23rd August, 2017
Jayne Gregory – Practice Manager
Fiona Pearce – Receptionist/Administrator
MW – Patient
NR - Patient
- Jayne Gregory – New Practice Manager
Jayne introduced herself and informed the group of her work history (30 Years in the NHS). Jayne has worked in various roles in General Practice from Receptionist to Practice Manager, her previous role was as Practice Manager in a large practice in Tamworth.
- PPG Group:
Jayne Gregory explained that the PPG is the patients group and should ideally have a Chairperson and Secretary within the group and also a District Group member. Fiona offered to Chair the meetings as she was also a patient, all in attendance at the meeting agreed to the nomination. Jayne agreed to be the secretary on a temporary basis and NR agreed to attend as a representative of the group to the district meetings. Jayne is to send NR the dates for future meetings.
- Merger:
Jayne informed the group of the internal Merger happening, Dr John was in partnership with Dr.Yannamani at Stonydelph and Dr.Yarra from Wilnecote they have both retired leaving Dr. John with both practices. Patients will be receiving letters from the Clinical Commissioning Group relating to this. MW mentioned the lack of appointments with the nurse after school hours, Jayne informed the meeting that the Practice nurse at Stonydeph will be offering afternoon appointments once a week, but, also patients would also be able to be seen by the nurse at Wilnecote. Multiple review of chronic disease management is also now in place, which should reduce the number of times patient will have to attend saving patient time and reducing DNA’s.
- Online repeat prescriptions:
MW if there had been any issues with online requests as her husbands had not been actioned. Fiona and Jayne stated that they had not had any feedback from patients and would investigate this.
- Newsletter:
Jayne recommended a Newsletter for each season for patients to be informed on practice news and vaccination programmes etc.
Items for this newletter agreed with the group:
- Surgery closure list – Bank holidays and PLT closures
- Flu vaccinations
- Merger
- Carers
- Online access
- PPG Minutes:
To be put on the practice website and copies in reception.
- CQC Visit:
We had been informed today that we have a CQC visit on 6th September, NR and MW agreed to attend at 10am to speak to Inspector.
- Virtual Group
Jayne recommended the setting up of a PPG group to run alongside our current group. They can be asked for agenda items and sent minutes and newletters. All agreed that this would be a good idea.
Next meeting: To be confirmed