Before completing the Index please refer to the accompanying ‘Guidance for Participants’ document

Local authority
Contact name
Contact email
Contact phone number

Number of schools in your local authority:

Number of local authority maintained schools / Number of academies / Number of free schools / Number of special schools

Name and contact details of your local LGBT youth group(s):

Part One: The role of the local authority

  1. Local authority policy and guidance

1a) Does your local authority explicitly state in written documents offered to schools that they must tackle all forms of prejudice-related bullying and language, including homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying and language?

A)☐Yes, we offer these written documents to schools

B)☐We are planning to develop these written documents and offer them to schools

C)☐No, we don’t offer these written documents to schools

Please provide any further information:

1b) Does your local authority regularly review its policies, practices and procedures to ensure that they are kept up to date and reflect current anti-bullying legislation, guidance and inspection frameworks (e.g. Equality Act 2010; DfE guidance; the current Ofsted inspection framework; etc.)?

A)☐Yes, our policies, practices and procedures have been reviewed within the past two years

B)☐We are planning to develop such a review process

C)☐No, our policies, practices and procedures haven’t been reviewed within the past two years

Please provide any further information:

  1. Working group

2a) Is preventing and tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools in the remit of any group in your local authority that discusses bullying?

A)☐Yes, it is a standing item on the meeting agenda

B)☐Yes, it is a regular item on the meeting agenda

C)☐Yes, it is an ad hoc item on the meeting agenda

D)☐No, however we are in the process of putting it on the meeting agenda

E)☐No, it isn’t in the remit of any group that discusses bullying

Please provide any further information:

  1. Training

3a) Are your local authority staff who work directly with children and young people offered training to prevent and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and language and/or support lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people?

A)☐Yes, local authority staff are offered this training

B)☐We are planning to include this in training for local authority staff

C)☐No, we don’t offer this training to local authority staff

Please provide any further information:

3b) Are your local authority’s elected members offered training on supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people, particularly in their role as corporate parents?

A)☐Yes, elected members are offered this training

B)☐We are planning to include this in training for elected members

C)☐No, we don’t offer this training to elected members

Please provide any further information:

3c) Does your local authority offer training on celebrating difference and preventing and tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and language to any of the following staff in primary and secondary schools, including academies and free schools? (please tick all that apply):

Primary schoolsSecondary schools

☐Governors ☐Governors

☐Senior leadership team☐Senior leadership team

☐Teaching staff ☐Teaching staff

☐Non-teaching staff ☐Non-teaching staff

Please provide any further information:

3d) Does your local authority offer training on celebrating difference and/or preventing and tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and language to staff in any of the following settings (please tick all that apply):

☐Early years settings

☐Special schools

☐Pupil Referral Units

☐Independent schools

☐Youth settings

Please provide any further information:

Part Two: Working with local schools

  1. Engagement with schools

4a) Does your local authority carry out a survey of children and young people and their experiences of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying?

A)☐Yes, we carry out such a survey

B)☐We are planning to develop such a survey

C)☐No, we don’t carry out such a survey

Please provide any further information:

4b) Does your local authority offer guidance to schools on how to record and monitor incidents of prejudice-related bullying and language, including incidents of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia?

A)☐Yes, we offer this guidance to schools

B)☐We are planning to develop this guidance

C)☐No, we don’t offer this guidance to schools

Please provide any further information:

4c) Does your local authority offer age-appropriate support to schools to:

A)☐Develop an inclusive curriculum (e.g. advice and guidance on how to includein the broad curriculum: diversity of family make-up (including same-sex parent families); sexual orientation; gender identity; lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people and issues)

B)☐Include LGBT issues and people in spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and British values

C)☐Ensure sex and relationships education (SRE) meets the needs of LGBT pupils

D)☐Prevent the sexual exploitation of LGBT children and young people

Please provide any further information:

4d) Does your local authority offer support to schools to encourage them to work in partnership with others (e.g. in cluster groups or transition work) to celebrate difference and prevent and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying?

A)☐Yes, we offer this support to schools

B)☐We are planning to develop this support to schools

C)☐No, we don’t offer this support to schools

Please provide any further information:

  1. Good practice settings

5a) Has your local authority identified one or more example of good practice in the following settings to share their experience and expertise of celebrating difference and/or preventing and tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying with others:

☐Early years settings

☐Primary schools

☐Secondary schools

☐Special schools

Please provide any further information:

Part Three: Working with the local community

  1. Youth participation

6a) Does your local authority involve children and young people in work to prevent and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying (e.g. through anti-bullying ambassadors programmes; peer mentoring; peer awareness sessions; staff training; poster campaigns; etc.)?

A)☐Yes, we involve children and young people in work to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

B)☐We are planning to involve children and young people in work to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

C)☐No, we don’t involve children and young people in work to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

Please provide any further information:

6b) Does your local authority offer secondary schools and young people information about local and/or national lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) support services/youth groups?

A)☐Yes, we offer information about LGBT support services/youth groups to all secondary schools and young people

B)☐Yes, we offer information about LGBT support services/youth groups to some secondary schools and young people

C)☐We are planning to offer this information to secondary schools and young people

D)☐No, we don’t offer information about LGBT support services/youth groups to secondary schools and young people

Please provide any further information:

  1. Multi-agency working

7a) Does your local authority work with other public, private and/or third sector partners, such as the police, public health or a union, to prevent and tackle homophobic,biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying in schools?

A)☐Yes, we work with partners to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

B)☐We are planning to work with partners to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

C)☐No, we don’t work with partners to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

Please provide any further information:

7b) Has your local authority taken action to link up with local lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) groups or youth groups that provide support for schools and individuals on how to prevent and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying?

A)☐Yes, and we are working with them

B)☐We are planning to link up with local LGBT groups or youth groups

C)☐No, we haven’t taken action to link up with local LGBT groups or youth groups

Please provide any further information:

7c) Does your local authority promote mental health support specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) young people to secondary schools and youth groups?

A)☐Yes, we promote LGBT-specific mental health support to all secondary schools and youth groups

B)☐Yes, we promote LGBT-specific mental health support to some secondary schools and youth groups

C)☐Yes, we have LGBT-specific mental health support but we don’t promote awareness of it

D)☐No, we don’t have mental health support specifically for LGBT young people

Please provide any further information:

  1. Celebrating achievements and raising awareness

8a) Has your local authority been involved in, or otherwise supported, anti-bullying conferences or events (e.g. events for: LGBT History Month; International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia; Anti-Bullying Week; Transgender Day of Remembrance;etc.)?

A)☐Yes, and this has included activity to prevent and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying

B)☐Yes, however this has not included activity to prevent and tackle HBT bullying

C)☐No, we have not been involved in, or supported, anti-bullying conferences or events

Please provide any further information:

8b) Has your local authority used local, national or social media to celebrate achievements in preventing and tackling bullying in schools?

A)☐Yes, and this has included homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying

B)☐Yes, however this has not included HBT bullying

C)☐No, we have not used local, national or social media to celebrate achievements in tackling bullying in schools

Please provide any further information:

8c) Please explain how your local authority measures the impact of the work being done to celebrate difference, prevent and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying and support lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) young people?

8d) Please identify any further relevant work that your local authority is doing around anti-bullying and supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) young people not already covered above:

Thank you for taking part in the

Stonewall Education Equality Index 2016

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