Strategic Lesson Plan Mrs. Sammons

COURSE: Physical Science

DATE: Feb. 20-24

OC / Date: 2/20/17
Objective: No School
COS Standard(s):
BEFORE / Strategy: Quick Write
Bell Work: (write on board)
Purpose: Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson;
Below Level: No interventions needed.
Above Level: none
4C: Communication
DURING / Strategy:
Students will
Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other
Below Level:
Above Level:
4C: communication
AFTER / Strategy: Exit Slip
Students will
Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other
4C: Communication, collaboration
used / Before:
Home-work / None for any classes
OC / Date: 2/21/17
Objective: I can identify if a chemical or physical change has taken place as well as describing the change seen (physical or chemical). Discuss the properties of a pure substance and distinguish between pure substances and mixture. Observe what happens when different substances are mixed with water. Classify them as soluble or insoluble in water. Identify the characteristics of solutions and become familiar with the parts and formation process of solutions. Use terms that describe the parts of a solution and the processes that take place when a solution is formed.
COS Standard(s): # 3. Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds, mixtures, and solutions. #5. Observe and analyze characteristics properties of substances (e.g., odor, density, solubility, flammability, melting point, boiling point) before and after the substances combine to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. #2 Plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that one pure substance can be distinguished from another based on characteristic properties.
BEFORE / Strategy: Quick Write
Bell Work: (write on board) What happens when substances are mixed with water?
Purpose: Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson;
Below Level: No intervetion
Above Level: none
4C: Communication
DURING / Strategy: Investigation Exploration (Lab Final)
Students will: plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that one pure substance can be distinguished from another based on characteristics of properties and Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds, mixtures, and solutions. Using AMSTI investigation 10.1 and Teacher instructions.
Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other
Below Level: Will be given a sheet that will have fill in the blank to help them along the process to prompt their memory about the scientific method and how to carry out investigation with teacher nearby guiding each step that they are to conduct as they go through the process.
Above Level: Students will be given a student sheet to fill in their responses with group discussion. The groups will determine their best hypothesis and procedures to carry out the investigation.
4C: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity
AFTER / Strategy: Exit Slip
Students will turn in their lab papers at the end of both working class periods.
Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other
4C: Communication, collaboration
used / Before: student responses
During: Students participation with group, discussion, and written responses
After: students written responses, self-evaluation and peer evaluation
OC / Date: 2/22/17
Field trip for 8th grade
BEFORE / Strategy: Quick Write
Bell Work: (write on board)
Purpose: Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson;
Below Level:
Above Level: none
4C: Communication
DURING / Strategy: Jot Notes/ Activity
Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other
Below Level:
Above Level:
4C: communication, critical thinking
AFTER / Strategy: Exit Slip
Students will
Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other
4C: Communication, collaboration
used / Before:
Home-work / 1st:
OC / Date: 2/23/17
Objective: I can identify if a chemical or physical change has taken place as well as describing the change seen (physical or chemical). Discuss the properties of a pure substance and distinguish between pure substances and mixture. Observe what happens when different substances are mixed with water. Classify them as soluble or insoluble in water. Identify the characteristics of solutions and become familiar with the parts and formation process of solutions. Use terms that describe the parts of a solution and the processes that take place when a solution is formed.
COS Standard(s): # 3. Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds, mixtures, and solutions. #5. Observe and analyze characteristics properties of substances (e.g., odor, density, solubility, flammability, melting point, boiling point) before and after the substances combine to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. #2 Plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that one pure substance can be distinguished from another based on characteristic properties.
BEFORE / Strategy: Quick Write
Bell Work: (write on board) what does soluble and insoluble mean?
Purpose: Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson;
Below Level: No interventions needed.
Above Level: none
4C: Communication
DURING / Strategy: Investigation Exploration (Lab Final) Continued
Students will: plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that one pure substance can be distinguished from another based on characteristics of properties and Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds, mixtures, and solutions. Using AMSTI investigation 10.1 and Teacher instructions.
Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other
Below Level: Will be given a sheet that will have fill in the blank to help them along the process to prompt their memory about the scientific method and how to carry out investigation with teacher nearby guiding each step that they are to conduct as they go through the process.
Above Level: Students will be given a student sheet to fill in their responses with group discussion. The groups will determine their best hypothesis and procedures to carry out the investigation.
4C: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity
AFTER / Strategy: Exit Slip
Students will turn in their lab investigation and Written conclusion.
Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other
4C: Communication
used / Before: Answers will vary and all answers are accepted as long as it relates to the question
During: Students taking notes, creating a foldable, and checking their work.
After: student responses in written conclusion. Did they use appropriate vocabulary to describe what they observed?
Home-work / 1st:
OC / Date: 2/24/17
Objective: I can identify scientists who created varied models of the atom. Create a timeline of the models when they were discovered and by whom. Relate that each scientist built off one another to create their model.
COS Standard(s): # 3. Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds, mixtures, and solutions. #5. Observe and analyze characteristics properties of substances (e.g., odor, density, solubility, flammability, melting point, boiling point) before and after the substances combine to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. #2 Plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that one pure substance can be distinguished from another based on characteristic properties.
BEFORE / Strategy: Quick Write
Bell Work: How would you describe the size of an atom?
Purpose: Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson;
Below Level: No interventions needed.
Above Level: none
4C: Communication
DURING / Strategy: Jot Notes
Students will create a timeline using the teacher created sheets. Their timelines will have to be turned in at the end of class. (if they don’t finish, they will be required to do for homework and return to me on Monday) This will be put in as a test grade.
Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other
Below Level: Students can work with their group to create their timelines with the help of the teacher
Above Level: students will be expected to create their own timeline.
4C: communication, critical thinking
AFTER / Strategy: Exit Slip
Students will respond to this question: How would you describe the size of the atom?
Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other
4C: Communication
used / Before: Answers will vary and all answers are accepted as long as it relates to the question
During: Student created timeline
After: student responses to the question
Home-work / 1st: none
4th: none
6th: none
7th: none

Label each activity with one of the 4 Cs that apply.

1.  Critical Thinking

2.  Creativity

3.  Communication

4.  Collaboration

Lesson reflection:

1.  What were students able to do?





2.  What evidence do you have?





3.  Which students need additional instruction?





4.  How will the next lesson be adjusted to meet their needs?



