Leadership. If however you come to us first, you will be given grace and a second chance and are welcome to stay in the program.
  • Attendance – An important part of Student Leadership is the sense of community that will develop among all of us this year. It is therefore vital that we make the SL times a priority. You can miss one SL meeting this year, but you must meet with Marshall or Emily at another time to discuss what you missed before the next SL. If you have a good reason to miss more than one SL it must be approved by Marshall in advance. When should we meet?
  • Be a Leader – Being a part of the student leadership program, you will be encouraged to be an actual Wyldlife (middle school Young Life) leader. This will entail you being at club every other Friday night, taking part in the planning process of club, doing contact work with middle school kids, and working towards taking a group of middle school students to camp in the summer as a junior leader. If this will not work for your schedule, we will discuss on an individual basis, ways to serve at high school club.
  • Cost – There will be a $50 fee for participating in Student Leadership this year. This small fee will cover the food, materials, and the new Student Leadership sweatshirt. This $50 can be paid any time before October 17.
  • Student Leadership Materials – If you decide to participate in Student Leadership you will receive a SL Notebook with all needed materials for the year. In addition, you will be given a Bible if you don’t already have one. You will be required to bring your notebook and your Bible to every SL meeting.
  • Student Leadership Communication– In order to communicate effectively with you and to facilitate our encouragement of each other, we’ll heavily use a dedicated Student Leadership Facebook Group. This will hopefully serve as a great way to keep each other accountable and to post reminders about what we’re all working on.
  • Contact – Please don’t ever hesitate to contact us!

Marshall JamiesonEmily Jamieson
