Minutes of the Meeting


held on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7pm at the Stoke Orchard Community Centre

Present:- Cllr R Chatham, Cll A Busby, Cllr L Hughes, Cllr J Gilder, Cllr R Grimmett, Cllr S Watts Mrs C Reid (Clerk) 7 Parishioners and 3 visitors

1  Public Participation (please note any items needing decisions will be carried forward to the next Agenda/Meeting) – There was no public participation

2  To receive apologies for absence - Cllr A Troughton, Borough Cllr M Gore

3  Declarations of interest – There were no declarations of interest

4  To agree the minutes of last meeting – The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2017 were agreed by all and signed as a true record

5 Clerks Report (including Matters Arising) – All items are listed as agenda items

6 Borough Councillors Report – No Report

7 County Councillors Report – No Report

8 To Discuss and agree response for Electoral Review of Tewkesbury – Warding Arrangements – It was agreed by all that as the proposed warding arrangements did not affect the parish there were no objections.

9 To Discuss and agree response for JCS Proposed Main Modification Stage – It was agreed by all that as the proposed modifications did not affect the parish there were no objections.

10 To Discuss and agree response for TBC resolution to adopt sections 17,18,19 of the Public Health Act 1925 – It was agreed by all that unless TBC could provide a simpler clarity on the wording SO & TPC were unwilling to support

11 Land by the Chapel Update - No update

12 NDP Progress – It is hoped that by the Annual Parish Meeting in May a steering group would be created

13 Community Centre update to include any outstanding items needing decision - Cllr Chatham had had a response back from Bloor re the Air Management System, and it is agreed that the piping is incorrect with no dampers or diverters. The ventilation upstairs appears to be working but not downstairs. The system will be rebuilt.

14 The Orchard Stores update to include any outstanding items needing decision – The shop had had a good month, Cllr Watts agreed to produce a Shop Newsletter. SO & TPC would like to thank Cllr Watts for his input and effort which has completely changed positivity of the project. Discussion on the Future of the Shop and Community Centre Finances then ensued and the Chairman suggested that with the success of the Community Centre Committee and the problems of defining combined costs between the Shop and the Centre in regards of Utilities, Insurance and rates, it was agreed that a meeting should be held to place the actual trading accounts of the Shop, the Community Centre and the Bus in the future under their own Bank Accounts with the PC then only managing the S106 accounts for which it holds singular responsibility. It was agreed to hold an exploratory meeting and report back at the next full Council meeting.

15 MUGA update to include any outstanding items needing decision – An email had been received from Kevin Haines at Bloor and they will look at the site on Thursday in the hope to put things right and get things built.

16 New Car Park extension scheme update to include any outstanding items needing decision – This had been agreed to start in January 2017

17 106 Mini bus update to include and items needing a decision – Cllr Watts and Cllr Chatham had managed to secure a mini bus which fitted the brief. It has 2500 miles and will come with a lift and lettering on the side. Cllr Watts also spoke of driver training Cllr Watts agreed he was happy to become a trainer. It was hoped delivery should be within the next month or two.

18 Decision to appoint internal auditor – It was agreed by all to appoint GAPTC as internal auditor at a cost of £150. Rates are set on precept amount, and means a cost increase due to the increase of development in the parish raise of precept amount.

19 To agree the cheques/financial report :-

Stoke Orchard & Tredington Parish Council
Budget Report - Year Ending 31st March 2017
Total Spend for 2015/16 / Spend to Date 2016/17 / BANK BALANCES
Salary / 4,014.73 / 2,676.48 / Shop Limited Acct / 7664.62
Pata / 130.80 / 97.50 / Shop Cash Card / 13.24
Stationery,Post / 92.23 / 81.80 / SHOP TOTAL / 7677.86
Meetings / 0.00 / 0.00
Insurance / 212.98 / 223.52 / Hall Account / 1930.69
Subs / 227.28 / GAPTC / 50.00 / Hall Cash Card / 679.66
+GRCC / HALL TOTAL / 2,610.35
Training / 185.00 / 0.00
Audit / 420.00 / Internal/ / 370.00
Amenities / 530.00 / Grass Cutting / 395.00
Telephone / 10.00 / 0.00
Parish Mag / 315.63 / 3,372.25
Hall / 10647.29 / 340.00
Shop Workings / 3,412.49 / 0.00
Sundry / 315.63 / 3,372.25
20,514.06 / 10,978.80
Precept / 10,030.00 / Monies Owed to PC from Hall
Vat Return / 2014/15 / 2015/16 / 2016/17
Interest / 0.17
Grass Cutting
Assistance / 607.50 / 3526.15 / 10647.29
Solar.Gain Owed to Hall
TOTAL / 10,637.67 / VAT Refund PC owed to Hall=1056.44 / VAT Refund PC owed to Hall= 72.37
Current / 1,477.04 / 106 Actual / Budget
Savings / 643.24
______/ Shop / 263.82 / 50000
2,120.28 / Bus / 30,000.00 / 35000
Hall / 1930.69 / 0
Misc / 860.00
33,054.51 / 90,292.00

20 Village Entrance Gates/Speed Camera Funding application update – Cllr Busby reported that he had met with Glasdon about site locations for the gates, but until the schemes documents are produced SO & TPC are unable to proceed. The Commissions Fund Scheme will choose the selection and only then can SO & TPC make a decision/progress. Cllr Busby to liaise with Richard Waters of Glos Highways re Glasdons comments. It was agreed by all that the gates should have the village name on.

21 Drainage Reports for both Villages - No comments at present.

22 Planning:- To discuss the following applications:-

NEW APPLICATION - 17/00072/FUL – Bio Mass based Anaerobic digestion facility including primary digester, final storage tanks, biomethane upgrading units, grid entry unit, propane tanks, preliminary pit, condensation pit,pump container, biogas boiler, standby flare stack, weighbridge, agricultural feedstock storage (silage clamps), underground gas pipes to connect to gas mains, and hard surfacing including alterations to existing vehicular access , internal roads and parking - LAND PARCELS 7496 + 9067 FIDDINGTON – SO & TPC believe there was a lot missing from the application. SO & TPC agreed to demand a full footpath and cycle path from the Odessa to Tredington. It was also reported that the road from the Odessa to Tredington was collapsing. It was agreed by all to OBJECT to this application. SO & TPC to prepare a detailed and thorough objection (attached)

NEW APPLICATION – 17/00120/FUL – Proposed variation of condition 3 of planning application 16/00794/FUL – Proposal to change approved external material and joinery colour.– Land at the rear of Little Orchard, Dean Lane, STOKE ORCHARD – It was agreed by all NO OBJECTION

NEW APPLICATION – 17/0011/TWMAJW - Retrospective change of use of an agricultural barn (part of) to a waste transfer operation (sui generis) - Long Meadow Farm, Stoke Road, STOKE ORCHARD. SO & TPC agreed that this application was in the incorrect and unsuitable location It was agreed by all to OBJECT to this application and prepare a detailed and through objection (attached)

NEW APPLICATION 17/00089/FUL Erection of farm buildings for the long term management of agricultural land - WINGMOOR FARM, STOKE ORCHARD ROAD, BISHOPS CLEEVE – It was agreed by all NO OBJECTION

DECISION = PERMIT 16/00995/FUL – Proposed raising of existing bund, Gun club, The Range, The Park, BISHOPS CLEEVE

23 Neighbourhood Watch Report – No Report

24 Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 4th April 2017 at 7pm – Planning Only

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