Flix2You Proposal


Database Design Allstars

Stephen Kupiec, James Bellefontaine, Michael Breisch, Clayton Henry

12 Grove St

New York, NY10014

(867) 555-5309


The Pennsylvania State University

IST 210

Section 001

Professor: Gary Heberling

Submitted: Friday, May 1

Table of Contents

Table of Contents (1)

Executive Summary (2)

Project Overview (2)

Project Management(4)

  • Project Plan
  • Resources and Budget

User Analysis(13)

  • Users
  • Database Views

Organization of Data(17)

  • Existing Database Analysis and Relationships
  • SQL Queries to Create Tables

Database Administration(21)

  • Backup and Recovery
  • Data Access and Security
  • Dataload

Database Dashboard and Analytics(26)

Legal Issues(27)

  • Privacy Statement
  • Terms of Service


Executive Summary

Database Design Allstars is a consulting-oriented company, intending to fill in the market need for a professional, customer-focused project management company. We specializes in modifications to database management systems of all types. We are offering this solution to meet the increasing demands of Flix2You. As a company we comprehend the restrictions of their current database design and below offer a design that will supply Flix2You with a new solid database management system that will present them with the most comprehensive data of their customers.

Located in New York City, Database Design Allstars realizes that for us to prosper we need to be flexible and responsive. We need to please our clients by providing them with what they want, when they want it, and before any other company can offer it. We intend to achieve this goal of ours by flying the client out their own personal team of our very best here at Database Design Allstars! This team will stay with Flix2You from the beginning of the project till the very end of it, when the system goes live.

Project Overview

Within the last decade, an enterprise that has been reaching penultimate heights is the business of online movie rental and internet movie streaming services (Fisher-Ogden, 2014). FLIX2YOU is one of the opportunistic companies that have capitalized on this media boom but have currently met some growth challenges. Competitors such as Netflix, Redbox, and Amazon have outgrown FLIX2YOU both in terms of customer reach and revenue achieved (Fisher-Ogden, 2014). While this is discouraging, FLIX2YOU is determined to improve their standing amongst competition and bring about the dawn of a new era of prosperity within the business.

Through an internal audit and vetting process, the following decisions have been made by FLIX2YOU leadership to bring about change regarding their business structure. The data collection that has taken place over many years regarding customer views and movie selections has become outdated and is causing performance issues for both company employees and customers of FLIX2YOU. It has been determined that this methodology of data collection must be better organized and restructured to fit the growing needs of the customer population. Furthermore, the database storing company information regarding the movie rental service must be retooled to allow for easier access to FLIX2YOU company data. Even though FLIX2YOU has quantum’s of information stored within the database, it has proven very difficult to effectively analyze the data given the current database structure and capabilities. This is the main cause of why growth of FLIX2YOU’s customer base and participation has dwindled.

Our goal will be to create a database for Flix2You that makes customer experience a priority while also improving the performance and capabilities of the system as a whole. At first, it’s natural to think that the only possible way to achieve this is by upgrading hardware and software systems that are currently being utilized. Although that will be necessary in order to improve performance, those gains will not be felt without proper design and implementation of a database that efficiently analyzes the market. If you did a poll of what bothers most computer users when it comes to any type of computer technology, there is a high probability that complexity coupled with latency are two of the biggest issues. Database Design Allstars will look to reduce these two hindrances drastically through a series of process improvements and upgrades to the existing database system of Flix2You.

First steps will involve improving the design of the current database that resides with Flix2You. This will be accomplished by effectively normalizing your data which will eliminate data redundancy and increase overall performance of your system. In doing so, not only will the database better support company goals but your customers will noticeably experience a much improved experience when using FLIX2YOU products. New Structured Query Language (SQL) will accompany this new layout which will benefit all database users by providing quicker and more effective query searches.

Moving forward with this newly designed database will require some upgrades and improvements to current system hardware at your facilities. We will be adding numerous new state-of-the-art front end web-servers, SQL servers, and a new collocation center to house all vital company hardware among additional technological upgrades dedicated to the business. These improvements will ensure that Flix2You stays competitive with technological innovations that continue to advance data utilization across a plethora of media streaming organizations. Proper staffing will be essential for this transition to transpire in a smooth, efficient manner and training will be conducted (initially by the Database Administrator - subsequently by a training staff/team) immediately upon implementation to prevent any launch issues or conflicts.

With this new database structure in place along with implementing numerous technological improvements to enhance overall capability, a new database dashboard will be constructed to assist the DBA and programmers in quickly identifying and analyzing data information as well as general performance. This new dashboard software accompanied by an updated website display for Flix2You will provide a variety of reports decision makers can access and use immediately to show trends in a customer’s rental history, favorite movies rented over the last month, and other important trends based upon customer activity. In addition, database dashboard information will be accessible across a number of mobile devices including laptop PC’s, mobile phones, and tablets that have secured access to the Flix2You network (Fisher-Ogden, 2014).

The new Flix2You website layout will provide customers with easier navigation options and less “clicks” to rent the movie they want (. Gone are the days of spending 30 mins or so typing in search queries or billing information (Fisher-Ogden, 2014). Once a Flix2You member, a customer will have the option to “click to rent” and immediately (upon secured confirmation) have the movie come off our shelves and begin transit to that individual. Additionally, the Flix2You website will be an open-source for the revamped legal disclaimer(s) and privacy policy that all persons linked to the company must acknowledge and adhere to. All visitors will and can choose to provide or not provide certain information in regards to their identity and Flix2You will not provide any of that information to any other entity without their strict consent. Terms and conditions will be provided upon membership inauguration and must be accepted before being able to use the Flix2You service.

Finally and probably most importantly we want to ensure a safe and secure product for both Flix2You company employees and customers. Any type of catastrophic failure involving the database will be minimized due to a robust backup and recovery plan that will prevent any loss of critical date or compromise of personal clientele information. Furthermore, any transaction conduction will include the proper encryption necessary to prevent any harm from a Trust is key to a successful online business and we are looking to guarantee customers that their personable identifiable information is in safe and capable hands when renting movies from the Flix2You movie rental service.

This proposal will outline in depth what Database Design Allstars hopes to accomplish with this potential business venture with Flix2You. We believe we have the right solution to your database design and information analysis problems and we want this partnership to take off into the stratosphere. Please refer to the next section which summarizes the overall timeline of the project along with budgetary and resource information about what we hope to accomplish for Flix2You.

Project Management

Main Objectives Involving New Flix2You Database

  • Revamp and Revolutionize Flix2You database design
  • Create a comprehensive Backup and Recovery plan
  • Conduct a user analysis for using the new database and manage views/read-write privileges
  • Create database reports and dashboard views across various media platforms
  • Identify any legal issues for the new repository that Flix2You needs to be aware of

Flix2You Database Project Outline:

Initial Setup of Database:

  • Introduce Sample Size of Data - for testing use test server and data
  • Develop SQL coding
  • Create SQL commands
  • Test SQL commands and Configurations
  • Edit/Recreate SQL commands to fit needs
  • Final Testing and Configuration

Onsite Setup

  • Install Hardware at Flix2You HQ - Servers, Computers, etc…
  • Configure/Setup Initial Database Structure
  • Load FLIX2YOU data (User & Original Company data)
  • Database Testing and Configuration (see initial setup above)
  • Test SQL commands and Configurations
  • Integrate Security Software
  • multilevel authentication process
  • Run Backup and Schedule additional Recovery Backups - Tape & Data Disk Backups
  • On and Off Site Locations
  • Final Configuration and Testing of Flix2You Database
  • End-User Training (conducted by DBA initially - subsequently Training specialists)
  • Provide Open Forum to company employees- answer any questions, provide feedback, etc...

Timetable for Full Implementation est. 2-3 months.

Broad Estimate of Cost est. $80000-$100000

Meet the Team:

Project Manager (Stephen Kupiec) - The role of this individual will be to ensure that deadlines are met regarding initial project mapping, implementation, and final rollout of the new database system. This person will be the main contact with FLIX2YOU in regards to addressing any concerns in regards to this project initiative.

  • Lead all aspects of project objectives
  • Ensure no shortcuts are taken while enforcing strict deadlines for project goals
  • Effectively manage project requirements, expenditures, and staff involved in completion
  • Responsible for addressing any project concerns or risks that may arise
  • Holds others accountable to established performance levels to achieve individual and group goals.
  • Serve as a positive, dynamic leader by displaying a hard work ethic, creative problem solving techniques, positive attitude and reinforcement, and team oriented leadership

Database Administrator (James Bellefontaine) - The Database Administrator will be ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the newly created FLIX2YOU database. Responsibilities include planning and organization of the new system, controlling and monitoring performance once system is in place, and constantly looking to maintain efficient operation of the new database. Will be required to proactively monitor database behavior and resolve any potential conflicts before they impact customer operations. Application administration tasks to oversee will include database privileges, user administration, database tuning and providing an efficient backup/recovery process. Troubleshoot data periodically and resolve customer issues being reported to Customer Support. This individual will need staff to carry out objective tasks in regards to database construction and implementation. He/She will supervise database analysts and specialists within the department.

  • Implement New Database Model and provide support of Database environment
  • Improve upon insufficient design of previous Database Model
  • Create secure and effective accessibility for Database users
  • Remove Data Redundancy
  • Manage Database Maintenance
  • Remain informed on latest hardware and software developments, evaluating alternative approaches and recommending new hardware/software modifications to enhance FLIX2YOU customer experience
  • Provide resolutions of production systems for database problems
  • Monitor production applications including overseeing 24x7 customer support requests through utilization of customer support staff members

Database Analyst (Michael Breisch) - Will work with Database Administrator in designing new database model for FLIX2YOU and lead a team of Database Operators & Analysts. Provides DBA with data source information, relationship flow diagrams, and other conceptual designs related to database construction. Lead analyst is going to determine what needs rectified with old database design while adding new improvements in creating a new model for FLIX2YOU’s data. This will include thoroughly examining the pre-existing database programming code, creating new code, and ensuring overall improvement of database functionality. Be responsible for explaining, organizing, and presenting data via Database Design Allstar’s dashboard and web applications for users to query and obtain data efficiently. Will organize database usage, create applications and tools to increase productivity, and maintain research documentation.

  • Create and Utilize SQL Programming to generate actionable data & meaningful data flow.
  • Design solution for current database needs based on specific business requirements
  • Manage Database programming code/language to support user-friendly access interfaces
  • Analyze Data using various research & analysis techniques/sources to effectively serve as head of team of specialists; be responsible for communicating data characteristics
  • Oversees user application issues to provide effective resolutions, and instructs business specifications to database users to ensure applications are utilized effectively.
  • Enact application process improvements to better organize information into usable formats.
  • Creates and maintains SQL server maintenance plans within the Database group to guarantee server optimization, and that data integrity remains consistent for long-term functionality.

Programmer (Clayton Henry) - Writes and develops software programs related to FLIX2YOU project. Will work with a team of developers under the supervision of the Database Administrator and with cooperation from numerous Database Analysts to maintain, develop and add functionality to FLIX2YOU’s current database structure. Design code for client/server applications and data structures for business applications. Test and implement software solutions to satisfy specific business needs and be available to address any specific coding questions. Ensure that software code addresses and rectifies past performances issues.

  • Craft new programming methodologies to implement into FLIX2YOU’s new database
  • Consult with Database Administrator and Analyst Team in database code construction
  • Test and confirm program functionality and rectify any potential issues

Quality Assurance (Michael Breisch) - Will ensure all tasks performed on project meet all Quality Standards set by FLIX2YOU quality department. Designs, installs and continually evaluates complex quality assurance control systems to ensure database integrity. Develops all policy regarding gathering customer data and provides an open and in-depth policy statement detailing methods used in data gathering. Monitor and enforce communications to customer population when changes to company policies or technologies occur. Creates legal terms and conditions for FLIX2YOU customers in order to protect FLIX2YOU from any invalidated court actions or sanctions.

  • Build & Revise Privacy Statement(s) and Legal Policies for Flix2You
  • Develop Company Policy regarding Customer Membership and Regulation
  • Provide open-source for customers regarding information gathered by Flix2You

Budget for Database Design All-Stars - Flix2You Database Project

Manpower/Labor Cost (Salaries averaged from similar positions and multiple companies - Indeed.com)

Role / Team Member / Salary
Project Manager / Stephen Kupiec / $20000.00
Database Administrator / James Bellofontaine / $18500.00
Database Analyst & Quality Assurance / Michael Breisch / $19250.00
Programmer / Clayton Henry / $17500.00
Total / $75250.00

Hardware Components Estimate

Dell PowerEdge R920 Rack Server (Dell PowerEdge r920, 2014)

Component / Product Make/Model
Processor / Intel ® Xeon ® E7-4800 v2 (4)
Operating System / Microsoft Windows Server 2012
CPU Chipset / Intel C602J
Memory / Up to 6TB (96 DIMM slots):4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB/64GB DDR3L, RDIMM, LR-DIMM up to 1600MT/s
Storage / 24 X 1.2 TB HDD
Supported Drives / Up to 24 2.5" 12Gb/6Gb SAS HDD
Power / Hot-Plug redundant PSUs: 750W AC, 1100W AC & DC
Total Cost / $9699.00 (PowerEdge r920 rack, 2014)

Total Cost Labor & Components $84,949.00

Flix2You Proposal





Contract & MOU / 1/26/15 / 1/30/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Executive Summary / 3/2/15 / 3/27/15 / Stephen Kupiec
Project Overview / 2/2/15 / 2/27/15 / Stephen Kupiec
Project Management / 3/30/15 / 4/24/15 / James Bellefontaine , Stephen Kupiec
User Analysis / 2/2/15 / 2/27/15 / James Bellefontaine
Organization of Data / 3/2/15 / 3/27/15 / Michael Breisch
Database Administration / 3/2/15 / 3/27/15 / James Bellefontaine , Clayton Henry
Dashboard & Analytics / 2/2/15 / 2/27/15 / Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry
Legal Issues / 3/30/15 / 4/24/15 / Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry
Peer Evaluation / 4/27/15 / 5/1/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec

Flix2You Project Plan










Project Proposal Analysis / 5/4/15 / 5/8/15 / Michael Breisch
Database Analysis / 5/4/15 / 5/8/15 / James Bellefontaine , Clayton Henry
Setup Development Environment / 5/18/15 / 5/29/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Design New Data Structure / 5/11/15 / 5/15/15 / Michael Breisch
Order Server Rack1 / 5/4/15 / 5/8/15 / Stephen Kupiec
Build Server / 5/11/15 / 5/15/15 / James Bellefontaine , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Development / 6/1/15 / 7/3/15
Build DB tables / 6/1/15 / 6/5/15 / Michael Breisch , Stephen Kupiec
Coding (scripts) / 6/1/15 / 6/12/15 / James Bellefontaine , Clayton Henry
Load Test Data / 6/15/15 / 6/19/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Create queries / 6/8/15 / 6/12/15 / Michael Breisch , Stephen Kupiec
Build Reports / 6/22/15 / 7/3/15 / Michael Breisch , Stephen Kupiec
Build Webpages / 6/22/15 / 7/3/15 / James Bellefontaine , Clayton Henry






Setup new server / 7/6/15 / 7/8/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Setup DB Environment / 7/9/15 / 7/10/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Run DB Build Scripts / 7/13/15 / 7/15/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Perform Data Load / 7/16/15 / 7/17/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec
Test Data Load / 7/20/15 / 7/24/15 / James Bellefontaine , Clayton Henry
Run Queries / 7/20/15 / 7/24/15 / Michael Breisch , Stephen Kupiec
Schedule Data Refresh / 7/27/15 / 7/31/15 / James Bellefontaine
Schedule Test Backup / 7/27/15 / 7/31/15 / Clayton Henry
Train New Users / 7/27/15 / 7/31/15 / Michael Breisch , Stephen Kupiec

Sign Off





Reports / 8/3/15 / 8/7/15 / James Bellefontaine , Michael Breisch , Clayton Henry , Stephen Kupiec