·  Thursday, April 20, 2017

·  Call to Order 7:30 PM

·  Prayer

·  Previous Meeting Minutes approved by voice vote.

·  Board Updates:

o  President’s Report: Assistant coaches must have “Coaches Make a Positive Difference” certificate, per the district. Coach number required. 7th grade baseball games covered by the district refs. 13 Umpires for training, 9 took the test, 7 passed the test.

o  Vice President: No report.

o  Treasurer Report: No report.

o  Secretary: No report.

·  Coordinator Report:

o  Baseball/Softball/T-Ball:
New helmets, 4 new per team. Season is ready to begin. Hats missing for a few teams.
Umpiring Report: No report.

o  Golf: Big kids league start tournaments next weekend. Younger Leagues starting soon.

o  Soccer: Woodlands will be used again next year for soccer. May look into renting portable lights for soccer field at Sts. Joachim and Ann.

o  Volleyball: No report.

o  Basketball: Reimbursements for refs and table workers. $90 fee multiple child discount, may not be covering costs. YMCA league has 8 games. Not lowering costs, comparing costs with other parishes. 2nd grade camp helps grow the program. $50 for third child potentially a money loser for the association. May look at raising fees for high school teams. More time in the gym/parish center needed.
Referee Report: No report.

o  Field Report: Located permanent bases.

o  Parish Center Report: No report.

o  Outdoor Concession Stand: New coffee machine needed. Popcorn machine may need replacement. Parent sign-up coming up soon. Plumbing fixed.

o  Indoor Concession Stand: No report.

o  Uniforms: All uniforms distributed to teams. Teams has to match with respect to wearing pants or shorts for girls, and the same color for the entire team for boys. Spirit wear is coming soon.

o  Maintenance Report: No report.

o  New/Old Business: Mouse races, $20 per ticket, Adults only in the Parish center, April 29, 2017. $600 cost to get Mouse race organizer to J-A.
Sand volleyball, Gail Fann coordinating it again this this year.

·  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm

·  Attendance: Steve Buchholz, Scott Steinbruegge, Darren Schlueter, Michele Cohen, Tom Bourquin, Mary Auer, Beth Versheldon, Eric Ray.