Skyline Student Council Syllabus



A. To actively encourage and vigorously support individual and collective involvement of the

Student Body in Extra Curricular Activities.

B. To actively seek and diligently represent the opinions, ideas, and concerns of the Student


C. To establish and maintain positive working relationships with the Administration, Faculty,

Parents, the Community at large and other Schools in and out of the district on behalf of the

students we represent.

D. To provide support for and to coordinate the efforts of the Clubs and Organizations duly

constituted at this school.

II. ATTENDANCE/CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: Attendance will be taken daily and absences may affect your grade. Council memberswith excused absences will be given two days for each day they are absent to make-up the work that they have missed. Please see Mrs. Schnuelle for make-up assignment. Council members with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make-up any missing work for credit. Grades will be lowered for each tardy, ditch, and unexcused absence. No extra credit will be given. A list of important dates to remember is included and most mandatory events are listed. Any event that comes up that is not listed will be given to students ahead of time.

Cell phones in class have become a distraction. As a council, we have numerous tasks that must be accomplished. Therefore, improper use of cell phones during class will result in a total loss of daily points. This policy also pertains to the student devices.

III. EVALUATION PROCEDURES: Council members will participate in a variety of activities throughout the school year including, but not limited to, class participation, committee work, events, folders, service learning, and spirit activities. All activities will be awarded points and those points will be evaluated at the end of each grading period by dividing the total number of points the council member has earned by the total number of points possible. The council member’s semester grade will be determined by averaging both quarter grades per semester.

It is expected that all council members maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 at all times. If any student receives an F or D on quarter or semester grades the student will be on probation for one quarter. After one quarter, if the grade has not improved, the student will be removed from council.

Event Participation: These are just some of the events we plan or take part in. It is expected that you are involved with these events. Depending on your rank, grade level, or committee you might be more of less involved.

  • Student Council Retreat
  • Freshman / New Student Orientation
  • Freshman Elections
  • Club Day
  • All assemblies
  • Senior Panoramic Picture
  • Homecoming:Spirit week, lunch time activities, assembly, floats, carnival, game, and dance
  • Big Man on Campus
  • Prom Fashion Show
  • Prom
  • General Elections
  • Scholarship and Awards Ceremony
  • Graduation
  • Breakfast with Santa
  • Relay for Life
  • Teacher Appreciation Week


Members must attend at least 3 school sponsored events per quarter which must include at least 2 different sports and 1 non-sporting events. An event form must be filled out completely and signed by a school official in order to be considered valid for EACH event. These will be due at the end of each quarter.


If you will be unable to attend an event, you must notify Mrs. Schnuelle one week in advance. If prior notice is not given, you will not receive points. Make-up work needs to be completed within two weeks of the missed event.You will need to fill out a form indicating what you plan to do to make up points. Approval is required.

Make-up work includes, but is not limited to:

  • Posters
  • Spirit based
  • Advertising an upcoming school activity
  • Attend an extra school event
  • Thank you cards/Happy Grams (generic for us to send out when needed)
  • Organizing of the storage room (the man cave)
  • Other activities proposed by you



As a member of Student Council, it is expected that you act as a role model and leader at all times. You represent SkylineHigh School. As a result, your actions impact and directly influence how the school and community perceive our student body. To ensure responsible representation by all Student Council members, expectations and consequences have been established. Please refer to Code of Ethics located in your SHS Student Council Constitution.

Failure to comply with and/or successfully complete all of the above mentioned expectations will result in one or more of the following consequences: a warning, a teacher-pupil conference, parental involvement, administrative involvement, probation, and/or removal from office.


Student Council is the only class on campus to serve in dual capacity of class and club. There is a lot of effort that goes into putting together massive events like Homecoming, Prom, spirit activities, Breakfast with Santa, etc. While we try to accomplish as much as we can in class, there is a significant amount of time dedicated outside of 2ndperiod. This includes before and after school, lunch, and evenings. For example, students will work late in to the evening (supervised by an advisor) to decorate for Homecoming. This participation is usually for a grade. If you disagree with the extended involvement, please contact Mrs. Schnuelle immediately.

By signing below, you (the council member) agree that you have read and understand both SHS’s and Mrs. Schnuelle’sexpectations. Furthermore, you agree that you are both willing and able to give your personal best in order to achieve them.


Student Name (please print) ______

Student Signature______

Student Email ______

Parent /Guardian Signature______

Parent/Guardian Email ______


Due Friday, August 21, 2015