For the Financial YearEnding 31stAugust2017
SECTION 1: AdministrativeDetails
1a Name ofCharity:
St. Joseph’s Child CareGroup
1b Charity RegistrationNumber:
St. Joseph’s Child Care Group Bridge Road Aldershot GU113DD
Dr Campbell McCaffertyCBE Fr. Anthony Glayser
Mr Nigel Smith Mrs Debbie Flynn Mr DavidPaterson
1e Additional Trustees in the reportingyear:
SECTION 2: Structure, Governance andManagement
Governing Document: Trust Deed Constitution: UnincorporatedAssociation
2b Appointment of NewTrustees:
Trustees are appointed by formalapplication.
SECTION 3: FinancialReview
3a Policy on Reserves: The Charity commissioned a reserves policy in January2012. The policy indicated that we will build up a reserve equivalent to two months operating costs up to a maximum of £50,000. At the end of this financial year the reserve account stood at£55,033.
SECTION 3: Financial Review(Cont.)
3b Deficitfunds:
The Charity has maintained positive cash balances in the following accounts inthe reporting period. (The figures below are in year figures and do not includes the carry forwards from previous years.
2016/17 InYear
Account / Income / Expenditure / BalanceTea TimeClub / £79,981. / £71,263. / £8,718.
PreSchool / £115,111. / £104,868. / £10,243.
DayNursery** / £216,957. / £243,126. / £-26,169.
Reserve* / £2,896. / £0 / £2,896.
*Reserve Account balance as at 31.08.17 is £55,033.
Opening balance: August2016 / £76,128.75Draw Down Loan Proceeds / £ 0
Payments / £26,856.00
Interest / £ 945.99
Closing balance: August2017 / £50,218.74
SECTION 4: Funds held as custodian trustee onbehalf ofothers
4a Assetsheld:
The Charity has no assets held in the reportingperiod.
4b Assets held on behalfof:
The Charity has no assets held in the reportingperiod.
4c Arrangements for safe custody ofassets:
The Charity has no assets held in the reportingperiod.
SECTION 5: AdditionalInformation
5a Administrativedelegation:
The day to day administration of the charity is delegated to Mr BillJames, Headteacher of St Joseph’s Catholic PrimarySchool.
5b Organisations relevant to theCharity: Bankers: LloydsTSB
75 CastleStreet
Farnham Surrey GU97LT
Auditors: Wise & Co CharteredAccountants
Wey Court West UnionRoad Farnham Surrey GU97PT
Payroll Service Provider:
Firmvalue Payrolls Ltd Wey CourtWest
Union Road Farnham Surrey GU97PT
5c Policies andprocedures:
The following policies have been adopted in the reportingperiod: None
5d Organisationalstructure:
Please see Appendix 1 5eRisks:
The associated risks within the Charity are concerned with two main factors.The
numbers of children who are using the settings as these effects our income stream and the expenditure associated with running the various settings. The tightfinancial management of the Charity ensures that the Charity always operates a positive budget. The individual settings are closely financially monitored. This will be a con- tined focus for the next reporting period. The charity had a claim made by an employee, which was settled through the insurers.
SECTION 6: Objectives andActivities
6a Objects of theCharity:
- To provide the necessary facilities for the daily care, recreationand education of the children during out of school hours and school holidays;
- To provide opportunities for play and education for children whilst involving parents andcarers;
- To advance the education and training of persons in the provision of such care, education and recreationalfacilities
6b Aims of theCharity:
6c Main aims for the comingyear:
- To continue to meet the objects of theCharity
- To ensure that all documentation is reviewed annually
- To continue to service the loansuccessfully
- Tomaintainthehighlevelsofqualificationsineachsetting
- To monitor numbers in each of the settings
- To report to trustees the effect of 30 hour funding
- Ifinspected,togainagoodorbetterratingforPreschool, Nursery 2+ and all othersettings
(Therearenomajorcapitalprojectsplannedforthenextfinancial year)
6d Strategy to achieve mainaims:
1.Through sound financialmanagement
2.Through recruitmentpolicy
3.Through clear training and developmentpolicy
SECTION 6: Objectives and Activities(Cont.)
6e Activities of theCharity:
The Charity has had a successful seventh year in operation. We have successfully developed all settings and they are now in a sound financial position. We have continued to successfully service the loan. The Charity continues to work in association with St Joseph’s School to promote the use of this Community Room. The settings continue to runindependently on behalf of theCharity. There have been several improvements regarding the nursery including new storage and a new play house.
SECTION 7: Achievements andPerformance
7a Performance against previousobjectives:
- To continue to meet the objects of theCharity (Achieved)
- To Maintain regular meeting focusing on standards, and pupil progress (Achieved)
- To continue to service the loansuccessfully (Achieved)
- Tomaintainthehighlevelsofqualificationsineachsetting (Achieved)
- Ifinspected,togainagoodorbetterratingforPreschool, Nursery 2+ and all othersettings (Not inspected in the academic year)
Small scale fund raising was undertaken by the different settings. Totalfundraising for the reporting period was£534.50.
We donated money to the following Charities: UNIQUE
The Charity does not currently have anyinvestments.
7d Factors beyond the Charitiescontrol:
There were no factors beyond the Charities control that had an effect inthe reportingperiod.
SECTION 8: FinancialReview
8a How has expenditure supported keyobjectives
The loan has been successfully serviced. Development areas have been successfullyfinanced
8b MaterialInvestments:
There were no material investments in excess of £5,000. in the reportingperiod.
SECTION 9: FuturePlans
9a Aims for the next reportingperiod: Please refer to6c