Student Government

Advisor/Instructor Mr. Yasui


Student Government was created to give you, a student body officer or class officer, the opportunity to work on class and school activities. You will not only share in the administration of school and class activities, but help create, promote, and implement them.

Student Outcomes:

The objectives of this leadership class are introduced through classroom curriculum and then applied as you work together to select, organize, and carry out school wide and community wide projects. The student outcomes of being actively involved in this leadership class are as follows:

Team building Problem Solving Goal setting

Personal Development Communication Skills Decision making

Project planning Publicizing Stress management

Humor Special projects Time management

Positive modeling ______

Course Requirements:

You must be a self-motivated student who can be self-directed. If a student at any point of the year breaks the contractual agreement regarding school rules and procedures during any part of the year they will be removed from office and from the class. All students must be role models for the student body and are required to attend extracurricular activities pertaining to the programs that they are implementing.

Course Specific Learning Goals:

As per the Common Core Curriculum recently adopted by the state of Oregon, we will be focusing on speaking standards (i.e.: “Participate in discussions…” SL.1 and an organized delivery of a speech SL.4), and language standards (i.e.: “Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.” 6.L.1).


You are expected to be in your seat ready to make the most of class time when the bell rings. For the best possible classroom experience I encourage you to develop great attendance habits, a model work ethic, positive attitude, and strong desire to make HRVHS better than ever. Tardiness, unpreparedness, disrespect ,misuse of hall pass, misuse of class time, unwillingness to create and clean supplies for events are all actions that should not be present in a student for this class and will be punished accordingly.

As an elected class officer or ASB officer you will be expected to select, organize, and document the steps you took to put on an activity in our community or school setting . You will also be expected to speak publicly at assemblies, civic organizations, middle schools, etc… at least once during the school year in order to earn a passing grade.

You will also be expected to support all activities organized by any Leadership class in a positive manner. Because you are a LEADER at HRVHS, you will be expected to be a quality role model at all times!

Each student will need to put in 30 hours outside of class in school related activities and 3 hours outside of class in community service activities for each quarter. One point per hour is awarded to actually doing activities (i.e. decorating a float for three hours after school for homecoming would give a student three points.) Half a point per hour is granted for students supporting others in activities (i.e. attending a volleyball game ). These hours will be documented and checked periodically throughout the quarter.

Grading Procedure: Graded Items:

A 89.5-100% Notebook

B 79.5-89.4% Classroom Activities

C 69.5-79.4% Extracurricular Hours

D 59.5-69.4% Committee Work/Evaluations

F 59.4% or below Meeting Class Expectations

Classroom Rules:

Our classroom is one of openness, collaboration, and respect. All class members will demonstrate mutual respect for one another and the instructor.

·  Students must bring books and materials to class as assigned. We will complete readings and assignments both in and out of class.

·  Be in your seat, ready to work, when the bell rings.

·  No talking during presentations, or when another classmate is speaking.

·  All electronics turned off and put away. If I see or hear them they go to the office for the day.

·  Be on time. Lunch detention will be assigned on the 4th tardy.

Consequences for inappropriate classroom behavior:

Students are expected to maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone at school. I have a three strikes your “in” approach to discipline. If within one week you have broken three classroom or school rules, you will be “in” detention during lunch or before or after school depending upon schedules.


I have high standards and expectations for all students. In return, students can expect, and will receive, support and guidance from me. It is imperative that we have open communication between school and home in order to best meet our students’ needs. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Phone: 386-4500 ex 4621 (School number for voicemail.)

Parent/ Guardian Name: ______Signature: ______

Student Name:______Signature: ______

Thank You!

Mr. Yasui