Emails and Text Messagesv8.docx

Student Engagement Monitoring Project

Attendance Monitoring System Frequently Asked Questions


Document Details

Version / Status
(Draft or Approved) / Date / Author/Editor / Details of Change
1.0 / Draft / 01/06/2017 / Rachel Holmes / Initial draft
1.1 / Revised Draft / 15/06/2017 / Rachel Holmes / Amendments from SEOs and ISDS
1.2 / Revised Draft / 27/06/2017 / Rachel Holmes / Student FAQ and International FAQ draft

Table of Contents

Staff FAQ

Operating the New System

General Questions

Student FAQ

Operating the New System

T4 International Students

Staff FAQ

A list of frequently asked questions has been developed to support the new system. This will be further developed as the project progresses. Please contact if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback.

Operating the New System

I am unable to log into the Presto system
All members of staff who have any defined teaching in the timetabling system should be able to access Presto Online Register. Please log on to the system using the following link, using your normal network log on credentials:

In the event that you are unable to log in using your normal credentials, please contact call the IT Helpline on 0161 247 4646.
My current session does not appear on the ‘My Timetable’ section of Presto
If you are not able to see the session you are currently teaching on the ‘My Timetable’ section of Presto, you are able to search for the session using the filters on the left hand side of the screen.
Please note:sessions may not appear in ‘My Timetable’ a session has been timetabled for more than one member of staff.
To search by ‘activity’:
1)Select Observe > Timetables.
2)Find the search box (magnifying glass) for the folder ‘tree’ labelled ‘Activities’ on the left hand menu
3)Type in at least 4 characters of your surname or first name and press enter
4)The tree will expand and you will be able to choose your name
5)Repeatedly pressing the magnifying glass or pressing enter will make cursor cycle through names that match what you typed in
6)Select your name and click the ‘apply’ button at the bottom
7)All sessions that Timetabling are aware you are teaching will appear in the main window
8)Select the relevant session to begin the online register and select ‘start observation’ to begin registering students
Please note: if more than one member of staff has been timetabled for a session, the name of the member of staff that is ‘alphabetically first’ tutor will appear. This does not affect the online register.
To search by ‘location’:
1)Select Observe > Timetables.
2)Find the search box (magnifying glass) for the folder ‘tree’ labelled ‘Activities’ on the left hand menu
3)Type in the room number (e.g. BS G.86 or G.86), including any spaces and full stops.
4)Repeatedly pressing the magnifying glass or pressing enter will make cursor cycle through rooms that match what you typed in
5)All sessions that have been timetabled to the selected room will appear in the main window
6)Select the relevant session to begin the online register and select ‘start observation’ to begin registering students
How do I save the register?
Once you have started an observation on the online register, you do not have to manually save it, as the system saves the register automatically. You will be able to access the register again at any point during or after the session and make changes to it. Again, any changes that you make will be saved automatically.
Do I have to complete the register at the start of the lesson?
No, the register can be accessed and altered at any time during the session or even after the session has finished. Whenever is most convenient for you.To ensure attendance information remains accurate please complete registers by the end of the working day.
How do I logout of the system?
To log out of the Presto system, simply click on the button in the top right hand corner of the screen depicting a computer icon and red arrow.
A student has lost their card, what should they do?
If the student has lost their card then they can be reissued a new card at the Student Hubs. You can manually mark the student as present using the Presto online register. Please remind the student to visit the Student Hub as soon as possible so they can be reissued with a new card. For more information on student hubs please go to:
Please note, the student hub is able to issue new cards to students but cannot mark their attendance on the online register. If for any reason, you are unable to mark a student as present in the register yourself, please contact the appropriate student engagement officer (SEO) below.
SEO Contacts:
Manchester campus
Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Department of Psychology

Manchester Fashion Institute

Programmes within Health and Social Care

Cheshire campus

Tier 4 international students

A student has forgotten their card, what should they do?
If a student has forgotten their card, they can be manually registered using the Presto online register. Remind them that they must bring their card to all of their timetabled sessions in the future.
‘No Timetable’ message on card reader
If the ‘No Timetable’ message comes up on the card-reader display then it means the student is either attending the wrong session which they’re not timetabled for or attending a session deemed to be an alternative one, but without this having gone through timetabling. Ask the student to check their timetable and attend the correct session if possible. Students can also be added in to the register by searching for the student name or ID number using the filter on the right hand side. Once you have found the student, select ‘apply’ and they will appear on the register. Please note: these amendments will not adjust the timetable so all changes must be reported to timetabling and/or their Student Engagement Officer as students will still show as being absent for their original class.
The card reader is not functioning
If the card reader is functioning correctly, the screen will display the room number in its normal state. This means that the reader is communicating with the Presto Attendance Monitoring System. When a students’ card is scanned, the reader will beep once and display the students’ name. If the student is not expected at the session in timetabling, the reader will beep twice and display the message ‘no timetable’. Please refer to the ‘No Timetable’ message FAQ.
If a card reader displays either an ‘Offline’ message, or the screen is blank, this should be reported to the IT Helpline on 0161 247 4646 so that we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
You canmanually complete the registration yourself using the Presto online register.
I’m having issues with the Presto online register
If you are using a Windows device and experience any issues with the online register, please ensure you are using Internet Explorer. If you still experience issues, please call the IT Helpline on 0161 247 4646.
If you are using a Mac device you may find that you require a scroll bar for ease of navigation. If this is not present please follow the instructions here. If you still experience issues please call the IT Helpline on 0161 247 4646.

General Questions

I am concerned about a student’s engagement, where should I refer them?
If you have any concerns over a student’s engagement with their course, please refer the student to their Personal Tutor or Student Engagement Officer (SEO). SEOs can check if a student has been picked up by the engagement monitoring system and ensure the necessary follow-up takes place. The system is designed to identify at an early stage students who are starting to disengage with their studies and make sure they are given the appropriate opportunities and support to enable them to re-engage.
SEO Contacts:
Manchester campus
Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Department of Psychology

Manchester Fashion Institute

Programmes within Health and Social Care

Cheshire campus

Tier 4 international students

I need to change my room booking at short notice; do I need to inform anyone?
Yes. Please contact your Department’s timetabling team as soon as you aware of any room changes. Registration is directly linked to timetabling and registration data will be directly affected if changes are not reported promptly. You can find your departmental timetabling team’s contact details at
Will the new attendance monitoring system detract from my teaching time?
The new system has been designed to ensure efficient registration for students and staff. Where card readers are in place, students can swipe in as they walk into the room and the process should take no longer than if students were simply entering the room without having to register. The online registers are designed to take the same or less time than taking a paper, with the advantage of not having to prepare and print registers in advance. To improve efficiency, the register has the option of marking all students present (if most students appear to be in the session) or absent (if most students appear to be absent). You can then deselect the student that are wither absent or present. The register also includes students’ photos to enable staff to identify those in the room.
I have been asked to hold meetings with students who are not engaging, is there any guidance I can refer to?
It is vital for the success of student engagement monitoring that we not only measure students’ engagement but put in place measures to support students. Student Experience Support Tutors, Programme Support Tutors and Academic staff are responsible for conducting the meetings to discuss students’ absence, identify any potential issues and offering appropriate support and guidance, referring to another service if necessary e.g. Student Hub or Student Support Officer. Information and guidance about holding discussions with students about engagement is available on the CELT website:
How can I support students who have missed too many sessions?
Please direct students to their Unit Leader, Programme Support Tutor or Student Experience Support Tutor if you feel they need support with any academic work they may have missed.
An international student has asked me how to register, how should I advise them?
Tier 4 International students should register their attendance using the following link:
Please note that online registration for classes is available for Tier 4 International students only.
Each session needs to be registered for individually and they are not required to use their student card to swipe in. If the student has any issues, they can contact the international office .
A student has asked for an attendance report, can this be provided?
Students can get an overview of their attendance by logging into their student profile on Presto at the following link
Student Engagement Officers are also able to provide a report on their attendance.
How will the lecture capture project effect attendance monitoring?
Lecture capture is intended to be used as a revision aid and to support learning. It is not intended to replace attendance at timetabled sessions. Students are still expected to attend all timetables sessions.
What do I do if a student is seen scanning a card for someone else?
Scanning a card for someone else, giving your card to someone else to scan in for you or scanning in and then not attending is not allowed and will be considered as a breach of the code of conduct. Students may be referred to their Learning and Teaching Group Manager in the first instance.
Any attendance discrepancies in rooms with card readers can be overwritten using the online register at


Operating the New System

Am I expected to attend all of my timetabled sessions?
Where possible, you should attend all of your timetabled sessions, unless you are informed otherwise by your tutor. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please contact your Student Engagement Officer. Your tutor may on occasion inform you that a session is optional. If this is the case, it is their responsibility to ensure the timetabling team are aware of this. The session will still appear on your timetable, but you may not be required to attend.
Whose attendance is being recorded on the new attendance registration system?
For 2017/18, a new attendance monitoring system will be in place for the following students on the Manchester campus:
  • All Level 3 and 4
  • Level 5 students involved in the old attendance monitoring system
  • All Tier 4 International Students
In Cheshire, the new attendance monitoring system will be in place for all level 5 and 6 students, and all Tier 4 International students. Over the next 3 years, the new attendance monitoring system will be rolled out to all undergraduate students.
Why does the University monitor my attendance?
There are lots of studies and research showing the positive links between good attendance and good grades. We care about our students getting the best outcome possible and therefore have a duty to try and help in any way we can. We are promoting the message that student attendance matters.
We use the registration data to monitor attendance levels and identify students who need extra support. It allows us to intervene before a student’s poor attendance puts them at risk of failure.
How do I register my attendance?
The new attendance monitoring system uses the following registration methods:
Manchester Campus:
  • RFID (touch) card readers
Card readers will be in place in rooms with a capacity of 30 or more.Where there is a reader in the room, students are responsible for registering their own attendance. Attendance is registered by placing your student ID card against the reader (much like a contactless payment card).
  • Online Register
In smaller rooms, with a capacity of 29 or less, tutors are responsible for registering students’ attendance using the Presto Online Register. If there is no card reader present in the room, you do not need to do anything, as your tutor will register your attendance for you.
Cheshire Campus:
Attendance for all classes at the Cheshire Campus will be registered by tutors, using either the online register or, for larger classes, paper registers which will be updated on the system after the class.
If you are a Tier 4 International student, self-registration application will be made available for you to use through the following link:
For more information, please go to
Is it compulsory for students to register their attendance?
Yes. Students who have been asked to use the card readers should do so for all timetabled classes where a card reader is present. In other cases, or for smaller classes, your tutor will register your attendance for you.
If you are a Tier 4 International student, you must register your attendance for all timetabled classes through the attendance registration portal:
‘No Timetable’ message on card reader
The attendance system works by matching your registered attendance with your timetabled sessions. If the ‘No Timetable’ message comes up on the card-reader display then it may indicate that you are attending a session which you are not timetabled for.
Please check your timetable and attend the correct sessions wherever possible. Your personalised timetable is available to view on your virtual learning environment at MyMMU.
If you believe your timetable is incorrect, please visit an Advisor at your nearest Student Hub and explain the problem. They will make sure your timetable is accurate.
Your timetable can only be changed in exceptional circumstances. If you wish to attend an alternative session and your Unit Leader agrees to the change, they need to email the relevant timetabling team member to get this changed on your student timetable. Your timetable will not be amended until this has been arranged with the timetabling office.
If you are concerned that any sessions have not been registered correctly, or you have attended an alternative session without the change being made to your timetable, please contact your Student Engagement Officer who will be able to update your record.
The card reader is not functioning
If the card reader is functioning correctly, the screen will display the room number in its normal state. This means that the reader is communicating with the Presto Attendance Monitoring System. When your ID card is scanned, the reader will light up, beep once and display the students’ name. If you are not expected at the session in timetabling, the reader will beep twice and display the message ‘no timetable’. Please refer to the ‘No Timetable’ message FAQ.