Record structure of the files


Name AliasText

POC_BYTU AV01Number of all dwellings in a building/ Number of households in non-residential dwellings

VLASTNIK_DOMUAV02Owner of the house

DRUH_DOMUAV03Type of the house

OBYDL_DOMUAV04Occupancy status

OBD_STAVBYAV05Period of the house construction

OBD_REKONSTRAV06Period of the house reconstruction

KONSTR_MATAV07Material used for outer walls

POC_NADZ_PAV08Number of floors (above the ground)

VYTAHAV09Lift in the house

VODOVODAV10Water supply system

KANALIZACEAV11Sewage disposal system

PLYNAV12Piped gas

USTR_TOPENIAV13Central heating

SCH_VYBAV_BYT AV14Identical equipment of all dwellings in blocks of flats



POC_OSOBBV01Number of persons living in a dwelling/Number

of persons of a household in a non-residential dwelling

OBYDLENOSTBV02Dwelling occupancy

PRAV_DUVODBV03Legal reason for the use of the dwelling

KUCHYNBV04Kitchen or kitchenette

PODL_PL_OBYTBV05Floor space of rooms

PODL_PL_CELKBV06Total floor space of the dwelling

POC_OBYTBV07Number of rooms (8+m2)

POC_MISTBV08Number of rooms of 4-7,9 m2

POLOHABV09Position of the dwelling


PRACKABV11Own automatic washing-machine



CHATABV14Cottage, weekend-house, holiday house


VODOVODBV16Piped water

TEPLA_VODABV17Piped hot water

PLYNBV18Piped gas

VYTAPENIBV19Main type of heating

KOUPELNABV20Bathroom (shower)

ZACHODBV21Toilet facilities



RC1EV01ABirth number – 1st two digits

RC2EV01BBirth number – 2nd two digits

RC3EV01CBirth number – 3rd two digits

DRUH_POBYTUEV02Type of residence

VZTAH_UZIVEV03ARelation to the dwelling user

PC_HDEV04Serial number of a housekeeping household in a

dwelling/household in a non-residential


VZTAH_HDEV05Relation to the person in the head of

housekeeping household

PC_CDEV06Serial number of a census household in a

dwelling/household in a non-residential


VZTAH_CDEV07ARelation to the person in the head of census


ODD_BYDLEV07BSeparately living husband/wife in a census




ROD_STAVEV10Marital status

MESIC_SNATKUEV11AMonth of the wedding date

ROK_SNATKUEV11BWedding year

POR_SNATKUEV12Order of the current/last marriage

POC_DETIEV13ANumber of all live-born children

POC_DETI_POSEV13BNumber of live-born children from the

current/last marriage



JAZYKEV16Mother tongue


SKOLAEV18Highest educational attainment

EKONOM_AKTEV19Economic activity - dependence


SPOL_SKUPEV22Social group

ZAMESTNAVATELEV23Employer, attended school

DOJIZDKAEV24Journey to work, school

CAS_DOJIZDKYEV25Commuting time



RC1EV01A Birth number – 1st two digits

RC2EV01B Birth number – 2nd two digits

RC3EV01C Birth number – 3rd two digits

DRUH_POBYTUEV02 Type of residence

VZTAH_ZAREV03B Relationship to the facility



ROD_STAVEV10 Marital status

MESIC_SNATKUEV11A Month of the wedding date

ROK_SNATKUEV11B Wedding year

POR_SNATKUEV12 Order of the current/last marriage

POC_DETIEV13A Number of all live-born children

POC_DETI_POSEV13B Number of live-born children from the current/last marriage

OBCANSTVIEV14 Citizenship

NARODNOSTEV15 Nationality

JAZYKEV16 Mother tongue


SKOLAEV18 Completed education

EKONOM_AKTEV19 Economic activity - dependence


SPOL_SKUPEV22 Social group

ZAMESTNAVATELEV23 Employer, attended school

DOJIZDKAEV24 Journey to work, school

CAS_DOJIZDKYEV25 Duration of the journey


House data

AV01 Number of all dwellings in a building/ Number of households in non-residential dwellings

0-499 three-digit number

AV02 Owner of the house

1 municipality, housing establishment, etc.

2 another state organization (enterprise, office, institute)

3 housing association

4 people’s housing association (formed before World War II)

5 agricultural cooperative

6 another cooperative association

7 Czech citizen (individual) or mixed private company

8 foreign organization or foreign citizen

0 not found; non-residential dwelling

AV03 Type of dwelling

1 Family household

2 Building with multiple apartments

3 Building without multiple apartments

4 Single, pension, group quarters

5 Company housing with group facilities

6 Students dormitories

7 Teenagers dormitories

8 Vocational training dormitories

9 Children dormitories

10 Institutions for elderly

11 Institutions for adults

12 Institutions for children

13 Correctional institutions

14 Hospitals

15 Sanatoria

16 Hotels, motels

17 Organizations for tourists

18 Other recreational institutions, summer camps

19 Household associated with institutions, non-residential living

0 Dwelling not inhabited or non-residential

AV04 Occupancy status

1 occupied

2 accommodation facility without dwelling

3 not lived in after building approval yet

4 unoccupied – change of the user

5 unoccupied – inheritance proceedings

6 unoccupied – reconstruction

7 unoccupied – residential holiday house

8 unoccupied – no interest in dwellings

9 not suitable for housing

10 unoccupied – destined for demolition

11 unoccupied due to another reason or reason not found

12 temporarily used for non-residential purposes

13 house with all dwellings not subject to census

0 other cases, non-residential dwelling

AV05 Period of construction of the house

1 1899 and before

2 1900 - 1919

3 1920 - 1945

4 1946 - 1960

5 1961 - 1970

6 1971 - 1980

7 1981 - 1985

8 1986 - 1989

9 1990 - 1991

0 not found, non-residential dwelling

AV06 Period of reconstruction of the house

1 not reconstructed

2 till and in 1960

3 1961 - 1970

4 1971 - 1980

5 1981 - 1985

6 1986 - 1991

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV07 Material used for outer walls

1 stone

2 bricks (shaped bricks)

3 stone and bricks

4 prefabricated panels

5 framed structure

6 wood

7 unburned bricks

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV08 Number of over-ground floors

1-29 two-digit number

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV09 Lift in the house

1 yes

2 no

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV10 Water supply system

1 piped water in the building – from a public main

2 piped water in the building – from a private source

3 piped water outside the building - from a public main

4 piped water outside the building - from a private source

5 no piped water

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV11 Sewage disposal system

1 piped system connected to a public sewage disposal plant

2 cesspool, sump

3 no sewage disposal system and no cesspool

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV12 Piped gas

1 piped gas

2 no piped gas

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV13 Central heating

1 solid-fuel-burning central heating with a boiler room in the house

2 central heating system with a gas boiler room in the house

3 other-fuel-burning central heating with a boiler room in the house

4 solid-fuel-burning block boiler plant

5 other-fuel-burning block boiler plant

6 solid-fuel-burning district heating system

7 other-fuel-burning district heating system

8 no central heating system

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

AV14 Identical equipment of all dwelling in blocks of flats

1 yes - fully

2 yes – without gas

3 no and flats in other houses than blocks of flats

0 not found, house unoccupied, non-residential housing unit

Dwelling data

BV01 Number of persons living in a dwelling/Number of persons in a household in a non-residential housing unit

0-36 two-digit number

BV02 Dwelling occupancy

1 occupied permanently – single user

2 occupied permanently – administratively divided

3 not yet occupied – after building approval

4 unoccupied – change of user

5 unoccupied – inheritance proceedings

6 unoccupied – due to reconstruction

7 unoccupied – dwelling in a residential holiday house

8 unoccupied – no interest in dwelling

9 not suitable for housing

10 unoccupied – vacated before house demolition

11 unoccupied for another reason or reason not found

12 temporarily used for non-residential purposes

13 dwelling not subject to census

0 non-residential household

BV03 Legal reason for the use of the dwelling

1 dwelling in own house

2 ownership of the dwelling

3 other type of free use of the dwelling

4 tenement dwelling (including dwelling belonging to the People's Housing Association formed before World War II)

5 dwelling belonging to a member of a housing association

6 caretaker’s dwelling, tied dwelling

7 another reason

0 not found, non-residential household

BV04 Kitchen or kitchenette

1-39 size in m2 (two-digit number)

0 dwelling without kitchen, size not found, non-residential household

BV05 Floor space of rooms

8-200 three-digit number

0 non-residential household

BV06 Living floor space of the dwelling

8-250 three-digit number

0 non-residential household

BV07 Number of rooms (8+ m2)

1-9 one-digit number

0 non-residential household

BV08 Number of rooms 4-7.9 m2

1-9 one-digit number

0 non-residential household

BV09 Location of the dwelling

1 ground floor

2 ground floor and 1st floor

3 1st floor

4 2nd floor

5 3rd floor

6 4th-6th floor

7 7th and higher floor

8 basement or cellar

0 not found, dwelling not inhabited or non-residential

BV10 Freezer

1 independent freezer

2 refrigerator with a freezer

3 no freezer

0 not found, dwelling not inhabited or non-residential

BV11 Own automatic washing machine

1 yes

2 no

0 not found, dwelling not inhabited or non-residential

BV12 TV set

1 Colour TV set

2 Black & white TV set

3 None

0 Dwelling not inhabited or non-residential

BV13 Telephone

1 yes

2 no

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV14 Weekend-house, cottage, holiday house

1 yes

2 no

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV15 Car

1 yes

2 no

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV16 Water supply system

1 piped water in the dwelling

2 piped water in the building only

3 outside the building, no piped water

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV17 Piped hot water

1 from a source outside the dwelling, central heating with a boiler room outside the building or inside the building

2 from a boiler

3 no piped hot water

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV18 Piped gas

1 piped gas

2 no piped gas

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV19 Main type of heating

1 central heating, remote heating

2 gas level heating

3 electric level heating

4 solid-fuel level heating in the dwelling

5 solid-fuel level heating outside the dwelling

6 solid-fuel burning stove

7 electric stove (accumulation heaters)

8 gas fire (WAW, GAMAT etc.)

9 other or combined heating

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV20 Bathroom (shower)

1 in the housing unit

2 private, outside the housing unit

3 shared, outside the housing unit

4 no bathroom (shower)

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

BV21 Toilet facilities

1 flush toilet in the housing unit

2 private flush toilet outside the housing unit

3 shared flush toilet outside the housing unit

4 no flush toilet

0 not found, dwelling unoccupied, non-residential dwelling

Data on person

EV01A Birth number – first two digits

0-99 two-digit number

EV01B Birth number – second two digits

1-12 two-digit number, for men

51-62 two-digit number, for women

EV01C Birth number – third two digits

1-31 two-digit number

EV02 Type of residence

1 permanent - present

2 permanent – temporarily not present

3 temporary (dwelling user due to employment)

EV03A Relation to the dwelling user

1 dwelling user

2 dwelling user’s wife (husband)

3 dwelling user’s son, daughter

4 dwelling user’s son-in-law, daughter in law

5 dwelling user’s grandchild, great-grandchild

6 dwelling user’s parent, grandparent, parent-in-law

7 another relative of the dwelling user

8 dwelling user’s cohabitant

9 subtenant

0 another person

EV03B Relation to the facility

0 cleared value

EV04 Serial number of housekeeping household in a dwelling/household in a non-residential housing unit

1-9 one-digit number

0 person beyond housekeeping household

EV05 Relation to the person in the head of housekeeping household

1 Head of housekeeping household

2 Wife of the head of housekeeping household

3 Son, daughter of the head of housekeeping household

4 Child-in-law of the head of housekeeping household

5 Grandchild, great-grandchild of the head of housekeeping household

6 Parent, grand-parent, parent-in-law of the head of housekeeping household

7 Other relative of person at the head of housekeeping household

8 Common-law wife of person at the head of housekeeping household

9 Non-relative person

0 Person beyond housekeeping household

EV06 Serial number of census household in a dwelling/household in a non-residential housing unit

1-9 one-digit number

0 person beyond census household

EV07A Relation to the person in the head of census household

1 Head of census household

2 Wife of the head of census household

3 Son, daughter of the head of census household

4 Child-in-law of the head of census household

5 Grandchild, great-grandchild of the head of census household

6 Parent, grand-parent, parent-in-law of the head of census household

7 Other relative of person at the head of census household

8 Common-law wife of person at the head of census household

9 Non-relative person

0 Person beyond census household

EV07B Husband/wife living separately in a census household

1 for dwelling reasons

2 for other reasons

0 no and not found

EV08 Century

1 century

0 others

EV09 Sex

1 man

2 woman

EV10 Marital status

1 single

2 married

3 divorced

4 widow/widower

0 not found

EV11A Month of wedding date

0 January and February

1 March to December, not found and single

EV11B Wedding year

1-91 two-digit number

0 not found and single

EV12 Order of the current/last marriage

0 not found and single

1-5 one-digit number for others

EV13A Number of all live-born children

0-20 two-digit number for women born till or on 2 March 1976

99 others and not found

EV13B Number of live-born children in the current/last marriage

0-20 two-digit number for not single women born till or on 2 March 1976

99 others and not found

EV14 Citizenship

1 Czech Republic

2 Slovak Republic

3 another citizenship

0 no citizenship, not found

EV15 Nationality

1 Czech

2 Slovak

3 Moravian

4 Silesian

5 Hungarian

6 Romany

7 Polish

8 German

9 Ruthenian

10 Ukrainian

11 Russian

12 Jewish

13 Greek

14 Bulgarian

15 Romanian

16 Austrian

17 Vietnamese

18 Czechoslovak

99 another

0 not found

EV16 Mother tongue

1 Czech

2 Slovak

3 Hungarian

4 Romany

5 Polish

6 German

7 Russian

8 Ukrainian

9 another

0 not found

EV18 Highest educational attainment

1Elementary school (4 to 5 years of schooling), or incomplete primary school;

2Primary school (8 to 9 years of schooling[1]), or schools formerly called "council-schools” for 10 to 15 years old children;

3Apprenticeship schools, or apprentice training centres without school-leaving examinations (only apprenticeship-skilled worker exams and certificate);

4Vocational schools, technical (without school-leaving examination);

5Vocational schools, agriculture (without school-leaving examination);

6Vocational schools, forestry (without school-leaving examination);

7Vocational schools, business (without school-leaving examination);

8Vocational schools for girls, housekeeping (without school-leaving examination);

9Other vocational school including those not classified elsewhere (without school-leaving examination);

10Secondary apprenticeship training centre (with school-leaving examination);

11Secondary vocational school, technical (with school-leaving examination);

12Secondary vocational agricultural or fishery school (with school-leaving examination);

13Secondary vocational school, forestry (with school-leaving examination);

14Secondary vocational school, business or hotel-running (with school-leaving examination);

15Secondary school of social affairs and law (with school-leaving examination);

16Secondary vocational school, health (with school-leaving examination);

17Secondary vocational school, teacher-training (with school-leaving examination);

18Secondary school of journalism, cultural activities, public education, and librarianship (with school-leaving examination);

19Secondary school of arts and crafts (with school-leaving examination);

20Conservatoire, musical, or dance school (with school-leaving examination);

21Other secondary vocational school including not elsewhere classified (with school-leaving examination);

22Enterprise-operated high schools;

23Other, including not elsewhere classified schools of non-university tertiary education;

24Grammar schools (regular high schools);

25University degree, medicine;

26University degree, pharmacy;

27University degree, law;

28University degree, philosophy;

29University degree, mathematics and physics;

30University degree, natural sciences;

31Faculty or institute of physical training and sports;

32University degree, journalism;

33Faculty for teacher-training;

34University degree, construction engineering, geodesy and cartography;

35University degree, architecture;

36University degree, mechanical engineering or technology;

37University degree, textiles including textile engineering;

38University degree, electrical engineering;

39University degree, nuclear energy or physics engineering;

40University degree, chemistry and chemical technology;

41University degree, mining engineering or mining geology;

42University degree, metallurgy;

43University degree, Technical School of transport;

44University degree, Prague School of Economics;

45University degree, agricultural economy, or agronomy, or agricultural mechanization;

46University degree, forestry, or horticulture, or wood treating;

47University degree, School of Veterinary Medicine;

48University degree, School of Musical Arts;

49University degree, School of Graphic and Plastic Arts;

50University degree, School of Applied Arts;

51University degree, Theological faculty or training institution;

52Other or not elsewhere classified institution of higher learning;

53Persons born before 2.3.1976 incl. -- no school completed;

54Persons born before 2.3.1976 incl. -- no information on schooling given;

0Children born between 3 March 1976 and 2 March 1991;

EV19 Economic activity - dependence

1 Working pensioners

2 Women on maternity or additional maternity leave, men-recipients of parental benefits

3 Seeking employment

4 Other economically non-active

5 Non-working pensioners

6 Other not economically actives with own incomes

7 Children, pupils, students, except for students attending secondary apprentice training centres

8 Students attending secondary apprentice training centres

9 Housewives

0 Other dependant persons

EV21 Occupation

1Farmers, agriculturalists (agricultural machinery operators not included);

2Farmers, livestock;

3Agricultural machinery operators;

4Fishery workers;

5Forestry workers;

6Other not elsewhere classified, or not precisely defined, agricultural, forestry and fishery workers;

7Underground miners and quarrymen;

8Surface miners and quarrymen;

9Workers of briquette manufactures and dressing plants of ore and non-ore raw materials;

10Workers involved in geological, hydrologic and speleological research;

11Extraction workers and other occupations associated with extraction (well-drilling) of crude oil and natural gas;

12Metallurgy worker occupations;

13Workers of electricity, water, coke, gas production and of various kinds of power distribution;

14Workers of maintenance of water-course / rivers etc./ and members of professional diver teams;

15Other workers in the mining of raw materials in metallurgy, power and water supply;

16Workers not elsewhere classified, or not precisely defined, within activities of mining of raw materials, in metallurgy, power and water supply;

17Processors (producers) of chemical, rubber and plastic products;

18Processors of metals; mechanics and fitters-assemblers including adjusting operators;

19Producers of electrical products; electrical fitters and electricians-repairmen;

20Processors (producers) of siliceous products (glass, porcelain-china, ceramics-pottery and non-metallic construction materials);

21Processors of wood, paper, film, photographs; book-binders; printers;

22Processors (producers) of textiles and ready-made clothing;

23Processors of leather and fur;

24Processors (producers) of foodstuffs and beverages;

25Other workers-processors (producers), repairmen, maintenance men;

26Workers-processors not elsewhere classified, or not precisely defined (producers, repairmen, maintenance men);

27Workers at main construction words;

28Workers at sideline (intramural, etc.) construction works (including repairmen and maintenance men);

29Workers at construction of roads and at their maintenance;

30Crews of road-surface-laying and highway machines and crane operators at construction sites etc.;

31Workers at construction and maintenance of railway roadbeds and in the laying of railway tracks;

32Construction workers not elsewhere classified, or not precisely defined;

33Traffic workers;

34Other categories of transport network staff;

35Workers (employees) of postal and telecommunications services, of financial and insurance services, of utility (gas and electricity) companies;

36Workers occupied in retail trade (incl. own account workers);

37Workers occupied with personal, housing, and other services;

38Remaining categories (i.e. excluding the workers) of personal, housing and other services sphere staff;

39Workers (employees) and own account workers in public catering, accommodation and tourism;

40Storage workers (employees);

41Workers in warehouses equipped with mechanization devices and other staff of warehouses;

42Other auxiliary exploitation workers-labourers in productive activities;

43Members of fire brigades on public and enterprises’ levels and guards of establishments;

44Exploitation and auxiliary workers (employees) in computer activities;