Student Allergy Procedures

At the beginning of each school year, the parent/guardian of a student diagnosed with a serious or life-threatening allergy shall be asked to notify the school,provide documentation from a health care provider annually, and complete a permission form for prescribed medications and health procedures and authorization to release information forms. Documentation from a provider specializing in allergy management shall be required at least once for food allergies.

If the allergy is food related, meal accommodations shall be made for students with serious or life-threatening allergies documented by a health care provider as required above.

The Board shall operate programs for students with disabilities in accordance with the legal obligations contained in the District special education and section 504 procedures relating to such programs.

School Health Staff

School health staff shall inform school administration and designated staff as appropriateof students with serious or life-threatening allergies. School health staff will annually review the medical information for students with serious or life-threatening allergies and provide training for designated staff on use of emergency medications and procedures per KRS 156.502.

Food Allergy Measures

In schools with students diagnosed with serious or life-threatening allergies, designated food service staff shall read all food labels and recheck routinely for potential food allergens. Staff shall be trained in identification of allergic reactions and be trained annually about sound food handling practices to avoid cross-contamination with potential allergens.

Signs shall be posted in cafeterias and classrooms of students with serious or life-threatening food allergies.

If parent gives permission by completing the appropriate District FERPA form, a recent school photo of each child with a serious or life-threatening food allergy shall be posted in the serving area with the child’s emergency information.

Parents of students in primary classrooms containing children with serious or life-threatening allergies will be notified by letter requesting allergen free snacks. No homemade treats or food items will be brought into classrooms for class parties where students have serious or life-threatening food allergies. All treats must be commercially prepared and packaged for distribution with intact ingredient labels.

Other Measures

Students with allergies are encouraged to take as much responsibility as possible for avoiding potential allergens andlearning to recognize symptoms of an allergic reaction. An adult should be informed if exposure to an allergen or reaction occurs.

Related Policy:


Related Procedures:

09.14 AP.24

09.22 AP.22

09.2241 medication procedures


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