Fund Deficits Dashboard Instructions
Steps to gain access to the Fund Deficits Dashboard
- You will first need to go to the Dashboards website by following the link below:
- Click on the UND Internal Dashboard logo
- This will bring you to a new page and you will see on the right hand side where it says “Sign-In to Access UND Internal Dashboard”
- Click on it and this will bring you to a sign in page
- If you would like you can add the URL to your favorites and you will not have to do steps a-d every time
- Now you will need to sign-in
- You should be able to sign-in using the username and password that you use for PeopleSoft
- If you are unable to sign in you need to contact Sharon Loiland
- Finding the Fund Deficits Dashboard
- You will see at the top of the page a drop-down called or “UND Finance & Operations”
- Click on “XXXXXXXXXXX” and find Fund Deficits and click on it
- Displaying the Dashboard Chart
- You should now see a text box, and this will be used to search for the deficits you are assigned to.
- You will not type in the individual Fund in this box
- You will search by division or college
- For example, if you are a part of Athletics, you would type in Athletics, not a specific fund associated with Athletics
- If you are not sure what to type in the text box, click on the show dashboard button and go to number 6
- Once you have figured out what you assigned to, type the lookup name in the box and click show dashboard
- You must click on the button, you cannot use the enter key on your keyboard
- A chart should show up on your screen displaying all the fund you are assigned to that has a deficit
- NOTE: this dashboard does not show funds that are not deficits
- Exporting the Data
- Once you have found your deficits you can export the data to Excel if you’d like
- You can do this by right-clicking on the chart and clicking on “Export Chart Data”
- Click on open at the bottom of the screen and an Excel file will open up.
- Figuring out the Lookup Name
- If you are at this step you are unsure of what to type in the test box
- There is a link on the left hand side of the dashboard that says “Finding Lookup Name”
Finding Lookup Name
Instructions for using dashboard
- If you click on that link Excel spreadsheet will open
- You will then be able to filter the “Access to iDashboards” Column to only show your name
- Once you have filtered the spreadsheet to show your name, the names in the Lookup Name Column is what you will type into the text box in the dashboard.
- If there is multiple names in that column you can pick which one you want to type in.
- For Example, if you are assigned to Housing/Revenue Bonds/VP Student, you can type in any of the three options.
- This Excel Spreadsheet is located on the Controller website, along with these instructions
- These Instructions are also linked in the dashboard as well