Student Equity Plan Team Meeting Minutes
El Camino College Compton Center
Student Equity Committee Meeting
September 21, 2016
3:00-4:00 PM
SSC 220
Attendees: Christine Aldrich, EOPS/CARE; Nelly Alvarado, Enrollment Services; Arnette Edwards, Student Equity; Paul Flor, Academic Senate, Political Science; Shateo Griffin, SSSP; Arturo Hernandez, ECC MESA; Ginger Davidson Keller, SRC; Joseph Lewis, Student Equity; Libby Martinez, CalWORKS; Malinni Roeun, Mathematics; Jessica Sanchez, Institutional Research; Bailey Smith, Student Equity; Chelvi Subramaniam, Humanities/Math/Student Success
Topic / Summary / Action ItemsIntroductions
Review of minutes / Group reviewed minutes dated April 6, 2016 and discussed revisions.
Chelvi moved to accept minutes with revisions and Ginger seconded; corrected minutes were accepted by committee. / Final meeting was actually April 20, 2016. Bailey will correct the minutes and send.
Proposals to be reviewed / Some proposals had been submitted in Spring 2016 but the committee did not have a chance to review them.
It was asked if some projects may be requesting funding from several sources and how the committee would know if other funds are being solicited. / Bailey will send rubrics and proposals for F.I.S.T program, APISA Student Support, and Transfer Fair Support for the committee to review.
The committee will need to turn in their ratings by October 7.
If the proposal process continues, a question will be added regarding other funding that is being requested.
Draft of outcomes template for projects / In general, the group liked the outcomes template as-is, however, paper copies were hard to read clearly. / Bailey will send the outcomes template and request feedback.
Project Updates / Project List: Bailey gave the group the current list of 2015-2016 projects, 2016-2017 projects, and pending project proposals.
Many revisions to update the list were recommended, including re-wording employee positions to project-oriented titles. This will clarify that Student Equity project impacts are being evaluated, rather than employees, whose evaluations are negotiated according to their classifications.
FIST: Dr. Lewis reported on the F.I.S.T (Formerly Incarcerated Students in Transition) program, which launched in the summer with a student club. A few students are enrolling during each monthly meeting with new parolees and probationers.
HBCU Tour: Dr. Edwards updated the group on the HBCU tour selection process and current status of the participant list.
Malinni, a previous chaperone on college tours, recommended that the students are informed about airport and airline travel procedures, including examples of items allowed in luggage.
EOPS/CARE Mentors: Christine reported that mentors are focusing on participants on academic probation; they have received feedback that many students on the probation list are confused about the process of college academic probation vs. EOPS/CARE probation. / Bailey will update the project list and send to committee members.
Dr. Edwards and Bailey will be conducting a “Prep Session” to cover those topics and bring in travel items to inform students.
It was suggested that the confusion surrounding college and program academic probation could be a topic for the next meeting about the case management pilot. Bailey will recommend this to the case management working group.
Next Steps / The group approved the meeting time: the third Wednesday from 3-4 pm.
The group discussed the pending requirement to integrate Student Equity, SSSP, and Basic Skills plans.
The Student Success Committee is a combination of all three groups and is working on preliminary planning. / Bailey promised that the meetings will not go over the appointed time ever again; she will add integrated planning to the agenda for the October meeting.
All Student Equity members will be invited to the next Student Success Committee meeting.