Spokane Hauser SST MeetingDec 18th 2012
Members in attendance: Steve Mazulo, Mike Girven, Lee JohnsonSteve Snyder, Gabe Hinkle, Rob Holton, Chad Horn, Scott Rohrig, Danny Bennett, Tony Perdue, Roland Hackney,Doug Fairbanks, Doug Dawley, Ed Carlson, Josh Smith, Tracy Bounous
Steve opened meeting with a safety briefing.
Reviewed minutes from November
Minutes were approved.
Gabe stated YTD we had 60 SIRP’s with 3 still open. One for yard debris in the hellhole and three that were never entered. Gabe following up on the oversight. One for deadhead manipulation on the lineups at AFHT. Discussion ensued. Gabe stated that a lot of SIRP’s were closed out pretty fast, he will follow up to make sure things are being done right.TCM’s are all up to date. One needs to be entered for Connell regarding rail distributed. SIRP regarding a hole near the Sandpoint Yard mainline switch still open. With the conditions being poor it might have to wait until spring. Steve M. is pushing for more follow up with the SIRP process in 2013 to make sure things are being done to satisfaction.
General Discussion
Tony shared the Terminal Dashboard that Roland puts out daily. Roland will post this in the safety cabinet. Discussion of the dashboard ensued Steve S. commented on the WB Approach signal to Glade is getting better but still needs lower aspect to be “tweaked”. Doug will follow up with Pasco signal maintainers. Hard to throw switches should be marathon topic again. Discussion about the switch box at Yardley not being checked ensued. Doug to follow up with Calvin regarding the switch tender. Ed touched on the EST program for 2013 and the company wide program on approaching others regarding safety. Talk of “greatest hits” program for newer employees. Presenters will be going to Seattle for EST training in January. Senior leadership is impressed with what EST is accomplishing that they have committed to keeping the program for at least 10 more years. The logo has been sent to legal for approval and the process will take about 3 weeks for a final answer. Steve M. talked about the questionnaire that was handed out to some of the membership. Will be handing out again during marathons. Overall the SST scored 7 out of 10 for effectiveness in the terminal, with positive feedback. One of the points taken away was a SIRP log posted on the safety board. Gabe talked about the newsletter and what information will be going in it. Discussion of the updating of the safety boards. We need to get with Kristina Abdo about her updating the Yardley board. Doug said it was business as usual, MOW will be hiring soon. Talk of expansion projects on the west side. Cut over of new signals will begin next year on the Lakeside and Fallbridge subs. Local signal dept. is over 700 days injury free. Portable radios need to be updated to narrow band by Jan 1st.Goal setting
Superintendent’s Report
Roland stated 2012 was the safest year for TY&E in the Terminal, and believes 2013 will produce the same results. He put an emphasis on focusing on where we’ve been and where we are going as we move forward into the
New Year.
SHARP Report
Lee stated that observations have been going on for a little over 5 months and the program is still a work in progress. Over 15000 observations have occurred with
180 at-risk behaviors uncovered. SHARP is seeing success despite there still being some negativity issues. SHARP is trying to combat these issues and is open to suggestions on how to deal with it and keep momentum moving forward. The hearing protection issue is being dealt with and a new flyer will be going up. The monthly newsletter will be coming out soon with an emphasis on using the buddy system to load and unload grips. Classes will be starting up again in January. Discussion regarding more local Union leadership participation. Open discussion ensued.
Old Business
Steve S. and Scott R. gave an overview of the Pasco and Wenatchee SST meetingsthey attended. Both felt their attendance at these meetings was not only beneficial but started the open communication between the AFHT SST teams. Discussion ensued. Follow up with Milt about the grates for the Yardley mule refueling shed.
New Business
Discussion of a budget for the SST. Steve S. presented the committee with anargument sheet for the budget. Roland stated a process has to be formulated and taken to the division meeting to seek approval. Discussion of a new safety computer. Scott will look possible upgrades to keep PowerPoint running smoothly. Ed talked about the possible change in alternative handling (for the better). Due to the positive nature of our SHARP program senior leadership has reduced the number of Operations Tests that are performed in our terminal. Gabe inquired about starting up the utility classes again. Roland stated classes will be starting up again next year. Gabe will discuss with Brad about getting smaller brake sticks and mounts for the new mules.
Employees of the Month
Polling will take place at marathons