“Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds.” Prov. 27:23
Quarter: ______
Membership this Quarter: ______
Goals for the Current Year: / Number / Percentage1 / Members who are tithing regularly.
2 / Combined Offerings and donations[1] to be equivalent to______% of tithe.
Tithe Report
1 / Members tithing during this quarter:
2 / Members tithing during last quarter:
3 / Tithers compared to the same quarter last year
4 / Growth of tithers compared to the same quarter last year:
5 / Tithe per capita this quarter in local currency:
6 / Average tithe per capita for last 4 quarters in local currency:
Offerings[2] Report
1 / Total offerings compare to total tithe returned for this quarter:
2 / Total offerings compare to total tithe returned for the last quarter:
3 / Offerings per capita this quarter in local currency:
4 / Average offerings per capita for last 4 quarters in local currency:
5 / Identified participants of combined offerings plan:
My Analysis
“Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds.” Prov. 27:23
Quarter: ______
Membership this quarter: ______
Goals for the Current Year:
- To have ______% of members who are tithing regularly.
- Combined Offerings and donations[3] to be equivalent to______% of tithe.
Tithe Report
- Percentage of members tithing during this quarter: ______%
- Percentage of members tithing during last quarter: ______%
- Growth of tithers compared to the same quarter last year: ______%
- Tithe per capita this quarter in local currency: ______
- Average tithe per capita for last 4 quarters in local currency: ______
Offerings* Report
- Total offerings compare to total tithe returned for this quarter: ______%
- Total offerings compare to total tithe returned for the last quarter: ______%
- Offerings per capita this quarter in local currency: ______
- Average offerings per capita for last 4 quarters in local currency: ______
- Identified participants of combined offerings plan: ______%
My Analysis
*Offeringsreferstothe total offeringsreceivedatthe local church.
*Quarterlydeadlineisthe 5th weekaftertheendofeachquarter.
[1]Donations does not refer to outright gifts but to allocated/specified offerings e.g. project fund such as ‘church building’.
[2]Offeringsreferstothe total offeringsreceivedatthe local church.
Quarterlydeadlineisthe 5th weekaftertheendofeachquarter.
[3]Donations does not refer to outright gifts but to allocated/specified offerings e.g. project fund such as ‘church building’.