A Sample Induction Checklist
PRE PLACEMENT:Task / Person(s) Responsible /
When Completed
/ Further ActionExchange profiles with the student
Prepare staff, volunteers and Job Seekers
Identify student role
Identify initial workload
Ensure you have course and assessment requirements information
Check specific needs the student may have e.g. learning goals or additional support needs
Arrange pre-placement visit
Ensure that the PVG check is in hand
Confirm student’s start date
Confirm arrangements for cover in Link Worker’s absence
Ensure student Induction & Support pack available, induction programme prepared
Arrange practicalities e.g. PC access, desk
Arrange meetings with key contacts e.g. Manager, staff, Board members, other relevant external professionals
Task / Person(s) Responsible / When Completed / Further Action
Introduce student to Link Worker and other staff and volunteers with whom student will have regular contact
Arrange for student to have initial tour of the work sites, highlighting fire exits, toilet facilities, staff room and eating facilities
Provide login ID for office computer and demonstrate use of relevant equipment e.g. photocopier, printer etc
Issue student with Student Induction & Support Pack
Confirm all relevant documentation has been provided by student
Issue student with service structure charts, explain reporting procedures and how to seek assistance re admin support etc
Confirm arrangement with student for issuing of agency student ID if relevant
Confirm working arrangements with student, including confirmation of hours of work, breaks (including smoking policy) and flexi-time
Explain absence procedure
Clarify expectations in relation to telephone use and dealing with written correspondence
Clarify expectations regarding general behaviour, agency rules and dress code
Schedule time for initial induction review meeting at end of first week
Schedule protected time for reading of Induction Folder, relevant policies etc
Task / Person(s) Responsible / When Completed / Further Action
Confirm range of tasks / responsibilities that can be undertaken by student
Confirm roles and duties of Manager, Link Worker, staff and volunteers
Explain Supervision procedures
Explain agency Complaints procedures
Advise student of aims, goals and objectives of the agency, the overall purpose of the two projects, relevant, policies and expectations of practice
Advise student of Data Protection Legislation and meaning of Confidential information
Advise student of procedure for out of office and lone working
Task / Person(s) Responsible / When Completed / Further Action
Student to visit key external resources as required:
List key resources
Student to familiarise themselves with colleague’s roles as required:
List key colleagues
Student to familiarise themselves with the roles of related professionals , as required:
List key professionals
Student to meet with Board as required
Student to be given time to read through relevant agency policies and have opportunity to discuss in supervision
Student to be given time to read through relevant legislation, national policy and guidance and have opportunity to discuss in supervision
Student to have a Working Agreement including agreement on supervision with the Link Worker
Completed Check List should be signed by the student and Link Worker, with copies retained by the agency and the student (for Practice Learning Portfolio)
Student Signature:Date:
Manager/Link Worker Signature:
Gillian Muir
March 2012
A sample induction checklistbyGillian Muiris licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.