650 Territorial Road NE | Blaine, MN 55434 | 763-506-3300
Dorothy M. Olsen, Principal
September 2016
In This Issue
Principal’s Message
Accident Insurance Coverage
Volunteer Corner
PTO Corner
School Calendar
September 14
PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
September 16
Constitution/Citizenship Day
September 30
October 6
Watchdogs, Dads & students Pizza Night, 6:15
October 10,11,13
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 12
Picture Day
Important Numbers
Absence Line:
Main Office:
Adventures Plus:
Community School:
www.anoka.k12.mn.us/madison / Principal’s Message
Dear Madison Families,
Welcome to the start of the 2016-17 school year! It was wonderful to see so many families at Open House and I extend a special welcome to our new families at Madison. You can receive the “Madison Memo” both electronically and in hard copy. Thank you for reviewing the information each month.
We welcome the following new staff to Madison:
Lynne Opheim – Sp. Ed. Teacher
Leah Nagel – Gr. 4-5 Explorations Teacher
Lori Yerbich – Media Generalist
Becky King – Psychologist
Lucy Sgroi – Mental Health Therapist
Niki Wodash – District Engagement Coach
Judy Kronstedt – Secretary
Joanne Taylor – Sp. Ed. Para
Jeanine Marano – Art Teacher
The entire Madison staff was thrilled to find out we were recognized by the Minnesota Department of Education for being a Title I school receiving “Reward Status” as a result of our MCA scores. This is based on proficiency, student growth and achievement gap reduction. Reward status goes to the top 15% of Title schools. This recognition is a result of the hard work of our staff and students!
Regular attendance sets up a good pattern for your child’s entire school career. Please put school first by trying to keep days off for illnesses and family emergencies. We also appreciate when routine doctor and dentist appointments are scheduled for after school or over school breaks.
Madison teachers work hard to help every student reach their potential, are dedicated to your children and value the support of our families. Working together, we can make great things possible during the 2016-17 school year!
Your principal,
Dorothy M. Olsen
Student accident insurance is available
Anoka-Hennepin schools work hard to provide a safe environment for students. The district’s Health and Safety Committee reviews concerns and suggests safe practices for schools to follow. However, despite best efforts, accidents do occasionally happen. Even normal childhood activities such as playing on the playground or participating in physical education classes carry a potential for injury.
The district does not provide insurance coverage for accidents that may occur during the regular school day. Parents should consider this when planning their family insurance program. As a service to students and their families, the district is offering its students the opportunity to purchase low cost student accident insurance at a nominal cost. (Annual cost is $50 for Pre-K-8 grade/$75 for grades 9-12). This cost provides at school protection under the standard plan) This insurance can help with deductibles and co-pays under your health insurance plan or provide primary coverage for accidents when no health insurance is available. All school-sponsored and supervised activities and time spent in school are covered as defined by the terms and limitation of the policy. (Skiing is excluded. Football coverage is available for an additional charge). Families can purchase 24 hour coverage for an increased premium. Additional benefits are available by purchasing Deluxe Benefits coverage.
Please note insurance is recommended for students participating in district athletics.
To Find the Brochure PDF and/or enroll online:
Go to the home page at www.1stAgency.com
From there, Go to “Find Your School” (under Anoka-Hennepin); select the state; and hit “Go”
From there, you can download and print the brochure/enrollment form PDF and enroll via mail OR enroll online with a credit card.
Madison PTO is very excited about the upcoming school year! Our welcome packet went home last week. It includes meeting dates, scheduled activities, and our contact information.
The first PTO meeting of the school year will be TONIGHT, Wednesday September 14th in the Media Center at 6:30 pm. We would love for as many parents and staff to come as possible. We will be talking about and planning the school year and would love the new input.
The 9th annual Mustang-a-Thon will be held Friday, September 30th. Students will be encouraged to ask family and friends to pledge them for this event. Money raised from the Mustang-A-Thon this year will be used towards a NEW CLIMBING WALL for the gym!! We will be walking on the sidewalk and trails around Madison. Please come the day of the event to help cheer on the students and celebrate Madison pride!
Thank you to all the Kindergarten parents that came to the BooHoo-Yahoo breakfast on the first day of school. It was great to meet all the new faces and we look forward to seeing you around this school year!
NEW! Join the Madison PTO group on Facebook for the latest updates and reminders! Search “Madison PTO” and click join!
Please call the attendance line if your child will be late or absent from school. 763-506-3306.
Please keep your child home from school for the following reasons:
-vomitted within 24 hours
-diarrhea within 24 hours
-fever of 100 degrees or higher within 24 hours without fever reducer
-rash that hasn't been seen by physician
If you have questions please call Megan Etienne(Health Para)763-506-3304
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! A special welcome to our new and returning families! The Anoka-Hennepin School District requires that volunteers complete the application process each school year. Please note: Some volunteer opportunities, including field trip chaperones, challenge reading and math plus leaders and book fair workers require additional processing by the volunteer coordinator. Please notify the volunteer coordinator at least two weeks prior to volunteering for these opportunities.
· Complete a Volunteer Application. The application can be found on Madison’s website under the involvement tab and volunteer opportunities. All applications are online this year. You will need to set up a new account and password.
· Complete the Criminal Record History Release Form online. If you do not have Internet access, please contact the volunteer coordinator for a paper copy.
· The Volunteer Coordinator will contact you once the paperwork is processed.
· When volunteering, please sign in and out in the school office and wear a nametag while in the building. Other helpful information can be found in the Volunteer Handbook, located on Madison’s website or from the volunteer coordinator.
You can stay up to date with the many sign ups at www.myvolunteerpage.com. Here is a list of our upcoming volunteer opportunities:
Breakfast Helpers:
· We need volunteers to help our kindergarten students with their pin numbers and breakfast trays. Breakfast times are from 8:50 to 9:25.
Lunchroom Helpers:
· We need volunteers to help with our younger students in the lunchroom. The time slots that I have available are from 11:00-12:30.
Weekly Packets (Staple Club):
· We need volunteers to staple take-home papers on Tuesdays @ 2:30 in the cafeteria. This will be ongoing through the school year.
Poster Hanging:
· A volunteer is needed to hang posters in the hallway at the beginning of each month. This should take less than one hour.
Challenge Reading:
· I am looking for several individuals that would be willing to lead a challenge reading group after school. The goal of challenge reading is to provide additional, on-going literature experiences for interested students in K-5 grades. Please contact me if you are interested.
· The Madison PTO Mustang-A-Thon is Friday, September 30. We will need volunteers to walk with each class and many, many people to cheer on our Mustangs!
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students):
· Calling all men! We need male role models to volunteer one day during the school year. To learn more about this exciting volunteer opportunity, please RSVP for our pizza launch dinner on October 6th at 6:15. I will also need several women to help serve the pizza.
Safety Patrol:
· I need an individual to help our safety patrols before and after school as our students are learning their very important job.
Destination Imagination:
· I need several parents that are willing to be a part of the largest, most exciting and challenging creative problem solving program in the world! Contact the Volunteer Services Coordinator for more information.
Thank you for sharing your time and talents with the staff and students at Madison!
Joyce Wold
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Madison Elementary School
Monday - Thursday 8:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
(763) 506-3340
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