STG 2009 Technical Paper Word Template: Title in english

STG 2009 Technical Paper Title in German

Author Name(s):Academic title. First Name. Middle Initial. Family Name
Organization, Designation

Zusammenfassung. A short abstract in German in a single paragraph should be included here.

Summary. A short abstract in a single paragraph should be included here.


Place the title of the paragraph at the beginning of the text. Please use numbers without end-dots for the headings e.g. 1, 1.3, 2.3.8 and do not use Roman numbers. Avoid too many sub-classes.

1Style sheet (first class)

1.1Style sheet (first sub-class)

1.1.1Style sheet (second sub-class) sheet (third sub-class)

Continuous text

Prepare the manuscript solely in floating text (without any line or paragraph stops in-between) using the whole page. Do not use hard hyphens. Indents to be generated only by tabs – never blanks. Do not produce line breaks by enter key, which shall be used only at the end of a paragraph. Do not insert blank lines between the paragraphs.

Please indicate your literature sources with consecutive numbers in this way [1]. Quotations should be illustrated with quotation marks.

To deploy the STG-style sheets overwrite this document or reformat your manuscript with the included WORD-style sheets.


Please do not use footnotes.

Bullets and Numbering

Please use only dash (minus) symbols or numbers with dots or brackets.

Units and Abbreviations

Please use generally the same units and abbreviations, always with the same or zero distance.


Table 1. Style Sheet for captions of figures and tables

Use only tabulators – never blank symbols.

Please insert them at the desired location behind a paragraph. Tables obtain headings with consecutive table numbers. Tables may be submitted also in graphical form, if appropriate.


Figures and drawings must receive an individual caption below the figure. The size of the figures/ drawings should be chosen at one of the following measurements: 73mm, 115mm or 153mm. If possible, the figure should be submitted as a separate file(s); preferred formats are: .tif, .jpg (300 dpi). Please include all legends.

Figure Captions

Please insert figure Captions generally behind the paragraph, where the figure should be arranged.

Fig. 1. Style Sheet for captions of figures and tables


If possible, equations should be included as a separate file(s); preferred formats are: .tif, .gif, .jpg (300 dpi). Please avoid to involve signs e.g. as an equation in the floating text, format them as text.

Example for an equation and its numbering:



1Under this heading, all literature sources are summarized at the end of the manuscript. Within the text of the manuscript the references should indicated by numbers in square brackets. No brackets here.