George Mason University, College of Education and Human Development, Center of International Education, Teaching Excellent and Achievement Project, Funded by IREX- US Dept. of State/ECA





  1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………….3

2. WHY I AM UNIQUE AS A TEACHER…………………………..4


4. ESL – 1…...... 7

5. STRATEGY SHEETS………………………………………………….11

6. MODIFIED LESSON PLANS……………...... 18


8. PERSONAL FEELINGS…………………………………………….76

9. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….77

Portfolio is a record of works. It is a combination of past & present work and a guideline for the work of future. As a teacher everyone should have a portfolio to synthesize material and reflect both formatively and summatively on professional practice and students learning. It is required for professional and pedagogical knowledge and connected to students learning outcomes. In my professional arena, it will show, who I am & how I am working. One can easily evaluate me observing my Portfolio.

I feel very much proud to say that I am a teacher of a High School. I enjoy teaching. There were some professions in which I had access but I have chosen my career as a teacher as I feel that I have some duties towards mankind. I am a teacher and I am performing some duties through teaching.

As a teacher I am aware of my duties and responsibilities. I prepare Lesson Plan and take preparation for conducting my respective classes. I know the needs and requirements of my students. I prepare myself accordingly. I reach to school at 9.30 a.m. and start my class at 10 a.m.

I am an English teacher. I engage my students in Pair work, Group work, Chain drill, Choral drill during their lessons. I make them busy all the time. Sometime I tell stories to them so that they may not feel bored.

I always encourage them to speak English. For developing their Listening skill I speak English in the classroom and help them outside the classrooms also. I make them understand if they can speak English fluently they will be able to write it easily. By being in the school they are learning academically and preparing themselves for their future life. For this reason I create English environment in my the class . I teach Grammar Contextually so that they may not feel pressure upon them and do not forget it.

I love my students and they love me very much; this is why I think that I am Unique as a Teacher.

Md. Anwar Hossain


I am lucky that I have got an opportunity to visit an American School named J.E.B Stuart High School in Virginia. My visit starts from September 25, 2007. This is a new experience for me. My mentor teacher, Ms. Anne Nowrouz, is an excellent teacher. Every teacher is helpful and cooperative. They are very much generous and dedicated to their profession. I am going to write below what I have observed there.


I am a teacher from a rural area of Banladesh. My classrooms are not well equipped. But the American school is well equipped with modern facilities and technology.

Teachers in American school are more cooperative

They are free

They are well educated

They are friendly with their students

Their teaching is livelier


Students are eager to learn

What I can apply in my school:

  • Bell work
  • Pair work
  • Group work
  • Chain drill

I really feel proud to visit the school. I observed the classes there. After visiting some days I have conducted class which is a great experience for me. I have learnt many techniques for conducting a good class. I must try to implement those techniques in my classroom.

Seminar on Educational Leadership

By Dr. Shahrokhi


Thusday,October 09, 2007

Theme: Life Styles Inventory LSI1.

Topic: Self-Improvement Plan

Participant’s Name: Md. Anwar Hossain (Rajendrapur High School, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh)

Step 1: Looking at your completed LSI profile, you will notice that each style’s extension from the center of the Circumflex varies in length. The further extensions from the center indicate styles that are predominant in your profile. Your two longest style extensions have the greatest influence on your behavior, and are called your primary and backup styles. List them below.

PrimaryAchievement(39) (11 o’clock position)

BackupOppsitional (05) (07o’clock position)

Step 2: Using the style interpretations in this guide, decide which styles are working for you (your strengths), and which styles might be working against you (styles that may be reducing your effectiveness). Based on what you learn, choose one style from those you’ve listed to start with first. Select one behavior associated with this style that you would like to change. You may choose to eliminate a characteristic you feel is self-defeating, or to strengthen something about yourself that you see as positive and effective.

The style I have chosen to work on is Achievement (11 o’clock position)

What does this style mean to you?

My score for the Achievement style means I tend to believe that:

  • I enjoy challenge.
  • I am enthusiastic.
  • I am a good decision maker.
  • I face problems boldly.
  • I am a realistic person.

Step 3: We think and behave as we do because we have been influenced by significant people and situations in our lives. Consider your life: try to identify and isolate the influences you’ve experienced that may be associated with this style.

Significant Person (or situation) / Ideas/Behaviors You Might Have Learned
  • Language Movement
  • Kazi Nazrul Islam
  • Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman
  • Sonia Gandhi
  • How to face danger.
  • How to organize people.
  • How to influence people.
  • How to lead people.
  • How to prepare for supreme sacrifice.

Step 4: Consider the consequences of using this style and list them as indicated below.


Positive Consequences / Self-Defeating Consequences
  • Practical in thinking
  • Planning by myself
  • Considering surroundings before planning.
  • Far-sighted.
  • Realistic
  • Negative criticism
  • Misunderstanding with other people.


Positive Consequences / Self-Defeating Consequences
To become a good teacher.
To be friendly with the students.
Open minded
Eagerness in new things.
To prepare the students for future. /
  • To think pioneer.
  • To dominate the teacher.
  • To be hurt when neglected.

Step 5: Consider how your life would be different if you changed your behavior in this area.

Some positive differences:I should think my surroundings well so that I can understand every situation & can work accordingly. In this way I can be a good person in the society.

Some negative differences:

I may lose something in me. It may be difficult to tackle every situation in my own way.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet -- 1

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

No “Yes/No” Question.

  1. When is this method or strategy useful?

Up to the end of the lesson.

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

When a teacher wants to justify himself/herself that his/her lesson is successful or not he/she asks students questions. If a teacher asks YES/NO Question a student may answer “YES” without understanding. It may happen every day which will make a room for him/ her to lose many things

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?
  • Teacher will discuss something
  • He will ask
  • Will have feedback
  • Will take necessary action
  1. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

At convenient time of my lesson

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I must share this experience with my colleagues in my school.

Younger students feel interested to say “Yes” without understanding anything. They cannot understand they are doing harm of themselves. To get rid of this problem I will discuss about this strategy with my colleagues.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet -- 2

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

Bell Work

  1. hen is this method or strategy useful?

For improving any weak area of the students.

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

When a teacher will find any weak area of the students he will start his lesson (in that class) with that activity. So the students will get practiced everyday for being up to the mark.

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

At the beginning of the class teacher will start it. He will engage every student in this activity.

  1. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

When I will find the students weak in specific task I will I will use “Bell Work” strategy.

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I will let them know about this strategy because in every class we find many students are weak in the same area. For improving their quality this strategy is very useful.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet --3

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

Pair Work

  1. When is this method or strategy useful?

For picture description, guessing something, Dialogue making etc.

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

Two heads are better than one. When students will be engaged in Pair work they will share their opinions and learn from each other. They will be confident.

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?
  • Teacher will make pair
  • Students will discuss
  • Teacher will ask and check their answers.
  1. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

To remove the shyness of the students and making them confident I will set it in my lesson.

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I will clarify the strategy to my colleagues and show them how this strategy is useful. I will urge them to implement it in the classroom.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet --4

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

Group Work

  1. When is this method or strategy useful?

Group work is useful in a large class. Students have more opportunity to engage themselves in a lesson. For any freer discussion teacher engages students in group work.

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

Students feel free to discuss

Share their ideas and views

Shy students take part

They learn from one another

They feel more confident

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Teacher engage students in group work

They discuss freely in the group

They show argument

Group presentation

Feedback by the teacher

  1. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

Larger activities like paragraph, composition, letter writing I will engage my students in group work.

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I would like to discuss it with other teachers of my school as it will create an ample opportunity for the students to practice difficult things.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet --5

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

Chain Drill

  1. When is this method or strategy useful?

For developing listening and speaking skill of the students.

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

Every student is to listen the question carefully as they are asked to provide the answer. In this way they can develop their listening & Speaking skill.

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?
  • Teacher will give them task
  • Students will get prepared
  • Teacher will ask one of the students
  • The student will provide the answer & select another student
  • Teacher will coordinate.
  • When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

For active participation of the students I will set this strategy in my lesson so that my students can develop themselves in speaking & listening skill.

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I will discuss with the teachers about the importance of this strategy. Then I would request them to implement this.

Lesson Plan- #1

Lesson Information:Time: 40 Minutes

Unit -15

Lesson- 1


English Paper-1.


Objectives: By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to……

  • fill in a questionnaire (Linguistic)
  • calculate scores according to a scheme (Mathematical)
  • discuss different types of hand writing (Spatial)
  • read out the appropriate learner type
  • tick the true statement (Linguistic)


Skills / Functions / Grammar/Structure / Vocabulary
Reading, writing / evaluating / Yes/no question / Accurate, effective


  1. (3 mins)

Ask SS to seethe different handwriting. Ask them to discuss with their partner why they think one is different from other. Ask them to read two clues given.(Interpersonal)

B. (12 mins)

Ask SS to see the questionnaire. Then ask them to sit in pair. Ask one partner toget the information from another partner. SS should give tick mark to the appropriate answer.(Interpersonal)

C. (5 mins)

Ask SS to calculate the score using the scheme given. (Intrapersonal)

D. (10 mins)

Ask SS to read out the text of appropriate learners type. Then see what type of learner SS are.

E. (10 mins)

Ask SS which of the statements are true. Ask them to tick the correct answer. Then ask them to provide the correct information for the wrong statements. The answers are:

  1. Incorrect
  2. Correct
  3. Incorrect
  4. Incorrect
  5. Incorrect
  6. Correct

Ending: Appreciate and giving thanks to the students.

Lesson Plan- #2

Intern:Md. Anwar HossainGrade Level:Nine Ten

Title:MeenaDate:October 25,2007

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson learners will have--

  • Asked and answered question.
  • Read a story and filled in blanks(Linguistic)
  • Read a story and arranged pictures in right order(Linguistic)
  • Writing about work they and another member of their family

II. Materials for Learning Activities: English For Today & Pictures.

III. Procedures for Learning Activities:

  • Ask students to look at the pictures. Tell them that pictures are of Meena, a popular character who fights for the causes of girl child.
  • Ask them whether they know about her or not. Ask students to ask the questions to their partners.(Interpersonal)
  • Ask students to read the text. tell them that the text is a story about a day in Meena's life.(Intrapersonal)
  • Tell them to complete the sentences in the speech bubbles. Tell them that they have to write the correct form of the words in brackets.
  • Ask students to read the rest of the story.
  • Tell them to look at the pictures. Tell them that the pictures are not in the right order. Ask them to arrange the pictures in the right order.
  • Ask students to make a list of what Raju and Meena did in the story. Tell them to imagine that they have to do the work.
  • Ask them to tell their partners which of the work they would like to do.
  • Ask students to read the list of work normally boys and girls do in Bangladesh. Tell the boys to think about the workgirls do and tell the girls to think about the work boys do. Now ask them to tell their partners what their feelings would be if they had to do each other's work.

IV. Assessment:

Ask students to ask the questions to their partners (Speaking)

Tell them to complete the sentences (Writing)

Ask students to read the story (Reading)

VI. Reflection:

  • They can ask and answer.
  • By reading a storythey can fill in blanks.
  • They can write about what they do in a day.

Lesson Plan- #3

Intern:Md. Anwar HossainGrade Level:Nine & Ten

Title:Feroza's TaleDate: October 25 2007

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson the learners have--

  • Looked at pictures and answered questions.(Spatial)
  • Read a passage and matched sentence parts.(Linguistic)
  • Read a passage and answered questions.
  • Written about a person from given cues.

II. Materials for Learning Activities: English For Today & Pictures.

III. Procedures for Learning Activities:

  • Ask students to look at the picture and by taking turns ask and answer the question.(Interpersonal)
  • Ask students to read the passage and match the parts of sentences from column A with those in column B. (Intrapersonal)
  • Now ask them to read the passage . Form pairs and ask them to ask and answer questions by taking turns. Tell students to discuss the answers and then write them down. Ask them to exchange their copies and compare. Elicit answers from students and write them on black board or white board. Make the class compare their answers with the ones elecited. Invite suggestions from students.
  • Now ask students to read the information about Amina. Tell them that they have to build up a story from the given information

IV. Assessment:

  • Ask students to look at the picture and by taking turns ask and answer the question ( Speaking )
  • Ask students to read and match the parts of sentences (Reading & writing )
  • Tell them to build up a story from the given information ( Writing from model

V. Reflection:

  • Looking at the picture students can answer question.
  • Read a passage and answer question.
  • Write about a person from given cues.

Lesson Plan- #4

Lesson Information:

Topic: Your DayTime: 40 Minutes

Unit -15

Lesson- 2


English Paper-1.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to……

  • Look at the pictures of clocks & discuss daily routine (Spatial &Linguistic)
  • Ask & fill in a questionnaire(Linguistic)
  • Match sentence part (Linguistic)
