Extraordinary Meeting

Stoney Stanton Parish council


Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on the

23rd May 2006


/ Mrs. S. Astill / Mr. J. Adcock (Chair)
Mrs. T. Calver / Mr. T. Baxter
Mrs. S. Eaves / Mr. T. Dick
Mrs. S. Martin / Mr. F. Gent
Mrs. K. Stringer / Mr. J. Harding
Mr. P. Jackson

Declarations of Interest

Mr. F. Gent declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 6.34 as possible interested tenant and left the room.

Mr. Adcock explained that as this was an extraordinary meeting only the Agenda items would be dealt with.

06.32.Amendments to Bloor Development Plans

Members discussed the amendments to the plan at length and in details. The amendments comprised changes to the size of parking spaces, changes to house types and an increase in height of buildings to certain plots. It was finally agreed to comment as follows:

1.No make no comment on the changes to the parking positions.

2.The Council objects to any house type of 3 storey on this site on the grounds that they are not appropriate in this location.

3.The Council is totally opposed to the increase in height to four stories on plots 101-110. The scale of building is totally out of keeping with a rural village scene on a major approach to the village and church. It will give the appearance of an urban street scheme which is not sympathetic to a rural village.

The proposed Local Framework Plan indicates that all development should not adversely affect the character of the village. This house type would adversely affect the character by changing it to an urban scene; is not in keeping with the size and form of the village and does not successfully integrate with its surroundings in front of a rural approach to a church and school.

Arising out of this item, it was also noted that the show home appears to have a temporary access onto Station Road which would encourage vehicles to park on the road. It was agreed to object to this, but if it is allowed to go ahead, that a condition be imposed that the access is closed and the dropped kerbs removed prior to the show home being occupied. It was also noted that there is a gate in a garden wall direct onto the pavement. This could have the effect of pushing into walkers already on the pavement and should be discouraged, or made to open inwards only. One further point was made regarding the fact that here is no footpath apparently proposed in Nock Verges to the part of the development with access direct to Nock Verges. This road is used by pedestrians and children on route to school and they would walk around into Nock Verges to be confronted by emerging vehicles. There is no safety zone and it is considered that a pavement should be provided.

Resolved: That the aforementioned comments to be forwarded to the Planning Authority.

06.33Local Framework Development Plan

A report was circulated giving a summary of the Plan, setting out comments for discussion. The report was discussed in the light of the plan with special regard to the proposal that Stoney Stanton should become a Rural Centre. A lengthy discussion took place and whilst it was agreed that the vision, aims and objectives of the Plan were acceptable, comments should be made on the reasoning behind proposing Stoney Stanton as a Rural Centre. It was agreed that on the criteria laid down in the Plan, Stoney Stanton was already a Rural Centre in all but name. However, the criteria was questioned in that although there was a bus service six days a week, this did not cater for the villagers who had to travel to Leicester, nor anyone wanting to go to Hinckley or Leicester in the evenings. It was considered in the Plan that places such as Stoney Stanton could accommodate smaller scale development to support its role as a centre for services and employment, maintain the vitality and viability of local rural community and encourage diversification of the rural economy and that the modest development would be in keeping with the size and form of the village and would not exceed the capacity of existing services. Development had already been approved which was not in keeping with the size and form of the village and which did exceed the capacity of existing services. The capacity of the road structure was already overstretched and there was no additional areas available for parking within the centre. The public transport to bring people into Stoney Stanton was not convenient and therefore cars would be used.

It was agreed that the infrastructure must be improved before any more development was allowed, and that should include, better public transport, more parking space, better road access and better sewerage systems. It must also be ensured that any development was in keeping with the size and form of the village.

Resolved:That the aforementioned comments be sent to Blaby District Council.

6.34 Environmental Stewardship Scheme

Further information was received from the Land Agents together with a report briefly summarising the two tenders were circulated for information. The Land Agents confirmed that the non farmer tenant was perfectly aware of the requirements and is fully prepared to take on the task. The business aspect would be fulfilled as it is intended to take off and sell the hay crop. The report laid out what both tenders offered and apart from the fact that one was from a non farmer and other from a farmer, and the financial differences, there was no difference between the two. A long and difficult discussion took place when it was asked what the contract was intended to achieve. Members agreed that the financial aspect was secondary to the need to conserve the meadow environmentally for the village and safeguard its future. It was therefore considered that for this reason, it would be better to go with a farmer than a non-farmer.

Resolved:That the contract be awarded to Mr. F. Gent on the basis that a farmer is already in business as a land manager and therefore should have the experience and skills to manage the land as the Council foresaw.

6.35Any Other Business.

6.35.1.Parish Plan Meeting

It was noted that the Parish Plan meeting was successful and it was hoped that a Steering Group would meet next on the 21st June 2006.

6.35.2.Carnival Committee

It was noted that the Carnival Committee had asked if the Parish Council intended to take part in the Carnival. It was pointed out that the majority of Councillors already took part as members of other organisations and helped out in that way.


It was reported that the following footpaths needed attention:

Nock Verges to Meadow Close

Carey Hill Road to Sapcote Road


It was reported that the following drains needed attention.

Broughton Road

6.35.5.Tree, Smithy Farm Drive

It was reported that two young boys were seen damaging the tree on the green in Smithy Farm Drive. As the bark had been removed completely it was unlikely that the tree would survive. The Clerk was asked to write to the parents involved.

6.35.6Copatrawl, MeadowLand

It was reported that the copatrawl appeared to be leaking into the brook on the meadowland. The Clerk was asked to report this to the Severn Trent Water Authority.

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