Spring 2009 - STP 231 – Statistics for Life Sciences

#12183 9:40 - 10:30 MWF PSA 106

#20546 10:45 - 11:35 MWF LSA 119

Instructors reserve the right to make changes on this syllabus as needed

INSTRUCTOR:Toni C. GarciaOffice: ECA 207



Office Hours: 11:40am-12:40pm MW

3:20-4:20pm TTh and by appointment

TEXTBOOK:Statistics for the Life Sciences, 3rd Edition by Myra Samuels and Jeffrey Witmer

PREREQUISITES: MAT 114 or 117 with grade of C or better.

GRADE ALLOCATION:Exam 1,2,3, Final65%

Homework, Quiz, etc.35% Total 100%

GRADING SCALE:A+97-100%B-80-82%






Frequency Distributions

Descriptive Measures of Center and Spread

Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Variance, Inter-Quartile Range, 5-Number Summary, Boxplots

Random Sampling

Probability Rules

Binomial Distributions

Normal Distributions

Sampling Distributions of Proportions and Means

Confidence Intervals for Means and Proportions

Two Population Hypothesis tests and Confidence Intervals for Means – Paired and Independent Data

Nonparametric Tests

Statistical Principles of Design

Chi-square tests for Categorical Data – Goodness of Fit test and Contingency Tables

Analysis of Variance – One Way F-test

Regression, Correlation, Coefficient of Determination

COURSE SCHEDULE: The syllabus may change – attend class for current announcements

Week / TOPICS / Mon / Wed / Fri
1 1/19-1/23 /
Intro- Chap 2
2 1/26-1/30 / Chap 2-3 /
Quiz 1
3 2/2-2/6 /

Chap 3

4 2/9-2/13 / Chap 3 / EXAM #1 – Thu/Fri
5 2/16-2/20 / Chap 4
6 2/23-2/27 / Chap 4-5 /
Quiz 2
7 3/2-3/6 / Chap 5-6
8 3/9-3/13 / Spring Break / Spring Break / Spring Break
9 3/16-3/20 / Chap6-7 /
EXAM #2 –Tue/Wed
10 3/23-3/27 / Chap 7
11 3/30-4/3 / Chap 7,9 / Quiz 3
12 4/6-4/10 / Chap 9-10
13 4/13-4/17 /

Chap 10


EXAM #3- Mon/Tue

14 4/20-4/24 / Chap 10,12 /

Quiz 4

15 4/27-5/1 / Chap 12
16 5/4-5/8 / Chap 12 / Reading Day




:Unrestricted Withdrawal - April 5th

: Restricted Complete Withdrawal – May 5th

Look at ASU course catalog for policies regarding withdrawals and incompletes.


The CASIO 9850 or TI-83 are the recommended calculators for this course, and will be used by the instructor for in class demonstrations. A graphing calculator is recommended, but you are welcome to use your existing calculator. Calculators that are NOT allowed include the TI89, TI92, Casio FX2, Casio 9970GS, and other calculators that perform symbolic manipulations or have QWERTY keyboards.

Any changes announced in class are considered as official rules for the class. Check my website for daily announcements and changes.

Exams/Quizzes: There will be four exams and four quizzes given during the semester. These exams and quizzes will involve a mix of mechanical skills and conceptual reasoning. The best possible preparation for the exams and quizzes is regular attendance and completion of assigned homework. Makeup exams are given only in the case of verified medical or other emergency, which must be documented. The instructor must be notified before the test is given. Makeup quizzes are not allowed for any reason. However, the lowest quiz score will be dropped.

Final Exam: Is not comprehensive. It will be given according to the official Arizona State University final exam calendar. Check the on-line schedule at There will be no make-up's given for the final, and no finals will be rescheduled for personal reasons, including non-refundable airplane tickets.

Homework: Homework will be collected and graded. Students may work together on homework, but each individual student is required to write-up and turn in their own work. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED! However,the lowest two homework scores will be dropped.

  • Students Resources:
  • ASU Learning Resource Center (LRC): The LRC provides counseling, tutoring in math (and many other subjects), supplemental instruction, and other types of support to students.
  • Mathematics and Statistics Tutor Center (PSA 116):

Ethics: It is highly unethical to bring to your instructor’s attention the possible impact of your grade on your future plans, including graduation, scholarship, jobs, etc. The instructor may exercise an option to withdraw you from the course if they think you are compromising the ability to assess your work independently of any other consideration.

  • Academic Dishonesty: In the “Student Academic Integrity Policy” manual, ASU defines “’Plagiarism” [as] using another's words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another's work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately.” You can find this definition at:

Academic dishonesty, including inappropriate collaboration, will not be tolerated. There are severe sanctions for cheating, plagiarizing and any other form of dishonesty.

Students found to be involved in academic dishonesty will be removed from the class and a grade of “E” for the course will be submitted to the registrar. The student will be advised to repeat the course with another professor, possibly at another institution. This is the least action taken. Further, more serious actions may be taken if the situation indicates that such actions are appropriate. We will act very harshly against cheating during quizzes or exams

Additional Information:

The best way to reach me is by e-mail. My office phone number is not a reliable way to leave a message for me.

Students with differing abilities should arrange to meet with me by the end of the first week of classes to arrange for reasonable accommodations for their learning needs. Students registered with DRS must notify the instructor at least one week prior to any exam.

Athletes with travel schedules should meet with me by the end of the first week of classes to discuss any necessary arrangements that need to be made.

Arrangements for any religious observances or ASU sanctioned activity must be arranged with the instructor at least one week prior to the event.

By remaining registered in the course through drop/add period, you agree to all terms and policies set forth in the syllabus.