SUG 15 Oct 2013 (Jim S, Jim B., Chuck, Tom,Dave, Francisco, Wes, Dick) Andy was missing but sent in a report.

Oct15comments in BOLD

In order to keep this to a manageable length I have cut back dialog from previous meetings. You may find it useful to review previous SUG minutes for additional details.

System Diagrams

System diagrams and other info are at the new Jove web site. . Please make sure your diagrams are correct and current.

Storage – archival and workspace

No activity this meeting


Jim Brown commented (complained bitterly) on the fact that it took 2 hours to fill out a storm report. Clearly this is too long and probably too much detail. Identifying intervals of activity, including a few representative spectrograms if you wish (at whatever color gain and offset you want) and sending the raw data files for the storm to Dave is adequate. Remember that this report formis still evolving and we need everyone’s input to get it right.


Phase Planeproject is to map types of Jupiter activity on the I0-CML plane. This is a long term project which will rely to a large extent on data included in the Observation Reports. There was considerable discussion as to the fact that Jim Sky’s RJP and Dave’s latest ephemeris program yield different values for Io SGC and CML. Chuck, Francisco, Dave and Jim will pursue this issue.


TWB – The Tuneable Wideband Receiver modules have been built and tested with the exception of a 14.5 MHz XTAL oscillator.


No activity this time.

Overlay and Common Settings

No activity this time


The loaner noise source has been shipped back to Dave. The attenuator developed a bad 10dB pad switch and consequently Tom had the fun of doing the calibration 3 times and then 1 more time with a new Kay attenuator sent by Dave.

RSS Upgrades

The recommended sweep range and number of channels for different storm types is posted on the SUG site. (17-23 MHz and 200 channels for Io-C, and 17-26 MHz with 300 channels for all other times).

RSS Version Number

The most recent revision number for RSS is 2.2.19. It may be downloaded from

Recommend that all stations run the most recent stable version of RSS.

Station Reports

Dave’s large erection is scheduled for this weekend (Terminated Folded Dipole Array)

Jim Brown has installed SkyPipe on his spectrograph computer and is feeding it with two Icom R-75s. These will be used to capture audio from an N-burst. It was decided that wideband AM is the best mode with high quality CD sampling rate.

Tom will be upgrading with a 4-port multicoupler in the coming days.


Francisco will confirm the meaning of positive drift rate for modulation lanes .

Chuck, Francisco, Dave and Jim S will try to resolve the calculation issues related to Io SGC and CML.

Wes and Dick will continue their efforts to find N-events in old UFRO spectrograms.

Andy will prepare notes on the GPS timing method he is implementing (to be posted on the SUG site).

ALL – please try to submit at least a few spectrograms to the Jove Archive as you get new data this apparition (Thanks Jim B for you efforts in promoting and doing this).

ALL – long term – please consider paper(s) you might want to give at the SARA/JOVE conference at NRAO next summer.

NEXT MEETING29 Oct, 5PM EDT 888-558-3493 113500#
