Striking/ Fielding Game

“Tip & Run”

Equipment: Plastic flat bat, small gator ball, medium pylons

Set Up:

How to Play:

  • Divide into groups of 6 or 7
  • Bowling can be overarm or underarm depending on age and ability
  • Only one batter bats at a time … the remaining players are in the field
  • The batter must run to the opposite pylon every time he/she hits the ball … the ball can be hit anywhere
  • A run is scored when the batter touches his/her bat over the bowling crease. He/she walks back to the batting crease and the bowler and fielders prepare for the next at bat
  • A batter stops batting if:

-The bowler hits the batting wicket when the ball is bowled to the batter

-He/ she is run out. This occurs if the fielding team hits the wicket that is placed inside the batting crease before the batter’s bat is placed over the bowling crease

-A fielder catches the ball before it hits the ground

-A batter has scored 5 runs

-Change batters and bowlers after each turn at bat

Reflective Questions:

Tactical Concepts: Offensive

  • Where do you want to hit the ball?
    (open space; far from the batter’s crease)
  • How do you do this?
    (aim at open space by facing target; transfer weight in direction of open space)
  • How else do you want to hit the ball?
    (hard line drive; bouncing; spinning)
  • What kind of pitch is easy to hit by swinging the bat horizontally? (fast ball; low bounce) vertically?(high pitch; bounce)

Tactical Concepts: Defensive

  • Where should the fielders stand?
    (spread out evenly throughout the field)
  • What happens if the ball is hit far away? How can you get it back quickly?
    (relay passes to teammates)
  • When you were allowed to bounce the ball, what types of pitches were most effective?
    (low pitches; spin pitches)


  • Bowler can now bounce the ball on a bowl.
  • Fielders must throw the ball to a cut-off player before it can be thrown at the wicket
  • Score a run by running to the bowling crease and back to the batting crease
  • Modify striking implement (e.g., tennis racket) and bowling object (e.g., tennis ball, beach ball)

“Tip & Run” - Presented by C.Temertzoglou – ECIS HPE 2009 conference, Zurich 1 of 2