Please complete and turn in this peer evaluation form on the last class day. Please complete the form after the entire group project(s) has been completed including the in-class presentation(s).

My Name: ______

Team Number/Name: ______/______

Assume the entire effort put into your group project is worth 100 points. Distribute these points among the members of your team. Do NOT include yourself. Consider each team members' individual contributions to developing the group projects (e.g. strategic audit, etc.) and the extent to which he or she worked well as a member of the team. An explanation of how points were allocated is to be included in the third column. If you wish your allocations to be counted in calculating your group members' grades, you MUST provide an explanation. Use the back of this sheet if necessary. This information will be used as the sole input to students' peer evaluation (group participation) grades.

Team Members
(do NOT include yourself): / Points / Rationale for points allocation
1. / ______/ ______/ ______
2. / ______/ ______/ ______
3. / ______/ ______/ ______
4. / ______/ ______/ ______
5. / ______/ ______/ ______
6. / ______/ ______/ ______
______/ ______/ ______
Total (must not exceed 100 points) / 100

Please turn in your peer evaluation form in a sealed envelope on the last day of class. Make sure that the envelope bears your signature and full name printed on the outside. Thank you.


Xerox this sheet for additional meetings.

Each team must turn in only one roster for the whole team on the day of the final.

Name / Meeting date and Time / Assignment / Initials of all team members present at meeting (Do not sign in absent members)

BADM 750 Group Project Evaluation Sheet