Storyboard Book Project


Due Date: Tuesday, March 5th (no extensions)

You will design a storyboard for this project. Divide a poster paper into 9 equal parts. Describe each section in well-written 3-5 sentence paragraphs. Each section should contain the following information:

1. Name of Book (Clear for audience to see)
-Describe the plot, and setting
(Describe this event in summary form.)
Describe the main character’s traits & explain how they affect the story’s theme (lesson learned).
3-5 sentences / 3. ILLUSTRATION
Explain the conflict (Main Problem).
3-5 sentences
Event 1
(Describe this event in summary form.)
3-5 sentences / 5. ILLUSTRATION
Further describe
Event 1
(Describe this event in summary form.)
3-5 sentences /
Describe Climax: The climax creates tension!
-The climax leads to a point of confrontation & realization
-Culmination of conflicts
(Describe this event in summary form.)
(Explain how the main problem was solved.)
3-5 sentences / 8. ILLUSTRATION
How did the book end (at least 2 examples from the book).
3-5 sentences / 9. ILLUSTRATION
Identify the theme of the story and supporting evidence (at least 2 examples from the book).
3-5 sentences


Proofread all text for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. You will be graded on content, grammar and your oral presentation, so put effort into this!

A quality project will have the words either neatly handwritten in ink or fine line marker or typed and glued into each square. You must include illustrations for all of your boxes. If you type, you will have more space for your pictures. Every box must have the summary of events in a summary of 3-5 sentences. Print out the rubric below and turn in for your presentation.

Student Reflection:
Teacher Reflection:
MYP Assessment Task: Book Report Project #2
Name: Class: Subject:
Criteria / A / i / ii / B / i / ii / C / i / ii / D / i / ii
iii / iv / iii / iii / iii / iv