Strategic Teaching and Learning Plan
Whānau Manaaki Kindergarten’s mission is that “welead and innovate with others to provide high quality child-centred early childhood education for children, whānau, and communities” and the WMKvision is “to be a respected leader in early childhood education and a strong advocate for children and whānau.”
Your kindergarten teaching team has a key role in ensuring that we, as an Association continue to enact this mission and strive to reach for this vision within your local context. You gather information from your own internal evaluation (self review), ST Annual Review, and ERO about possible next steps and use this to decide on your priorities for improving outcomes for children. The development of an annual Strategic Teaching and Learning Plan (STLP) supports you to plan for, and work onyourgoals to improve outcomes for children in your kindergarten.
The following pages guide you in the development of your STLP, which you will undertake over the next twelve months.
Your Kindergarten’s STLP will include:
Two teaching and learning goals,
A Strategic Internal Evaluation (self review) (this could be independent of your teaching and learning goals or a strategy of one of your Teaching and Learning goals),
An annual Internal Evaluation schedule (self review), and;
A Year Planner (either online or paper-based)
Whānau Manaaki Strategic Plan
Whakarāpopoto - Strategic Plan Elements at a Glance
Ngā Uara – Our Values(These are used to guide our decisions and to govern how we work with others.) /
- Nurturing the mana of the child
- Quality
- Partnership
- Honesty and Transparency
- Integrity
Te Uaratanga – Our Mission
(This is a statement of our purpose, our services and for whom we seek to provide them.) / We lead and innovate with others to provide high quality child-centred early childhood education for children, whānau, and communities.
Whakakitenga – Our Vision
(This is a statement of what we aspire to achieve and/or become in the long term.) / To be a respected leader in early childhood education and a strong advocate for children and whānau.
Te Kaupapa – Our Philosophy
(These are our characteristics that define who we are and that differentiate us from other providers of early childhood education.) /
- Qualified and registered teaching staff
- Affordable early childhood education
- Accessible early childhood education
- Community-based operational mode
- Reciprocal partnerships with whānau
- Continuous improvement through professional development and support
Ngā Whāinga – Strategic Goals
(This is a high-level statement of the steps on which the Association will focus during 2015–2017 and through which we will make progress towards our vision.) /
- Manage an effective transition that will lead to a strong organisation well placed for further growth
- Develop enduring, effective governance and management systems
- Develop robust and sustainable processes of engagement
- Innovate and seek future opportunities for growth and improvement in services
- Strengthen our bicultural capacity
- Strengthen and diversify our funding streams and increase our funding.
Your team will think about and discuss the aspects of this document and complete the plan by the beginning of Term Two each year.
Annual Teaching and Learning Overview:
CONTEXT: Our Kindergarten profile and relevant history: Includecurrent ERO recommendations,Senior Teacher feedback and information about changes in the community or the organisation of the kindergarten.
VISION FOR OUR KINDERGARTEN FOR NEXT 3 YEARS: This statement will include your dreams for your kindergarten around where you want it to be – look like in 3 years’ time and will be linked closely to the goals you identify over the next 3 years.
OUR PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT: This is your team’s philosophy and should be reviewed regularly. It will reflect what your team believes and how you put it into practice.
The following two goals and StrategicInternal Evaluation self-review have been identified by the team as the focus areas we will work on. These support our vision and philosophy, WMK’s mission and vision and willimpact positively on learning outcomes for children.These goalshave been informed by our recent Annual Review and ERO report, with the support of our Senior Teacher.
Our Goals - these will be planned for in more detail in the‘Action Plan’ forms below1
Strategic Internal Evaluation (Planned Self Review)
(refer to WMK Internal Evaluation (Self Review Guidelines)to access forms for planning your internal evaluation)
Please click on the link below to share your goals and strategic internal evaluation with your Senior Teacher (by 12 May 2017)
OUR ACTIONPLANS(Develop an action plan for achieving yourtwo goals, using a separate plan for each. Goals can be worked on concurrently or sequentially. Plans need to identify your rationale, indicators, the strategies and resources that are needed to meet the goal. Each goal needs a project leader, and this can be any member of your team. The detailed plan for Internal Evaluation (self-review)and evidence will be kept in yourInternal Evaluation (self-review) folder).
GOAL 1: / Links to key documents e.g. Association strategic plan/ Te Manawa/ PTC/ERO Report:Rationale – why is this goal significant for our kindergarten?
Indicators – these will guide the strategies we decide on andwe will use these to evaluate how effectively we have achieved this goal at the end of Term 1 2018:
Project Leader(The project leader will ensure that the goal is kept on track, monitor progress and give the team feedback.)
What strategies we will we take to achieve our goal? / Who will do it? (Roles for Head Teacher, Teachers, Senior Teacher) / What resources will we need/timeframe? / By when
Our Progresson Goal 1:
Term 3 (Mid Progress Update) Date:
Progress on our Strategies/Goal so far: / Our Next Steps
Term 4 (Mid Progress Update) Date:
Progress on our Strategies/Goal / Our Next Steps
Our Final Evaluation of Goal 1 (end of Term 1 2018)
How effectively have we achieved this goal? (use your indicators to judge this) / Where to Next?
GOAL 2: / Links to key documents e.g. Association strategic plan/ Te Manawa/ PTC/ERO Report:
Rationale – why is this goal significant for our kindergarten?
Indicators – these will guide the strategies we decide on andwe will use these to evaluate how effectively we have achieved this goal at the end of Term 1 2018:
Project Leader(The project leader will ensure that the goal is kept on track, monitor progress and give the team feedback.)
What strategies we will we take to achieve our goal? / Who will do it? (Roles for Head Teacher, Teachers, Senior Teacher) / What resources will we need/ timeframe? / By when
Our Team ProgressGoal 2 :
Term 3 (Mid Progress Update) Date:
Progress on our Strategies/Goal so far: / Our Next Steps
Term 4 (Mid Progress Update) Date:
Progress on our Strategies/Goal / Our Next Steps
Our Final Evaluation Goal 2 (end of Term 1 2018)
How effectively have we achieved our goal? (use your indicators to judge this) / Where to Next?
Example of Kindergarten Review Schedule 2017-18
Type of Review / What we will Review / Review Process we will use / TimeframeStrategic Internal Evaluation (self-review)
(long-term and focused on key goals related to the service’s vision) / How effectively do we integrate parent aspirations into our assessment of children’s learning? / WMK Strategic Review process / April to September for the review
Oct to Feb to implement findings
March – evaluate changes, tweak, business as usual
Regular Internal Evaluation (self-review)
(business as usual and usually smaller focused and on-going e.g. curriculum areas, policies/procedures, philosophy, environment, teaching and learning, working with parents etc) /
- Review Team Agreement
- Morning Tea Routines
- Changing Chn Procedures
- Review how effectively literacy opportunities are provided
- Review Team Philosophy
- Review how easily can chn access equipment
- Review Excursion Procedures
- Review Water and sand equipment
Discussion at March Team mtg
Discussion at April Team mtg
Use WM Regular Review process
Use WM Regular Review process
Discussion at Sept Team mtg
Discussion at Oct Team mtg
Discussion at Nov Team mtg
All discussions at team meetings will include the discussion, any additional information required, decisions, how decisions will be implemented and when they will be reviewed. Key to any changes will be linked to positive outcomes for chn. Information from these reviews will be stored in the kgtn Internal Evaluation (Self Review) folder / Jan-Feb
May – June
July – Aug
Emergent Internal Evaluation (Spontaneous self-review)
(one off and occur in response to unplanned event or issues as they arise)
Jan/Feb / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / DecStrategic T&L Plan / / Evaluate findings
Tweak! / How effectively do we integrate
parent aspirations into our
assessment of children’s learning / Implement
Regular Internal Evaluation (Self Reviews) / Review Team
Agreement / Morning Tea
Routines / Changing Chn Procedures / Review how effectively literacy opportunities are provided / Review Team Philosophy / Review how
easily can chn
access equipment / Review Excursion
Procedures / Review Water
and sand
Emergent Internal Evaluation (Self Reviews)
(included as they occur)
Annual Appraisal
Check-in Meetings (individual and team)
PCT Meetings
HT Committee/ Parent Group/AGM Reports
Induction of new children
Hazard Report
Trial Evacuations
Report to Fire
Playground Check/Termly Maintenance Check