
STRIMA Annual Business Meeting

September 22, 2005

Jekyll Island, Georgia

18 attendees

1.  President Elaine Townes called the meeting to order at 6:45 A.M.

2.  Minutes of the 2004 Business Meeting were presented by Patricia Hayden. Upon motion by Kit Coffin and a second by Laura Peterson, the minutes were unanimously approved.

3.  There was a brief discussion of web site contents and no issues were noted. Daria Cirish agreed to continue to serve as Webmaster.

4.  The financial report was presented by Jo Zschomler. The report then was unanimously accepted after a motion by Drew Carpenter and a second by Laura Peterson.

5.  Jo Zschomler reviewed the 2005 dues set by the Executive Board. It was announced that each State member fee is now $250 and this fee includes the right to bring a spouse/companion.

6.  The outgoing Executive Committee proposed a change to Article II, Section 1 of the Articles of Association. This proposed change was mailed to members on August 3, 2005. Because in the past few years, the President-Elect and Host Chairperson has been one person, the Executive Committee recommended adding the following sentence to the section: In the event any designated member holds two listed positions, the President may appoint four deputy members. Alan Edwards moved that this amendment be accepted and Laura Peterson seconded. It was then opened to discussion after which Rollie Boeding made a subsequent motion that the original motion be revised to require that the existing elected Executive Committee members affirm the President’s appointment of the fourth deputy member. This motion was seconded by Betty Reed and it passed unanimously. It was then pointed out that the Articles of Association in Article V, Section 2 require that amendments be presented to the membership at least 30 days preceding the annual meeting. Rollie Boeding moved that this notice requirement be waived for his motion as the original amendment did meet the notice requirement. Betty Reed seconded and the motion was passed unanimously,

7.  Jo Zschomler asked for discussion of a proposal received from an Associate Member. This member proposed establishing a fellowship “Outreach” program to reach out to States that have not participated in STRIMA in the past or have been unable to attend the annual conference for a period of five years because of budgetary constraints. The vendor proposed funding the program, but would not need to be officially recognized for that effort. After discussion, it was agreed to appoint a committee to review the proposal, suggest program protocol and prepare a report to the Executive Committee before the Committee’s 2006 spring planning meeting. The Executive Committee will vote at that meeting whether or not to pursue. Chuck Jones agreed to chair this committee and both Betty Reed and Jonathan Bow agreed to serve on the committee.

8.  Elaine Townes called for volunteers to serve on the STRIMA Affirm Award committee for the upcoming year. Alan Edwards agreed to chair this committee and Kit Coffin and Rollie Boeding will serve on the committee. (There was no 2005 Affirm Award presented. One submission was received.)

9.  The President read a letter of support for the Presidential candidacy of J.S. Bud Thompson, Jr. received from the State of Louisiana. No other individuals indicated interest or completed the required paperwork to run. Drew Carpenter made a motion that Bud be nominated for President-Elect and Laura Peterson seconded. The motion unanimously carried.

10.  The President read a letter of support from the State of Maine to host the STRIMA 2007 conference. . No other states indicated interest or completed the required paperwork to host the 2007 conference. Jo Zschomler made a motion to hold the conference in Maine and Laura Peterson seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

11.  J.S. Bud Thompson offered a preview of plans for the 2006 conference to be held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana from September 24 - 28, 2005.

12.  Rollie Boeding of Wisconsin was recognized for receiving at the President’s Banquet a STRIMA Certificate of Appreciation Award. His time, effort and dedication to STRIMA over a number of years is valued and appreciated.

13.  President Elaine Townes presented the STRIMA board for the coming year:

Elaine Townes President

J.S. Bud Thompson, Jr. President-Elect and Conference Host

Patti Hayden Conference Host-Elect

Jo Zschomler Past President

Alan Edwards Past Past President

Chuck Jones Education Coordinator

Betty Reed Secretary / Treasurer

Kit Coffin At Large

Laura Peterson At Large

14.  Joe Rippard suggested that STRIMA membership consider making a monetary contribution to the states affected by Hurricane Katrina. After some discussion, the idea was not pursued.

15.  Jo Zschomler moved to adjourn the meeting Betty Reed seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 AM.

Submitted by:

Patricia Hayden, Secretary