
Advisory Board

December 05, 2014

Members present. Deb Neuman, Sherri Bush, Eric Feucht, Darrell Ratcliff, Holly Tarner, Nancy Graff (via teleconference) Rod Albrecht and Al Moss.

Members absent: Kathy Alarie, Jan Burdick, Kristi Holmes, Jim West

Student Guests: Josh Haughn and Danielle Sweet

The meeting was called to order at 9 am. The minutes from the May 23, 2014 advisory board were reviewed and approved.


Al Moss reported that the first year program began with 24 students but is now down to 22. The second year program began with 22 students but now stands at 18. There are currently 13 students for the fall 2015 program. It should be full by March 2015. Of the 16 graduates of the class of 2014, 14 are known to be employed. The employment picture is improving. There are full, prn and part-time opening at all of our affiliates.

Program Update-Downtown:

There have been modifications to the new downtown campus but there are still 3 labs. One lab is for EMT, one for RCP and one to be shared by EMT and RCP. There are plans to have all labs done in one day. Winter 2016 is the earliest the new building will be opened.


2014-2015 requests:

Critical Care Ventilator-Drager V 500 Infinity has been approved using Perkins money and is scheduled to arrive January 15, 2015.

Arterial Arm-This item has been ordered.

RCP software-The newest version of Windows requires new RCP software which will be ordered by June 1, 2015.

Simulation Technology Coordinator-Has not been approved yet but is expected to be approved closer to the opening of the new downtown campus.

2015-2016 requests:

Manikins-either the ALS which has chest rises and cardiac events or the Mega-code Kelly.

Quick Lung with Breather which is a simple test lung that we use for practical exams. We often run three practical simulations we want the students tested on the same test lung for the practicals.

Combined Pulse oximter and capnograph.

Critical Care ventilator(s) either a universal – adult-pediatric-neonatal ventilator or perhaps two transport ventilators.

Simulation Technology Coordinator-still seeking approval for this position.

If we receive a grant we may be able to replace the Sim-Man Classic with the Sim-Man 3G.

It was the consensus of the advisory board that the program should pursue the above capital and man power initiatives.

NBRC results

All sixteen of the April 2014 graduates have passed 16 the CRT exam, twelve have passed the CSE and thirteen passed the WRRT.

Entry Level exam (CRT):

There were two areas below the national mean on the CRT exam:

Area IIB Ensure Infection Control (99% of national mean)

Area III JAct as an Assistant to the Physician Performing Special Procedures (92% of the national mean).

Written Registered Therapist Exam (WRT):

There were 3 content areas below the national mean on the WRT.

Area IIIEEvaluate and Monitor Patient’s Objective and Subjective Responses to Respiratory Care (99% of the national mean)

Area 3H Determine the Appropriateness of the Prescribed Respiratory Care Plan and Recommend ModificationsWhen Indicated by Data (98% of the national mean).

Area 3J Act as an Assistant to the Physician Performing Special Procedures (96% of the national mean).

The program increase emphasis these “weaker” content areas. Al Moss will try to pull some sample questions and objectives from these areas and share them with the advisory board.

Examination process change

Beginning January 1st 2015, a new TherapistMultiple Choice (TMC) exam will be initiated. The TMC exam basically combines the entry level (CRT) exam and the Written Registered Therapist (WRT) into one exam. The new TMC will have two cut scores, if a student only attains the lower cut score they will be credentialed as Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) but they will not be eligible to take the Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE). If the student attains the higher cut score they will earn the CRT and be eligible to take the CSE exam. To become a Registered Respiratory Therapist RRT a graduate must pass the TMC exam at the higher cut score and pass the Clinical Simulation Exam. The CSE will have 20 short problems instead of 10 long ones.

CoARC update:

Survey as advisory board members and survey as students. All scores above the cut score.Outcomes- attrition rates are better. Current program stats–non-academic reasons for attrition. The CoARC looks at Cohorts for the last 3 years. All Cohorts have met or exceeded outcomes for credential attainment, retention and placemnt.

Clinical Update.

The clinical contract is in place with Pennock and almost done with Allegan General. Talks are in progress with Bronson Lakeview and St. Marty’s. Looking at Spectrum in Zeeland.Minimal placement of first year students at Borgess. Need 3-4 small hospitals. Nancy Graff stated that if necessary the program could night rotation at Spectrum with first year students. The night rotation would need to concentrate more on the adult patients than pediatric patients.

Clinical update

Rod reported that clinics are going well but the Long Term Acute Care and some of the critical care units have been slow recently. Intubation seems to be going well all students to date have been successful on completing their intubation. Arterial puncture has also been going well. The use of weekend and night shift rotations has worked out well this Fall.

Preliminary results on preceptor evaluations are mostly positive. We wait until all students have completed all preceptor evaluations to share the results.

Rod would like students to be more active in taking and giving report on their patients.

Community of Interest needs:

The advisory board was asked what they feel may be some changes in patient care that would impact the educational objectives of the program.

Several of our affiliates are considering a disposable bronchoscope. Bronson is opening an ALS unit. The high flow cannula is now available at the majority of affiliates and should be considered as a check-off. All of the affiliates either are replacing or are considering replacing the Vision ventilator with the Phillips V60 for non-invasive ventilation.