Student Government

Wright State University

October 22, 2013

Week 9

·  Call to Order: 7:09 PM

·  Attendance: Sukhmanjit Singh, Rachel Fagan, JB Saul, Karli Lightner, Jennifer Barbadora, Lauren Ouwerkerk, Kaliah Ware, Peyton Jones, Kyle Powell, Zena Fadel, Preeteesh Leo Mylabathula, Emily Bingham, Fady Al-Banna, Jennifer Benson, Amaha Sellassie, Megan Ater, Erika Leitz, Jackie Kucirka, Anthony Hinojosa, Jordan Young, Christine Ton, Gabriel Riegle, Casey Babbitt, Sienna Spears, Michelle Coale, Michelle Callaham, Phillip Logan, Elizabeth Mathews, Matthew Johnson, Megan Gray, Meridith Brackman, Andrea Sackett, Estrella Alvarez

·  Absence: Megan Gillespie

·  Approval of Minutes from October 15, 2013- Minutes Approved

·  Executive Reports

o  President- Sukhmanjit Singh:

·  Raising funds and awareness for Raiderthon, HLC Reaccreditation Committee, Branding Committee

o  Vice-President- Rachel Fagan

·  We are getting a Lake Campus Senator (approving next meeting). Promoting Raiderthon with Megan Ater. Branding Committee Proposals

o  Chief of Staff- JB Saul

·  Looking at tegrity (digitation of classrooms), research on repurposing outdoor amphitheater

·  Looked at food for Raiderthon

o  Chief Justice- Karli Lightner

·  Met with Judicial Branch and reviewed position changes for bylaws. Due to conflict of hours, Graduate Senator had to step down and that will be open.

o  Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora

·  Agendas, minutes. Reports/Resolutions up to date on the website. Timecards due this week. Reviewed old transition materials and updated position in the bylaws.

·  Cabinet Reports

o  Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk

·  We have a Facebook page for House of Reps, thanks to Peyton Jones. House of Reps (SG members) will meet from 6-7 PM on Tuesdays. Wayne Cooper discussed catering for Student Organizations at our last meeting.

o  Assistant Speaker of the House- Kaliah Ware

·  SFC Meeting: Did not allocate funds, tabled proposition. Will be making agenda. Went to UDAC Committee

o  Director of Academic Affairs- Kyle Powell

·  Met with Ohio Representative to discuss Medical Amnesty and Student Trustee Rights. Met with Associate of Academic Affairs/Research. Looking into Zip-Car purchases. Scholarship contract for Cedarville University for $400.

o  Director of Disability Affairs- Megan Gillespie

·  Director of Disability Search Committee- coming to campus Oct 31st, Nov 5th, 7th

·  Special Olympics is spreading the word on their event. Working with Jeff Trick on elevator signage.

o  Director of Campus Culture- Emily Bingham

·  Multicultural Halloween was a success. Getting students interested in social justice organizations.

·  Campus Climate survey- present issues on inclusion

o  Director of International Affairs- Fady Al-Banna

·  Created website for International Students to access information about WSU

·  Created a team for Raiderthon (for International Students)

o  Director of Public Relations- Megan Ater

·  WINGS campus announcement, training for Electronic sign, interview for Associate of Web Communications

o  Director of Student Affairs- Erika Leitz

·  Attended Second Mile Committee meeting.

·  Student Affairs Standing Committee is next Wednesday (6-7 pm) regarding common problems

·  Revamping position for bylaws

o  Associate of Veterans’ Affairs- Anthony Hinojosa

·  University handled needs of Student Veterans well. VA office and I will be looking at Emergency Fund program. Speak Out sessions pushed Veteran’s events and Raiderthon.

o  Associate of Athletics- Jordan Young

·  Athletic Council is Friday, emailed Chair to speak regarding Raiderthon. Sports Club Council met last week. Meeting with captain of Gymnastics Team regarding stretching session during Raiderthon. Halloween Hoopla Oct 28th.

·  Senate Reports

o  Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Casey Babbitt

·  Met with Dr. Leroy to discuss Starbucks/Raiderthon

·  Met with Raj College of Business to set up their franchise as well.

o  College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michelle Callaham

·  Talked to Engineering about Raiderthon. Planning competition at Nutter Center (60 Colleges and High schools attend)- Sat Nov 2nd from 7:30 AM to 1 PM

o  College of Liberal Arts Senator- Phillip Logan

·  Graduate School Workshop went flawlessly. Working with CAC on new projects. Open advising tomorrow. Petition about dining dollars/swipes for Bridge Café.

o  College of Nursing and Health Senator- Elizabeth Mathews

·  Discussed Raiderthon with Nursing Faculty

·  Attending Nurse Manager Forum

·  Meet and Greet – November 19th for Pre-Nursing Students

o  College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Matthew Johnson

·  Encourage Honors Dialogue events. Monday Nov 4th showing Back to the Future

·  Planning Meeting of the Boards in November

o  Commuter Senator- Megan Gray

·  Dining Services Committee

·  New President for CSA

o  Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Meridith Brackman

·  Setting up Fashion Show, events

·  Raiderthon promotion

o  College of Education and Human Service- Michelle Coale

·  Creating 3 events for CEHS-- ice cream social, Professional Development Activity with Career Services, kick ball event

o  Residential Senator- Sienna Spears

·  Looking into requirement for first-years to live on campus unless 50 mile radius

·  Can add dining dollars onto Meal plans

o  School of Professional Psychology Senator- Andrea Sackett

·  Promoting Raiderthon

·  Discussing informational session for Undergraduates about applying for Psychology

o  University College Senator- Estrella Alvarez

·  Holding interviews for Advisory Council

·  Attended interviews for Lake Campus

·  Committee Reports

o  Carnegie Classification- President Hopkins talked about community involvement

o  Climate Survey- Discrimination of campus, how inclusive spaces are on campus

o  Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee- determined classes

o  University Diversity Advisory Council- Multicultural Millennium (theme: Immigration), Gender Related Violence Task Force

o  Student Legal Services- $10,000 invested into scholarship, $2,o00 for Cabinet

o  Second Mile Committee- focus on fixing run-around (FA, Bursar), information sheets/app

·  Want SG input

·  Meeting is Thursday from 12-1:30 pm, if you are available, please let Erika know.

o  Dining Services- Will be emailing issues on a daily basis to address quickly- email ; Prices in Catering Menu are not set

o  HLC Crit 3- Student Org Assessment over last 10 years (DSAB, Big 6) Please give Sukhman any traditional programs outside of SG

o  Building and Grounds- discussed Divisions

o  Branding- Repurposing questions for vendors

·  Report Discussion

o  Dr. Barrett selects Keynote speakers for Millennium Event

o  Halloween Hoopla Oct 28th at 5:30 PM

·  Public Forum

·  Rowdy Bobblehead Award: Michelle Coale to Matthew Johnson (Great attendance at events and Marketing for Raiderthon!)

·  New Business

o  Repurposing of “Divisions”:

·  Removing architecture

·  Suggestions for Bacon Area: Student Orgs for Amphitheater, programming space, place to hold classes

·  Where should it go?

·  Additional lighting, electricity

·  Incorporate plots for NPHC

·  Outdoor Covering

o  West Wood Community Pride Day

·  November 2nd –clean up leaves, areas from 9-12 pm

·  Lunch at noon at school

·  WSU student input 1-2

·  Please be involved, contact Amaha!

o  Org Sync Synchronization

·  Working with Student Activities, Marketing and Comm so that events on Org Sync goes directly through WSU Calendar

·  Hard to reach new members --Org Sync not integrated well with website

·  Community feed to community tab/Raider Commons

·  Co-Curricular Resume- print out sheet of different Organizations joined/progress made

·  Register students in Freshman Orientation/UVC Classes

·  Link on WINGS Portal

·  Groups tab confused with Student Organizations, new Tab next to Email

·  Recommended Organizations for Students

o  Student Trustee Voting Rights

·  House Bill 111: Gives University power to let students a vote

·  25 states have non-voting members

·  Ryan/Tiffany in support of

·  Recommendation to state that Student trustees can vote

Matthew Johnson moves the previous question. Phillip Logan seconds.

o  In favor- unanimous

·  Student Government’s recommendation is that Student Trustees should have the right to vote.

·  Advisor Reports

o  Candidates for Director of Disability Services Candidates will be on campus (see Dir. Of Disability Services report)

o  Basketball starting next week!

·  Women: Wed at 7 pm

·  Men: Nov 1st at 7 pm

·  Announcements

o  Nov 5th: Fireside chat with President Hopkins- Hamilton Hall

o  Raiderthon Deadline is Oct 31st

o  If you want to see either Trustee/Med Amnesty bills, email Kyle

o  Halloween Hoopla- will need volunteers

o  Look through Bylaws regarding your positions

o  CSA Open Positions- send onto any of your friends/constituents

o  Boonshoft is having a glasses drive- 1st years go to third world countries and they do not have glasses, need sunglasses because of cornea damage. Bring to 190 WH

o  Haunted Trail- Go to Dry Run or will not be able to do it

·  Wear Black and Sensible Shoes- Rain or shine (next Thursday from 9 pm-12 am)

o  RSCOB- wear and take a picture, add #wright and #bright

o  221 registered for Raiderthon!! Aim for 275 by end of week!

o  Stick it to Cancer Hockey game is Saturday night 10 PM Kettering Rec Center

o  Saturday night is Breast Cancer Soccer Game at 7 pm ($5 pregame cost)

o  Office of Community Standards and Conduct- Panel Members- student representation on Conduct Review, Academic Integrity, and University Appeals

·  Training for 8 hours over 2 days

JB Saul moves to adjourn meeting. Lauren Ouwerkerk seconds.

In favor- unanimous

·  Adjournment: 8:15 PM

2013-2014 Student Government Members:

·  Executive Board

o  President- Sukhmanjit Singh

o  Vice-President- Rachel Fagan

o  Chief of Staff- JB Saul

o  Chief Justice- Karli Lightner

o  Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora

·  Cabinet

o  Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk

o  Assistant Speaker of the House- Kaliah Ware

o  Secretary of the House- Peyton Jones

o  Director of Academic Affairs- Kyle Powell

·  Associate of Academic Affairs- Preteesh Leo Mylabathula

·  Associate of Academic Affairs- Zena Fadel

o  Director of Disability Affairs- Megan Gillespie

o  Director of Campus Culture- Emily Bingham

·  Associate of Campus Culture- Amaha Sellassie

o  Director of International Affairs- Fady Al-Banna

·  Associate of International Affairs- Jennifer Benson

o  Director of Public Relations- Megan Ater

o  Director of Student Affairs- Erika Leitz

·  Associate of Student Affairs- Jackie Kucirka

·  Associate of Veterans’ Affairs- Anthony Hinojosa

·  Associate of Athletics- Jordan Young

o  Associate Justice- Christine Ton

o  Associate Justice- Gabriel Riegle

·  Senate

o  Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Casey Babbitt

o  College of Education and Human Services Senator- Michelle Coale

o  College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michelle Callaham

o  College of Liberal Arts Senator- Phillip Logan

o  College of Nursing and Health Senator- Elizabeth Mathews

o  College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Matthew Johnson

o  Commuter Senator- Megan Gray

o  Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Meridith Brackman

o  Residential Senator- Sienna Spears

o  School of Professional Psychology Senator- Andrea Sackett

o  University College Senator- Estrella Alvarez