Stewards and Security Briefing – The National Thursday 26th November 2010


House Management Team

Duty Manager:Candice McDonaldRadio 0001

2nd String DM:Steve RoseRadio 0003

Operations Asst:Carl BonsorRadio 0002


Ext Security Sup:Nick WakelamRadio 0015

9 other security personnelShowsec radios

UoW Security Sup:tbc


Head Steward:Izzy JohnRadio 0005

Head Steward:Jenny FootRadio 0006

Hall Stewards:Sam Burdock (also a Head)

Natalie Dilworth

Lewis Smith

Claire Stone

Rachel O’Reilly

Lydia Shellier-Walker

Alison George

Scott Menzies

Lisa Gyokery

Jack Heal

Mitalee Salvi

Mei Ling Tong

Vanessa Ho

Sally Thomas

Hui Lin Chiew

Grace Kwon

Plus 1 tbc

Concourse Stewards:Lucy Tomlinson (also a Head)Radio 0004

Yusuf ZolaRadio 3384

Parking Stewards:Pooja Chatterjee

Rachel Lim

M+G Steward:Jess Yung Ming

Call time for all Security and Stewards 18.30

Security positions:

Pre show:

Door 1 = 1 GUARD (also monitoring back stage access)

Door 2 = 1 GUARD

Door 3 = 1 GUARD

Door 4= 1 GUARD

Door 5 = 1 GUARD

Door 6 = 1 GUARD

Door 7 = 1 GUARD

Door 8= 1 GUARD

Concourse entrance= 2 GUARDS (allowing people entry when tickets swapped for wristband/directing customers upstairs)

During the show:

Barrier Stage Left= 1 GUARD

Barrier Stage Right= 1 GUARD

Door 1 (Upper Balcony Left) = 1 GUARD

Door 2 (Upper Balcony Right) = 1 GUARD

Door 4(Flat floor Middle Left)= 1 GUARD

Door 5 (Flat floor Front Left) = 1 GUARD

Door 7 (Flat floor Front Right) = 1 GUARD

Door 8(Flat floor Middle Right)= 1 GUARD

Mobile Security Upper Balcony= NICK

Mobile Security Flat Floor= 1 GUARD

Post Show:

Door 1 = 1 GUARD (also monitoring back stage access)

Door 2= 1 GUARD

Door 4= 1 GUARD

Door 5= 1 GUARD

Door 7= 1 GUARD

Door 8= 1 GUARD

Foyer by Concourse entrance= 2 GUARDS (monitoring those going back to foyer/bar)

Concourse general= Nick and 1 GUARD

After main crowds have cleared:

Foyer/Theatre Bar= Nick and 2 GUARDS

Steward positions:

Pre and during show:

Mobile key:= 2 Stewards (Izzy upstairs and Jenny downstairs)

Door 1 = 3 Stewards (tbc, Lewis and Natalie)

Door 2 = 2 Stewards (Jack and Anita)

Door 3 = 2 Stewards (Hui Lin and Lydia)

Door 4= 2 stewards (Mitalee and Rachel)

Door 5 = 3 Stewards (Sam, Claire and Sally)

Door 6 = 2 stewards (Mei Ling and Grace)

Door 7 = 2 Stewards (Lisa and Scott)

Door 8= 2 Stewards (Vanessa and Anita)

Concourse= 2 Stewards (Yusuf and Lucy) – to also man the wristband desks, with assistance from 2 Heads.


Merchandise Desk= Sam, Scott and Lisa

Ices Freezers:= Alison, Natalie, Vanessa, Rachel

Ices Trays:= Jack, Lewis

Remaining stewards stay on Doors/in concourse, Heads are eyes and ears and mobile.

Ops/DM positions:

DM – mobile monitoring all areas with regular radio contact with Security, Ops, 2nd String and Heads

Ops – mobile but pre, interval and post based by Toblarone opposite Concourse entrance.

2nd String – when available monitoring Foyer and predominantly Bar areas.


18.30 Stewards and Security briefing/walk round held by Candice

18.45 Stewards Health and Safety/Evacuation checks

19.00 Security and Stewards in position

19.00 Stewards on desk ready to issue wristbands

19.30 Doors Open

20.00 – 20.45 Support Act - Phosphorescent

20.45 – 21.15 Interval

21.15 - 22:45 pm - The National (band will be leaving immediately after the show)

22.45 Final Merchandise sales and Stewards remove all rubbish from Hall/de-brief with Heads

22.45 Security to monitor bar area

22.55 Heads de-brief

23.00 Security de-brief

(show times and post show are estimates)



1730 tickets have been sold, of which 1208 are in the flats, 522 are seated in the balconies. All ticket holders will be issued with a wristband:

Standing = clear bright orange wristband

Seated = bright orange wristband with a black stripe down the centre

At the beginning of the evening we will have a table set up between the two Hall concourse doors and a table set up between Doors 1 and 2 for ticket holders to swap their tickets for an orange wristband according to whether they are in the seated areas or standing. We will have 1steward manningeach table with the assistance of the Ops and 2nd string teams as well as the Heads. Box Office will also swap any tickets for wristbands as and when people come to collect tickets. You MUST swap the bands for the tickets otherwise people might try to come back and sneak people in by obtaining further bands. If the queues become large Ops, 2nd String and the Concourse stewards will work their way along the queues swapping tickets for bands to assist.

We will make regular announcements over the tanoy for customers to exchange their tickets for wristbands .

Exit strategy

At the end of the evening Stewards and Security can open all of the lower floor emergency exit doors to dispel the crowds which will discourage them from returning into the foyer. Security and Stewards need to actively assist with people traffic control.


No one is allowed backstage without a backstage pass and under no circumstances should the door code be given out. If someone wants access backstage you should send them to Door 5 where a Security Guard will be able to check for a pass and determine access.

First Aid:

If there is a First Aid incident ALWAYS contact the DM (Candice) FIRST for assistance but for your reference for the evening the onsite WAC First Aiders are:

Candice McDonald – House Manager

Carl Bonsor – Operations Assistant

Jayne Brown – Food and Drink Manager

Never attempt to treat someone requiring First Aid yourself, contact the Duty Manager and remain with the casualty trying to keep them calm until the First Aider arrives on the scene, also use your fellow stewards and Security to guide the crowds away from the incident.

FYR – we will set up some water jugs and plastic cups in the Creative Space and in the Chair Store by Door 7 for if members of the public become dehydrated. They are there only as an emergency. There will also be some paper towels stored there too for any spillages that may be made and could cause a slip hazard, Security, Stewards, Ops and DM’s will be expected to monitor and swiftly remove any hazards. Please be aware that any bodily fluids that need cleaning up will be handled by the FOH team not the Stewards.

Intoxicated customers

The Theatre Bar will be open pre-show, throughout the performance and post show. Pre show and during the interval a further bottle bar will be available in the Sculpture Court and opposite the Theatre Bar to ensure swift efficient service. Drinks will be allowed in the venue in plastic cups only. No hot drinks are allowed in the venue.

The Bar staff and Café Bar staff are all trained in dealing with intoxicated customers and will be vigilant in terms of not supplying further alcohol to those they consider to be intoxicated and of danger to themselves and our staff. They will inform the Duty Manager andUoW Security of any incidents that have occurred or need further attention. At no point should any of our staff put themselves at risk.

If you come across a customer who is intoxicated and poses a threat to themselves or our staff, or other members of the public, make a mental note of the person description, the risk of concern and report in immediately to the Head Steward or the Duty Manager and give a full description of the person and their location. The Head Steward will then contact the Duty Manager immediately. Do not attempt to step in and manage the situation yourself.

Ext Security will be asked to assist the Food and Drink Manager and the Duty Manager in the case of any incidents requiring support. UoW Security will also be notified for back-up.

Conflict management

If a customer behaves in an aggressive manner to you or to any of our staff members please follow the same process as above.

The Duty Manager will liaise with both the Ext Security and UoW Security teams to resolve the situation.

Ext Security – we will be working with the 2 counts and out rule dependent on the circumstance. One polite request to refrain from disruptive behaviour, second request with a warning that next time they will be asked to leave, third offence and they are to be asked to leave/escorted from the premises. At all stages the Duty Manager needs to be informed of the situation. If someone is evicted the Duty Manager will notify the Food and Drink Manager and UoW Security immediately with a full description and will complete an incident form to be signed by Security. If an immediate eviction is required the DutyManager should be notified immediately.

Where possible orange wristbands should be removed from those who have been evicted.

Access issues:

We have 4 wheelchair users, 2 with 1 carer on the left balcony and 2 with a carer each in the central balcony, no wheelchair users in the standing area.


Anytime – must have wristband though


We are selling for the company on the merchandise table only, they will have a range of CD’s T-Shirts and other promotional materials, the company will issue a price list to work to on the evening.


On exit for The Richard Thompson Band



Car Parks:

It is anticipated that audience members will have a staggered arrival from 19.30 – 21.15. It is also anticipated that audience members will arrive in shared cars with designated drivers. The total number of audience is no more than our average Concert Series night and therefore we will handle it in much the same way. Our web site notifies people to arrive to allow time for parking and to use a variety of Car Parks. Customer expectation for this type of event is for traffic/parking delays.

Car Park 7 will have two UoW Security guards assisting people in/diverting people to other car-parks when full.

2 WAC Stewards will be positioned one by Coventry House and one by the Bollards near Costcutter to assist with Access customers and to notify the DM of traffic flow problems and assist UoW Security as required. They will be in situ from 18.00 – 21.15. They will not be available via Radio.

UoW Security will make a judgement call to potentially open barriers around 22.45 assessing traffic control on exit at that point.

We will also have a WAC Meet and Greet Steward on duty from 18.45 to guide audiences to Butterworth Hall. They will be positioned just inside the main doors until 21.15.


If you are unclear about anything in the briefing please just ask!

Enjoy the night, but be vigilant, professional and aware of your areas at all times!

Don’t put yourselves at risk!

If in doubt contact the Duty Manager!