USDA-funded Beef Safety STEC CAP Project
Student Application for STEC-STEP Internship Program
Undergraduate, graduate, MPH, and veterinary students are invited to apply for Student Training and Education (STEC-STEP) internships with the USDA STEC Coordinated Agricultural Projects (CAP) grant. This USDA-National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) funded grant is focused on understanding and controlling shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) throughout the beef system. Internships can be science-based research projects, or interns can work with education and outreach specialists to develop, administer and evaluate programs affiliated with the STEC CAP grant. This call for applications is for Spring, Summer and Fall 2014 semesters. See a full list of projects and a more detailed STEC-STEP internship program description at (
Students selected for STEC-STEP internships will receive a stipend of $4500 in two installments. Work hours are project based and may require 200 – 500 hours of work per internship. These projects will be direct, hands-on research experiences. Projects involving educational program development and administration, outreach efforts and program assessment affiliated with the STEC CAP project are also considered. Students selected for the STEC-STEP internships will be required to submit a final technical report and present their work as a poster at the annual STEC CAP conference and symposium. Travel and poster printing expenses to the meeting will be reimbursed up to $1000.
Required Student Application Information
Student Name:
Contact Information: Email:
Home Institution and Degree Program:
Is your Institution a Minority Serving Institution Yes No
Project Name/Supervisor/Institution for which you are applying (may identify up to three projects with order of preference indicated):
Current Educational Status and Related Experiences:
Brief description of your interest in and qualifications for the project. Include how this experience will advance your future professional aspirations (limited to 500 words):
Please include a current transcript (an unofficial copy issued to students is acceptable), a one-page resume, and one letter of reference from an academic advisor or science instructor.
Student selection criteria and responsibilities
1. Science major/related experience and genuine interest demonstrated
2. 3.0 GPA or greater preferred (not required)
3. Submit full application with current transcript (unofficial copy issued to student accepted) and one-page resume
4. Provide one letter of recommendation from academic advisor or science instructor
5. Commit to working 200 - 500 hours during the semester or summer of the project
6. Be available to work during hours that supervisor is present
7. Prepare final technical report and poster in conjunction with research supervisor
8. Attend STEC CAP annual meeting and present poster*
9. Participate in post-internship assessment conducted by OEIE
*Students will have their travel and poster expenses up to $1000 paid to attend the annual STEC CAP conference.
Please submit these documents electronically as a full package before 5:00PM (CST) on September 15, 2015. Questions regarding any aspect of the student application process should be directed to .