CCGPS Coordinate AlgebraSupport
Stephenson High School
Teacher(s):Trenton Murphey / Phone Number: 678-676-4372Room Number: Rm. 917 / Email:
Semester: Fall 2013 / Tutorial Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Textbook:Holt McDougal Coordinate Algebra, Georgia Edition / Tutorial Hours: 3:25p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Textbook Price: Current Value / Tutorial Location: Rm. 917
Class Website:
Department Philosophy:To enhance the mathematical ability of students by providing a rigorous and professional learning environment.
Course Description: The fundamental purpose of Coordinate Algebra is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students
learned in the middle grades. The critical areas, organized into units, deepen and extend understandingof linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and in part by applyinglinear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Coordinate Algebra uses algebra to deepen and extendunderstanding of geometric knowledge from prior grades. The final unit in the course ties together thealgebraic and geometric ideas studied. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout eachcourse and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as acoherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.
Course Prerequisites:Successful completion of 8thGrade Mathematics
Course Outline:
Unit 1 / Unit 2 / Unit 3 / Unit 4 / Unit 5 / Unit 6Relationships
Quantities / Reasoning with
Equation and Inequalities / Linear and
Exponential Functions / Describing
Data / Transformations
in the Coordinate
Plane / Connecting Algebra
And Geometry
Through Coordinates
2 – 2.5 weeks / 2 – 2.5 weeks / 3 – 3.5 weeks / 2.5 – 3weeks / 2 – 2.5 weeks / 2 – 2.5 weeks
MCC9-12.A.CED.1-4 / MCC9-12.A.REI.1
MCC9-12.A.REI.12 / MCC9-12.A.REI.10
MCC9-12.F.LE.5 / MCC9-12.S.ID.
5-9 / MCC9-12.G.CO.
1-5 / MCC9-12.G.GPE.4-7
Note: A detailed description of each standard may be located on the class website.
CCGPS Coordinate Algebra Support Grading Scale:
Class Work/Homework / 35%Performance
(Quizzes) / 30%
(Unit Tests, Projects) / 35%
Final Assessment / N/A
Grading:Tests, quizzes, and benchmarks will be graded on accuracy. Homework (Assignments) will be graded on completion
(only full, half, or no credit will be given). Classwork (Activities and Tasks) will be graded on completion and/or accuracy.
Testing: This is NOT an End of Course Test class. Students will take the EOCT in May, after the completion of CCGPS Coordinate
Algebra. Please visit find study material and practice tests.
Important Dates:
Progress Reports: September 17, October 17, and November 19.
Parent Conference Nights: Tuesday, September 17 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Curriculum night 6:00 p.m.-7:00p.m., and Tuesday, November 19, 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Report Card: January 9, 2014.
Required Materials:
*You are required to keep an INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK for this class. Your interactive notebook will be kept in a 100 page composition notebook. There will be frequent notebook/homework checks. You are required to keep all notes and assignments in your interactive notebook. You mustuse a separate binder to keep your graded inbox tasks, projects, tests/quizzes and exit tickets throughout the semester.
Glue or glue stick
TI-36X Pro scientific calculator
100 page composition notebook (interactive notebook)
3 Ring Binder (1 ½ to 2 inch)
4 dividers
- Course Syllabus (1 pt.)
- Assignment Sheet (1 pt.)
- Divider labeled “Inbox Task” (1 pt.)
- Divider labeled “Group work/Projects” (1 pt.)
- Divider labeled “Tests/Quizzes” (1 pt.)
- Divider labeled “Exit Tickets” (1pt.)
Classroom Rules:
In addition to the school rules, the following rules will also apply in the classroom:
- Be Prompt: On time, with all materials, and ready to begin.
- Be Polite: Be respectful at all times to self and others.
- Be Prepared: Come with book, notebook, pencil, paper, and calculatorEVERYDAY.
- Be Protective: Be respectful of materials and property.
5. Be Productive: Use time wisely and accomplish all that you can.
Classroom Expectations: You are expected to:
- Abide by the classroom and school rules.
- Be in class, seated, and prepared for class to begin before the tardy bell rings.
- Give me an honest effort every day.Pay attention, take notes, and participate in class discussions and activities.
- Demonstrate the steps to achieve a solution and indicate that solution clearly (i.e. SHOW ALL WORK).
- Be here daily and on time. When you miss a day, you miss a lot.
- Be responsible for getting your own makeup work. It must be done promptly!
- Complete all work in pencil only.
Late Assignments: There will be frequent and random homework/notebook checks. Late work will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero (0). If you are in class the day the homework is assigned and do not have your homework when it is due, it cannot be made up.
Make-up Policy for Excused Absences: Make-up work (homework, classwork, projects) will be provided to students with excused absences. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to turn in your make-up work. I will not ask for it. Make-up tests and quizzes will be rescheduled with the teacher.
Re-do Policy:It is the goal that all students complete all assignments with at least 80% accuracy. Students are allowed to make-up any assignment, quiz or test with a grade of 80 or below within four tutorials days. Late or missing assignments and projects cannot be redone. Students must submit correct corrections (with work shown) on a separate sheet of paper before retaking a quiz/test.Students must attend a tutorial session with their teacher to re-do the assignment. The highest grade possible on a re-do assignment is 80%.
Tutorial Requirements:Students are to come to tutorial with their notebook, notes and specific questions about a topic. No one is admitted without these items and no one is admitted after 3:25 p.m.
CCGPS Coordinate Algebra Support: 27.098100
Teacher’s Website: /
Spring 2013 – Mr. Murphey
Voice Mail: (678) 676-4372Cell:(509) 251-4255
Your child received a course syllabus on the day they entered my classroom. He/she was instructed to read and sign the course syllabus and to have a parent sign it. When handed in to me, this signature sheet will count as your child’s first 10 points. It is due within ONE day of their first day in class.
I understand and will abide by the details set forth in this Syllabus.
Student Name (PRINT)Student SignatureDate
I understand and support my child’s Math Syllabus.
Parent SignatureDate
Parent Contact Information (please print VERY clearly)
Parent(s) or Guardian NameParent(s) or Guardian Name
CELL Phone - TEXT messages OK? Yes NoCELL Phone - TEXT messages OK? Yes No
Other Phone (Home / Work / Other)Other Phone (Home / Work / Other)
E-mail AddressE-mail Address
What do I need to know to help your child succeed in Algebra this year?
Do you have any questions for me?