Pastor: “Lanny” Lancaster

Ministers: The Whole Congregation

October 7, 2012 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost / World Communion Sunday 10:45

Prelude and Lighting of the Candles

*Choral Call to Worship Fill My Cup Lord Blanchard

The Christian Greeting:

L. The Lord be with you! P: And also with you!

Welcome, Announcements and Passing of the Pew Pads

Prayer for the Holy Spirit

*Hymn of Praise: 454 Open My Eyes That I May See Scott

*Hymn of Praise: 452 My Faith Looks Up To Thee Palmer

The Mission of Stony Hill United Methodist Church is to: FOLLOW JESUS, MAKE DISCIPLES, AND TRANSFORM THE WORLD.

Psalm Reading p. #756 Psalm 25 Drinda Hathcock – Debbie Measmer

Children’s Story

Prayers of the People

STEWARDSHIP SCRIPTURE: 1CHRONICLES 29.12: “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.”

Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings:

*Doxology 95 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Ken

Choir Anthem In This Very Room Harris

Scripture: Luke 6.37-38

Sermon: “Do not judge . . .

The Apostle’s Creed: #881

*Hymn of Dedication: 367 He Touched Me Gaither

The altar is always open during the last hymn

*Choral Benediction Jesus, Name Above All Names Hearn


* Stand as you are able______

Greeters: 10:45 Paul & Betty Currie Sound: Jim Cranford, Richard Wood

Ushers: 8:45 Jack McRae, Larry Kirk Projection: Lynne Terry, Jacob Lancaster

10:45 Tevis Smith, Robert Stoker Piano: Sid Fields

5:01 Wayne Mauldin, Bobby Mills Organ: Elaine Crawley

Counters: Dean Springer, Cecil Almond Pastor: Lanny

Nursery: Charlie & Tobi Smith

Acolytes: 8:45 Sarah Booth, William Booth Assisted by: Emily Booth, Toby Smith

10:45 Jamie Barfield, Shyann Weeks Assisted by: Bonnie Ward

Every Week at Stony Hill

Sunday 9:30 am Jesus and Java – Fellowship Hall

8:45 am Worship Service (traditional)

9:45 am Sunday School for all ages

10:45 am Worship Service (traditional)

5:00 pm Youth Group meets

Monday 7:15 pm Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall

Wednesday 8:00 am Breakfast Bunch at Judy’s Restaurant

7:00 pm Choir

Thursday 6:30 pm Cub and Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall


October: Canned Veggies

Visitors: We warmly welcome all visitors today to our church and community! Please fill out one of the visitor’s cards and place in the offering plate.

You are welcome and there is a place for you at Stony Hill!

Prayer Concerns

Our Nation, Bill Randle, Mike & Martha O’Neill, Sandy Horne, Doris Dufour, Laura McIntyre, Valerie Putnam, Bill Kirk, Patty McCormick, Keith Auman, Tony Wilson family, Bertha Andrews family, Amy Coles, Sam Moore, David Floyd, Carolyn Terry, Gilbert Pickler family, Zane Huneycutt family, Deborah McKinney, Ezelle Maudin, Leon Peele, Rena Creech, Bob Wagoner, Jean Holt, Harold Holt, Pastor Lanny, Janet and family

Shut-ins: Ron & Loretta Allred, Alberta Boggan, Pauline Davis, Robbie Fesperman, Gene and Carolyn Helms, Ruby Murray, Eunice Plyler, Kate Swaringen

*If you have a prayer concern that you would like added or deleted from the list, please call or email Pastor Lanny at the parsonage.

Jesus & Java Host for October

October 7 Bruce & Wanda Smith

14 Jim & Gale Humphrey

21 David & Pat Mills

28 Sid & Margaret Fields

November 4 Henry & Bonnie Springer


*Special Thanks from the Riggins family: “We are so grateful for your loving kindness. For all the time and love you have put into helping us build our home, we say thank you. You made a dream come true that we thought was impossible. May God continue to bless you all! Love, the Riggins family

*CREED: WHAT WE BELIEVE: Sermon series on what we believe as Christians! Today:

“The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting”

*Box Tops for Education: We are collecting box tops for Education for the schools in Stanly County. Let’s support this worthy cause and invest in our children’s education and the future of Stanly County!

*Food Lion Cards: Did you know you could link your Food Lion “MVP” card to our church and Food Lion will donate to the church each time you buy a Food Lion product? It’s easy! Go to and register your card or call 1-800-614-6877. Enter our church’s code: 250993

*Did you know that you could set up an electronic payment or bank draft to manage your giving to the church? For more information, contact your bank.

*Supporting our Soldiers: Care packages are being assembled to be sent soon! Needed items: Beef Jerky and cookies.

*Trip to the Mission Response Center: The Western NC Mission Response Center packs supplies for relief efforts in North Carolina, the U.S., and overseas. We are planning a trip to work at the mission response center as a part of our fall Impact Day Missions Projects. If you would like to go serve in this way, contact Pat Mills or the Church Office.

*Prayer Group: Monday, Oct. 8 at 7pm in the New Beginnings classroom.

*Next Sermon Series: “Treasures of a Transformed Life,” starting soon! For more information, order the book by John Ed Mathison for $26.14 through the church or through the church website book store (Cokesbury). E-version on kindle for $4.74 or nook for $9.34

*Finance Committee: has started working on the 2013 budget. If your group or ministry has budget requests, please contact Debbie Wood


*Special Thanks from the Riggins family: “We are so grateful for your loving kindness. For all the time and love you have put into helping us build our home, we say thank you. You made a dream come true that we thought was impossible. May God continue to bless you all! Love, the Riggins family

*CREED: WHAT WE BELIEVE: Sermon series on what we believe as Christians! Today:

“The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting”

*Box Tops for Education: We are collecting box tops for Education for the schools in Stanly County. Let’s support this worthy cause and invest in our children’s education and the future of Stanly County!

*Food Lion Cards: Did you know you could link your Food Lion “MVP” card to our church and Food Lion will donate to the church each time you buy a Food Lion product? It’s easy! Go to and register your card or call 1-800-614-6877. Enter our church’s code: 250993

*Did you know that you could set up an electronic payment or bank draft to manage your giving to the church? For more information, contact your bank.

*Supporting our Soldiers: Care packages are being assembled to be sent soon! Needed items: Beef Jerky and cookies.

*Trip to the Mission Response Center: The Western NC Mission Response Center packs supplies for relief efforts in North Carolina, the U.S., and overseas. We are planning a trip to work at the mission response center as a part of our fall Impact Day Missions Projects. If you would like to go serve in this way, contact Pat Mills or the Church Office.

*Prayer Group: Monday, Oct. 8 at 7pm in the New Beginnings classroom.

*Next Sermon Series: “Treasures of a Transformed Life,” starting soon! For more information, order the book by John Ed Mathison for $26.14 through the church or through the church website book store (Cokesbury). E-version on kindle for $4.74 or nook for $9.34

*Finance Committee: has started working on the 2013 budget. If your group or ministry has budget requests, please contact Debbie Wood

*Pregnancy Resource Center: Walk for Life, Saturday, October 20, 9am. For more information, call 704-983-2100

*Family Fun Day: Today Sunday, September 30 from 5pm-7pm. Fun, Food, and Fellowship for the whole family!

*United Methodist Men Annual Barbecue: Friday, Oct. 19. Tickets available from Lee and Christine Smith.

*Bridge to Recovery Barbecue: Oct. 12 at Love’s Grove United Methodist Church at 4360 Polk Ford Road, Stanfield. For more information, call (704) 888-8791 or (704) 888-4643 or at .

*Finance Committee: Tuesday, 10/16 at 7:30pm

*Charge Conference: Sunday, 10/28 at 4pm.

*Finance Committee: Tuesday, 10/16 at 7:30pm

Prayer Garden

It is our prayer that you have already visited the Prayer Garden.

If you have not visited please take the time to use it for your personalmeditation and prayers.The sound of the fountain is soothing and peaceful just to hear.

This is an on going project, and if you would like to make a donation in memory/honor of a loved one, it would be greatly appreciated.

A donation of $50.00 or more, their name will be placed in the garden.

Donations may be made to Stony Hill United Methodist Women, marked "Prayer Garden" and given to the treasurer, Kay Mills.

Sunday Schedule!

*9:30 am through the morning: “Jesus and Java:” coffee fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall.

*8:45 am: Early Service with traditional music, preaching and monthly Communion.

*9:45 am: Sunday School for all ages

*10:45 am: Traditional worship service featuring the Stony Hill Choir, traditional music, preaching, and monthly Communion.

*The “501”: Modern Praise and Worship Service on the first Sunday of every month at various locations in Stanly County. Watch the bulletin for location each month.

*Small Groups: You are invited to join one of our prayer groups!

1. Sunday nights at 5pm, at the church, New Beginnings Classroom, contact Marcie Lemons

2. Mondays at 10am at Tony & Frances Furr’s house, contact Tony & Frances Furr

3. Mondays every two weeks at 7pm at the church, New Beginnings Classroom, contact Bonnie Russell

*Pregnancy Resource Center: Walk for Life, Saturday, October 20, 9am. For more information, call 704-983-2100

*Family Fun Day: Today Sunday, September 30 from 5pm-7pm. Fun, Food, and Fellowship for the whole family!

*United Methodist Men Annual Barbecue: Friday, Oct. 19. Tickets available from Lee and Christine Smith.

*Bridge to Recovery Barbecue: Oct. 12 at Love’s Grove United Methodist Church at 4360 Polk Ford Road, Stanfield. For more information, call (704) 888-8791 or (704) 888-4643 or at .

*Finance Committee: Tuesday, 10/16 at 7:30pm

*Charge Conference: Sunday, 10/28 at 4pm.

*Finance Committee: Tuesday, 10/16 at 7:30pm

Prayer Garden

It is our prayer that you have already visited the Prayer Garden.

If you have not visited please take the time to use it for your personalmeditation and prayers.The sound of the fountain is soothing and peaceful just to hear.

This is an on going project, and if you would like to make a donation in memory/honor of a loved one, it would be greatly appreciated.

A donation of $50.00 or more, their name will be placed in the garden.

Donations may be made to Stony Hill United Methodist Women, marked "Prayer Garden" and given to the treasurer, Kay Mills.

Sunday Schedule!

*9:30 am through the morning: “Jesus and Java:” coffee fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall.

*8:45 am: Early Service with traditional music, preaching and monthly Communion.

*9:45 am: Sunday School for all ages

*10:45 am: Traditional worship service featuring the Stony Hill Choir, traditional music, preaching, and monthly Communion.

*The “501”: Modern Praise and Worship Service on the first Sunday of every month at various locations in Stanly County. Watch the bulletin for location each month.

*Small Groups: You are invited to join one of our prayer groups!

1. Sunday nights at 5pm, at the church, New Beginnings Classroom, contact Marcie Lemons

2. Mondays at 10am at Tony & Frances Furr’s house, contact Tony & Frances Furr

3. Mondays every two weeks at 7pm at the church, New Beginnings Classroom, contact Bonnie Russell