This is a sample checklist that registered childminders may adapt to reflect their own practice.
This checklist has been provided by North Somerset Local Authority as guidance only. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date, North Somerset Local Authority will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy, error or omission.
Name of student ______
Checklist for childminder before student placement commencesOfsted have been contacted to inform them of new student placement
Insurance providers have been informed of student placements being provided
Health Questionnaire has been completed
Parents have been informed of new student placement and the role of the student
Placement has been confirmed by the training provider
Student information form, and emergency contact details have been completed
Enhanced DBS Form has been seen and a note made of the certificatenumber and date of issue
Student is aware of the disqualification by association rules and has confirmed this is non-applicable
Student is aware of childminder’s procedure regarding DBS update service
I have been shown/told about
Student initials and date
Record Keeping –
Accident book
Time Keeping and Daily Routine
Dress code
Staff meetings
Equality Policy and Special Educational Needs Policy
Complaints Procedures
Intimate Care Policy
Safeguarding Children Procedure and North Somerset HandbookGuidance for Safer Working Practices document
Camera, mobile phone and social networking policies
Confidentiality policy
Evacuation procedures
First aid procedures
Children’s needs
Assessment of children
Behaviour management policy
Student role
Medication policy
Answering the door/telephone
Welcoming parents and child
Policy on collecting children
Policy on Lost/Missing Child
Whistleblowing policy
Policies and Procedures File/Operational Plan
Health and safety procedure
No smoking policy
Risk Assessments and Daily Checklist
Storage of any staff medication including unprescribed (e.g. paracetamol)
Cleaning rota