“Stomp” Ensemble
The “Stomp” Ensemble is a group devoted to making music with every day items. Students will be reading simple rhythmic notation and learn how to play multiple parts within a group setting. This group helps teach students to respect instruments, each other, and to synergize. The STOMP ensemble will consist of several pieces of music using rulers, garbage cans, newspapers, staplers, brooms, their own bodies or anything we can find!
Registration: Any student in 2nd,3rd, 4th or 5thgrade interested in joining the Kenwood Station “Stomp” Ensemble should complete the registration form below and return it to Mrs. Meier by Friday, September 1st. We will require a $35 fee to participate in this ensemble to help purchase materials used in the program. Checks may be written to Kenwood Station Elementary. All fees are due with the registration form. Scholarships are available for students; please contact Mrs. Meier for more information. Mrs. Meier is the only teacher sponsor for the ensemble this year, therefore, registration is limited to the first TWENTY 2nd/3rd graders and the first THIRTY 4th/5th graders who turn in a completed formwith their fee.
Rehearsals: Rehearsals will be held on Thursdays from September 7th- December 7th. Each rehearsal starts at 2:25 and ends at 3:45. The concert will be held on Friday, December 8thwith a reception following the concert. A school performance will also be held on Friday, December 8th.
Attendance: One of the most important responsibilities is to attend all rehearsals and concerts. No ensemble can be successful without such a commitment from its players. Attendance at rehearsals is required unless a student is sick (including doctor appointments) or has a family emergency. Please send a note, e-mail, text or call if your child is going to miss a rehearsal for any reason so I will know not to expect them. Students will not be excused for the following reasons: family vacations, excessive homework, forgetting to stay after school, etc. Students with a total of 2 absences (excused or unexcused) may be dismissed from the ensemble. If dismissed, that child may register again next year upon approval. If for some reason a child decides they would no longer like to be a part of the ensemble for any reason, they need to let me know, and try to stick it out until after our concert. Every student in the ensemble depends on the other members to be there, and know their part in order to be successful. This is a team activity and every part is vital. Remember that students may not participate in extra curricular activities/performances on days they are absent from school. This is a district level policy.Please go to to receive messages about this ensemble throughout the semester, I will be using this as my main way of communicating information to parents and students this year!
General Expectations: Students will be expected to have model behavior and cooperate fully. This means that students will be respectful, demonstrate a high level of maturity, responsibility and self-control at all times. Students who have conflicts with performance dates should not register for this ensemble. Students are also required to maintain satisfactory grades. At 2:25 all students should be in the music room ready to start with music, pencils, and water. Stomp members are allowed a snack in the music room before rehearsal begins if they choose to, but need to keep their area clean. Snacks are NOT provided; students must bring them from home. Bathroom breaks need to be taken before rehearsal begins. Students will keep all their belongings (backpacks, lunchboxes, coats, etc.) in a designated area.
Transportation: Parents are responsible for picking students up by 3:45 after each rehearsal. Mrs. Meierwill bring students out front to be picked up. Students will not be permitted to ride home with anyone other than the person(s) listed on their registration form unless I receive written or phone verification. Students who are consistently picked up late (more than 10 minutes) may be dismissed from the ensemble. If an emergency arises, please text or call Mrs. Meier on her cell: 502-418-5559. All students that participate in STOMP will be going to rehearsal at 2:20 on identified rehearsal dates UNLESS a note is sent in saying otherwise.
Concert Attire: Concert attire will be jeans, tennis shoes, and the STOMP shirt (your fee
goes towards the purchase of a shirt for the concert and will be handed out a week or two before
the concert.)
*All students need to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled concert time for warm-ups in the gymnasium (sorry parents, this means you will need to wait in the lobby until we open the doors for the concert)*
Friday, December 8th@ Kenwood Station Elementary School(Students and Staff)
~ Performance at 1:30 p.m. in the gymnasium~
Friday, December 8th@ Kenwood Station Elementary School (Parents and Families)
~ Performance at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium, reception to follow the performance
Rehearsal Dates: (2:25-3:45)
Return this form to Mrs. Meier by Friday, September 1, 2017
Please keep the rest for reference.
For the STOMP member:
I am choosing to become a member of the Kenwood Station Elementary STOMP ensemble. By Choosing to do this, I will attend rehearsals, I will participate to the best of my ability, I will be responsible for my actions, I will represent myself, my family, and my school with courteous behavior, a strong and musical voice, and careful attention to my learning and the learning of others.
Student Signature: ______
For the STOMP member’s parent/guardian:
I will support my son/daughter’s membership in the ensemble by allowing him/her to remain after school on all rehearsal days, communicate any changes to transportation effectively and in advance when possible, keep up to date on all information by reading any and all correspondence sent home via my child(ren) or by checking Mrs. Meier’s website/remind messages.
**Even if your child will be released to Jungle, please provide emergency contact information; just list Jungle in the first line.**
Student Name ______Classroom Teacher ______Grade: ____
Name of Person(s) picking student up:Telephone:
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
Medical/Allergy Information: ______
I have read and understand the above information and give
my child permission to participate in the fall 2017 “Stomp” Ensemble.
Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ______
E-mail ______
(please print neatly) (please print neatly)
Go to to join my REMIND group that will send out messages about rehearsals and other important information about the ensemble. This will be the MAIN form of communication for this ensemble!
STOMP Shirt Order Form
The $35 fee will include the cost of the shirt.
Size of Shirt (circle one) YS YM YL YXLAdult S Adult MAdult L
I’m interested in helping/organizing the STOMP reception on Friday, December8th Yes No
STOMP Leadership Application 4th & 5th Grade
Name ______Grade ______Teacher ______
- Which Leader Job are you applying for (please check all that apply)?
___ Group leader: help lead small groups during rehearsal; keeping on task
and following directions/expectations, helping with music reading
ability as needed.
___ 2nd & 3rd Grade Leaders: Come to 2nd and 3rd grade rehearsals and
help lead practice groups with the younger students.
___ Equipment Manager: Arrive to rehearsal at 2:10 to set-up equipment
needed for the day AND stay after rehearsal about 15 minutes to
clean up, organize and put away equipment from rehearsal (parents will
need to pick you up at 4 instead of 3:45).
- Why should you be selected for this Leader Job?
- Why do you want to do this job?
- What skills or strengths do you think you already have that will help you experience success with this Leader Job?
(Please check no more than 5 that apply from the list below)