TRR 2407
Structures 2014, Volume 2
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This issue contains 8 papers concerned with structures. The papers are grouped into 5 parts. The first part includes 4 articles on field testing and nondestructive evaluation of transportation structures. Specific topics addressed in this part include: surface wave measurements to characterize surface-breaking cracks in concrete bridge decks; a portable seismic property analyzer to assess Colorado’s Hanging Lake tunnel liner; ultrasonic tomography to detect structural impairment in tunnel linings; and field monitoring of rebar debonding in concrete bridge decks under traffic-induced vibrations. The second part concerns seismic design and performance of bridges and contains one paper that discusses a simplified uniform hazard liquefaction analysis. Part 3 concerns tunnels and underground structures and contains one paper that describes a full-scale inflatable plug for flood mitigation. Part 4 concerns culverts and hydraulic structures and contains one paper that discusses the time-dependent behavior of synthetic fiber-reinforced concrete pipes under long-term sustained loading. The last part concerns structural fiber-reinforced polymers and contains one paper on hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer girders topped with segmental precast concrete slabs for accelerated bridge construction.
TRR 2410
Freight Systems 2014, Volume 1: Planning, Modeling, and Logistics
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This issue contains 17 papers about the planning, modeling and logistics aspects of freight systems. Specific topics addressed include: truck traffic related to petroleum well development and production in unconventional shale plays; critical rural freight corridors designation; generating reliable freight performance measures with truck GPS data; a GPS and driver log-based survey of grocery trucks; the impact of introducing longer and heavier vehicles on regional consumer price index and the Spanish freight transport system; an optimal automobile distribution model in multimodal freight transportation networks; and shipping chain choices in long-distance supply chains. Additional topics addressed in this issue are as follows: courier vehicles’ travel behavior; freight tricycle delivery services in urban areas; city logistics; transportation network vulnerability; logistics sprawl; the impacts of extended interstate closures on regional freight logistics; pricing and sourcing in third-party logistics operations; container flow assignment in intermodal freight transport; multimodal freight project impacts; and an intermodal transportation disruption and reroute simulation framework.
TRR 2412
Travel Behavior 2014, Volume 1
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This issue contains 12 papers on travel behavior. Specific topics addressed are as follows: the effect of fuel price on individual dynamic travel decisions; the effect of personalized travel plans on sustainable mode choice; estimating the value of congestion and reliability from observation of route choice behavior; context-sensitive, dynamic activity travel behavior; and peak travel and the decoupling of vehicle travel from the economy. Topics also include: variability in activity travel patterns; commuter responses to reward schemes; car uses in Germany; travel mode choice and social and spatial reference groups; behavioral responses to real-time information at light rail transit stations; incremental accessibility benefits and choice of subscriptions for high-occupancy toll lanes; and travel scheduling of driving trips of habitual car users.
TRR 2413
Travel Behavior 2014, Volume 2
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This issue contains 11 papers concerned with travel behavior. Specific topics addressed include: long-distance work and leisure travel frequencies; car usage time frontiers incorporating both inter- and intraindividual variation; discrepancy analysis of activity sequences; weekend and discretionary activity participation and episode duration; and the effects of transit-oriented development on trip generation, distribution, and mode share. Additional topics covered include: life events and travel behavior; route choice modeling using GPS-based travel surveys; driver adaptation to traffic accidents and dynamic travel information; travel to common destinations; mobility tool ownership by youth; and a framework for telecommuting behavior analysis and modeling.
TRR 2414
Research and Education 2014
Research and Education 2014
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This issue contains 8 papers concerned with research and education. Specific topics discussed are as follows: crowdsourcing and its application to transportation data collection and management; data creation, management, publication, and curation in the research process; a library e-book lending platform for department of transportation employees; a professional services management training program; an intern development and management program; strategies for attracting students to transportation professions; traffic signal system misconceptions across three cohorts; and a transportation education development pilot program at the University of Vermont Transportation Research Center.
TRR 2415
Transit 2014, Volume 2: Carsharing, Taxis, and Automated Transport
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This issue contains 11 papers about the carsharing, taxi and automated transport aspects of transit. Specific topics addressed include: fleet sizing for flexible carsharing systems; piloting low-cost transit service enhancements through agency collaboration; pedicabs for urban transportation; peer-to-peer carsharing; and station-based and free-floating carsharing demand. Additional topics addressed include: the impact of carsharing on household car ownership; the autorickshaw industry in Mumbai, India; individual and societal aspects of automated driving; fleet size and cost requirements for a statewide autonomous taxi network in New Jersey; optimization of the charging infrastructure for electric taxis; and day versus night operations for taxicabs in Bogotá, Colombia.
TRR 2417
. Transit 2014, Volume 3
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This issue contains 14 papers concerned with transit. Specific topics are as follows: bus driver response to real-time schedule adherence; a rail service sensitivity meter; synchronization of schedules in long headway services; crowd congestion and mitigation at Canadian subway interchanges; value of crowding on public transport in Île-de-France, France; evaluating the quality of travel plans for new developments; and short-term passenger flow prediction at bus stops. Other topics covered include the determinants of mode share over time; synchronizing of public transport transfers by using intervehicle communication schemes; synergy in bicycle and transit use; a special assessment district’s ability to fund transit; transportation benefits of transit-oriented development in New Jersey; transit real-time information usage strategies; and the use of spatiotemporal constraints to quantify transit accessibility.
TRR 2418
Transit 2014, Volume 4
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Transportation Research Board Business Office
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This issue contains 15 papers concerned with transit. Specific topics addressed include: the jobs-housing balance of bus commuters in Beijing; presignals at oversaturated signalized intersections; transit signal priority with connected vehicle technology; combinatorial optimization for the Guangzhou, China, bus rapid transit system; and route selection and running-time savings estimation for multiscenario all-door bus boarding. Other topics include: optimal connected urban bus networks of priority lanes; bus lane obstruction and usage in New York City; buses with high level of service in Nantes, France; modeling bus dwell time with decision tree-based methods; and transit signal priority strategies. In addition, the papers address: user behavior in multiroute bus corridors; the effects of modal conflicts on transit reliability; flex scheduling for bus arrival time prediction; characteristics of intercity bus passengers in Michigan; and the regulation of intercity bus stops in New York City.
TRR 2419
Transit 2014, Vol. 5
Transit 2014, Volume 5
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This issue contains 12 papers concerned with transit. Specific topics addressed include: real-time passenger information signs in rail stations; the performance of Australian light rail compared with U.S. trends; rail transit networks with ring lines; rail car seating design; the accommodation of long-term growth on North American commuter railroads; and the impact of light rail transit planning decisions on metropolitan transit performance. Other topics addressed in this issue include light rail transit urban insertion and safety; strategic station access planning for commuter rail; park-and-ride access station choice models for cross-regional commuting; public transit catchment areas; environmental and cost-saving impacts of park-and-rides; and social media applications in unplanned passenger rail disruptions.
TRR 2420
Performance Measurement and Strategic Management
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This issue contains 6 papers on performance measurement and strategic management. Specific topics addressed include: multimodal street performance calculations; a total peak period travel time performance measure; a data- and performance-based congestion management approach for Maryland highways; spatially referenced probe data performance measures for infrastructure investment decision makers; impacts of participatory strategic planning on advancing innovation at the Volpe Center; and Valley Metro organizational integration.
TRR 2421
Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics 2014, Volume 1
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This issue contains 17 papers concerned with traffic flow theory and characteristics. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: the accuracy of network-wide traffic states; a macroscopic fundamental diagram for Brisbane, Australia; the influence of road layout on network fundamental diagrams; areawide dynamics of pedestrian crowds; pedestrian walking characteristics through angled corridors; and group dynamics in pedestrian crowds. Other topics discussed in this issue include: pedestrian personal space; early-onset breakdown at expressway on-ramp bottlenecks; merging behavior at expressway on-ramp bottlenecks; vehicle interactions during merge in congested weaving sections of freeway ramps; volume delay functions based on stochastic capacity; and joint probability distributions of vehicle location and speed on arterial roads. In addition, papers in this issue explore: real-time prediction of near-future traffic states on freeways; traffic flow prediction using optimal autoregressive moving average with exogenous input-based predictors; maximum pressure controllers for stabilizing queues in signalized arterial networks; multiscale traffic flow modeling in mixed networks; and a linear programming model for estimating high-resolution freeway traffic states from vehicle identification and location data.
TRR 2422
Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics 2014, Volume 2
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This issue contains 16 papers concerned with traffic flow theory and characteristics. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: congestion propagation and dynamic partitioning with probe data for large-scale systems; the estimation of a network fundamental diagram using three-dimensional vehicle trajectories; urban network traffic flow during a large-scale evacuation; the consistency of freeway macroscopic merging models; assessing the travel time variability of arterials; a new generic multiclass kinematic wave traffic flow model; estimating traffic stream flow rates past moving bottlenecks; and modeling reliability in freeway networks. Additional topics addressed include: estimating queue length at signalized intersections; analytical derivation of capacity at diverging junctions; the use of travel time data to generate aggregated measures of traffic; jam occupancy and other lingering problems with empirical fundamental relationships; automated driving, traffic flow efficiency, and human factors; sensitivity analysis of high-dimensional and computationally expensive traffic simulation models; calibration, estimation, and sampling issues of car-following parameters; and vehicle time headways and speeds on rural two-lane, two-way roads.
TRR 2423
Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014, Volume 1
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This issue contains 9 papers concerned with intelligent transportation systems. Specific topics addressed include: intelligent transportation systems in the energy arena; the effect of tactile location, pulse duration, and interpulse interval on perceived urgency; variable speed limits and advisories; enhanced modeling of driver stop-or-run actions at a yellow indication; a combinatorial auction to allocate traffic; and traveler use of and response to real-time traffic and traveler information. Other topics discussed in this issue include: drivers’ route choice behavioral responses to social navigation; diagnosis and interpolation of loop detector data errors with probe vehicle data; and a strategic plan for the deployment of intelligent transportation system equipment.
TRR 2424
Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014, Volume 2: Connected Vehicles and Cooperative Systems
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This issue contains 8 papers concerned with connected vehicles and cooperative system aspects of intelligent transportation systems. Specific topics addressed include: a new snapshot generation protocol for travel time estimation; safety impacts of intervehicle warning information systems for moving hazards; near-crash identification; energy consumption reduction strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles; display location and application type on driving performance; a cooperative bus priority system; ethical decision making during automated vehicle crashes; partial vehicle automation in an ecoapproach and departure application at signalized intersections.
TRR 2425
Traffic Law Enforcement; Occupant Protection; Alcohol 2014
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This issue contains 9 papers concerned with traffic law enforcement, occupant protection or alcohol. Specific topics addressed include: spatiotemporal optimization of rural freeway enforcement; saturation and corridor enforcement patrols; threshold effects of speed-monitoring devices on the speeding behavior of drivers; driver perceptions of traffic-calming versus active enforcement efforts in work zones; and sustaining seat belt use in a high-use state. Additional topics include: restraint use and injury patterns of young drivers and passengers admitted to hospitals; modeling a quad bike for simulating rollover events; roof damage patterns and serious head injuries in pure rollover crashes; and college student alcohol intoxication and return transportation from at-risk drinking locations.
TRR 2426
Marine Environment, Safety, and Human Factors 2014
Marine Environment, Marine Safety, and Human Factors 2014
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This issue contains 6 papers concerned with the marine environment, marine safety, and human factors. Specific topics addressed include: the long-term potential to reduce emissions from international shipping by adoption of best energy-efficiency practices; optimal dredge fleet scheduling within environmental work windows; waterway performance monitoring with automatic identification system data; data fusion of maritime incident databases with Dempster-Shafer theory; analysis with automatic identification system data of vessel traffic characteristics in the Singapore Strait; and probability analysis of vessel collisions and groundings in Southeast Texas waterways.