Grade Level / First Grade
Content Area / Mathematics
School / WV Elementary School
County / WV County
Evaluator’s Name / Mrs. Principal
Date / Fall 2013
- Context
- Specific Area
- Baseline Data
10 students answered problems through 5 correctly without the use of tools. They used a wide variety of tools to answer problems related to sums/differences 6-10 correctly.
6 students answered problems through 5 correctly with the use of various tools. There was a variety of errors in their work when working on the problems related to sums 6-10.
3 students used counters to answer all of the problems. Even though most of the problems were correct, there were a variety of errors.
1 student chose not to use any tools and missed most of the problems.
- Goal
- Strategies for Attaining Goal
- Teacher will conduct number talks three days a week using appropriate visual representations
- Teacher will include a word problem during morning meeting. The focus of the discussion will be on the structure of the problem and strategies for solving. (10 minutes)
- Personalized set of flashcards including fact families
- A variety of board games will be available for students to play. (Games include number cubes)
- Computer games to reinforce basic addition and subtraction facts
- Collaboration
- Measures
***Structured Student Interview Teachers will interview individual students once each nine weeks. The interview will focus on how a student solves a give problem.
***Performance Task The collaborative team designs a performance prompt. The student will be asked to solve the problem and communicate their solutions.