
Student Death Notification Information

Critical Incident Response Team: Though the Division of Student Affairs Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) is usually informed of sudden student deaths in the Bloomington/Normal community, any member of the University community who becomes aware of the death of an IllinoisStateUniversity student should contact the Dean of StudentsOffice (438-2008) as soon as possible. CIRT works with the local emergency response agencies (police, fire, hospitals) in meeting the needs of the student’s family and other students affected by the death.

Notification of Deceased’s Family: The Coroner’s Office is responsible for contacting the family of a student in a sudden death. If a student is in the hospital at the time of death, the treating physician is usually responsible for informing the family. Upon confirmation that the family has been notified by the Coroner’s Office or treating physician, the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee will contact the family to express condolences on behalf of IllinoisStateUniversity and offer assistance with University matters. This contact does not preclude others from also expressing their personal condolences.

Notice of Deceased Student’s Dean and Instructors: Once it can be confirmed that the next of kin has been notified of a student’s death, CIRT will contact the student’s academic dean, department chair, and instructors for that semester. At this time, it is appropriate for the academic dean and department chair to share this information with others. Instructors may inform the class in which the student was enrolled of the student’s death. Instructors seeking assistance with how to share this message with a class may consult with the Student Counseling Service (438-3655) or the Dean of Students Office (438-2008).

Notification of the Campus Community: Once it can be confirmed that the next of kin has been notified, the Vice President for Student Affairs will contact campus media. The intent of sharing this information with campus media is to inform other members of the University community of the death of a student, to encourage those members of the University community (students, faculty and staff) that may be emotionally affected by the death to seek assistance from Student Counseling Services or other appropriate means, and to memorialize the life of the student while at Illinois State University.

Funeral arrangements will be shared (when they are known) with the campus communitythrough the Vice President for Student Affairs website and campus media.

The Vice President for Student Affairs Office will not release the cause of death. The Coroner’s Office has responsibility for determining a cause of death and releasing such information.

Notification of University Offices: The Registrar’s Office sends official notification of a student death to a student’s instructors, department, college, Student Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and other University offices that have a need-to-know reason forsuch information. This notification is not immediate.

Grief Counseling – The Student Counseling Services provides grief counseling to individuals and groups upon request. Student Counseling Services relies on "front line" people such as advisors, faculty, etc.,in addition to CIRT,to identify students significantly affected by a student deathand in reaching out to these students effectively. Please read Dealing with Tragedies: A Guide for Faculty and Staff at information about how to recognize and refer students in need of assistance.
