Spirit Weekend2010

Step Up & Stand Out

in Our Space

September 24th-26th

This year’s Spirit Weekend theme “Step Up & Stand Out in Our Space” represents the Residence Hall Student Association’s challenge to all New Paltz students to develop and declare their identity within their environment. We firmly believe that a sense of community is necessary to reach goals both personally and collectively and that you have the responsibility and capability of establishing that sense of community by simply being yourself and expressing who you are and who you choose to become. Every team is defined by the individuals involved and what they bring to the playing field. Who will you be and what will you bring?

This is your time to Step Up & Stand Up in Our Space.

Table of Contents

Schedule of Events – page 2

General Information – page 3

Penny Wars Rules – page 4

Banner & Lip Sync Competition Rules – page 5

Banner Scoring Rubric – page 6

Lip Sync Scoring Rubric – page 7

Field Events Rules – page 8-12

Scavenger Hunt Rules – page 13

Schedule of Events

Friday, September 24th

5:00pm- RHSA hosts dinner at Hasbrouck Dining Hall to officially kick-off the Scavenger Hunt. Please send representatives from your hall to receive the Scavenger Hunt List and begin their journey through Spirit Weekend.

8:00pm- Buzz Karaoke in Lenape Hall!! More Spirit Weekend fun, food, and free stuff! Also, help your hall earn some Good Fellowship Points! Last chance to sabotage for Penny Wars!

10:00pm-Penny Wars are due!

Saturday, September 25th

5:00pm- Scavenger Hunt photos are due online! At 5:00pm sharp the passwords will be changed and halls will no longer have access to their accounts.

Remainder of the Day- Last chance to work on Banners and Lip Syncs! Good luck and get some rest!

Sunday, September 26th

11:00am- Banners are due to the RHSA Office (Capen B-16) and please pick up bagels to kick up the energy before a fantastic day with your hall!

11:30am- Cheer Off on Old Main Quad!

(Rain location: Elting Gym)

12:00pm-4:00pm- Field Events on Old Main Quad!

(Rain location: Elting Gym)

6:00pm- Lip Sync Competition, Banner Showcase, and Awards Ceremony in Elting Gym!

Hall Buddies

At our AC Meeting on 9/17, we will be assigning each hall another hall to be their “Hall Buddy.” The halls will be selected at random, and being a hall's buddy does not mean that you are their buddy, as they may be assigned a different hall.

Throughout the day, your hall is responsible for cheering for your buddy. You may also provide trinkets (tokens of appreciation) to your hall buddy, like candy or small items.

Bagel Breakfast

RHSA appreciates all of your hard work for Spirit Weekend! So, to make sure you have the energy to finish out the weekend with all the effort you put in, RHSA will provide your hall with a bag of bagels when you bring us your banner. However, you must provide the cream cheese, butter, and other accessories your hall may desire.

Cheer Off

Before Field Events begin, halls will face off in a cheering battle. Each hall will have the opportunity to show us how loud and proud they can be by each taking a turn in the middle of the quad.

Spirit Stick

After the Cheer Off, the RHSA E-board will pass the Spirit Stick to the most spirited hall. For the remainder of the day, the Spirit Stick must be passed to another hall every 30 minutes during events. Before you pass the stick though, be sure to add something to it that represents your hall.

Points Breakdown for All Events

1st = 60 pts

2nd = 30 pts

3rd = 15 pts

Participation = 10 pts


Each hall will need a container of some sort where you can put money in, but cannot easily take money out (Soda bottle, milk carton, etc). This will be placed in a central location where you can watch it (suggested, RA office).

The idea is to collect money from your residents. You want to place all the pennies in YOUR container, because each penny is +1 point for your hall!

If you collect other change, that's great too, however you do not want it in your container. You want to use silver change and paper money to sabotage other halls.

A penny = +1 point

A nickel = -5 points

A dime = -10 points

A quarter = -25 points

A dollar = -100 points

5 dollars = -500 points

10 dollars = -1,000 points, etc.

Sabotage: You can sabotage by placing silver or paper money in a halls container in their hall. Also, at every RHSA event (BUZZ Karaokes, etc), we will have a sabotage cup for every hall available.

These sabotage cups will also be available during RHSA e-board members’ office hours.

ALL Penny Wars money is due Friday, September 24th at 10pm. You can bring it to the BUZZ Karaoke in Lenape Hall from 8pm to 10pm. Sabotage cups will be available at this BUZZ, however, sabotaging will be done at 10pm.

Once you place money IN a container, whether it is your hall’s or another hall’s, you CANNOT take that money out. So, choose carefully who you sabotage, because once that money enters the cup or container, that is it, it's done.

Also, NO physical contact when trying to put money in a cup or container. No pushing, no shoving, no punching, no physical contact with another person at all. If we see this, we will deduct points from your hall.

The winner will be the hall with the greatest amount of points. [This may be a negative number.]

Banner Competition

Each hall will present a banner for Spirit Weekend.

Banners must also abide by the following regulations:

It must incorporate all of the halls and school spirit in some way

It must be related to the theme

It must be able to be hung up

It may NOT be three dimensional (we should be able to fold it)

It may NOT light up or require any electricity/batteries

NOTE: Halls who do not follow these regulations may be DISQUALIFIED

See rubric for Banner Scoring on page 6

Lip Sync Competition

Each hall will perform a lip sync for Spirit Weekend. If you don’t know what this is, ask us! We’ll be glad to explain it and/or show you videos from past lip syncs.

Music may not exceed 3 minutes in length!

See rubric for Lip Sync Scoring on page 7

Banner Rubric

Please rate the following in a 1-10 point system, where one is the worst and ten is the best. Then add your totals from all five categories together.


  1. Creativity- Is the banner original and different from the rest?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Aesthetic Unity- Does the banner look visibly appealing?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Relation to Theme- Does it incorporate the idea of "Step Up & Stand Out in Our Space"?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. School/Hall Spirit- Is the banner "Loud and Proud"? Does it show love and pride for the New Paltz campus and community?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Incorporation of Halls- Does it encompass all the halls and the New Paltz community as a whole?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Lip Sync Rubric

Please rate the following in a 1-10 point system, where one is the worst and ten is the best. Then add your totals from all five categories together.


  1. Creativity- Is the lip sync original and different from the rest?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Tastefulness- Is it classy and containing appropriate content? (Ex. Songs don’t include profane language, dance moves are not sexually explicit etc.)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Relation to Theme- Does it incorporate the idea of " Step Up & Stand Out in Our Space "?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Enthusiasm- Do the participants and crowd enjoy it?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Lip syncing- Are they moving their mouths?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Field Event Rules

General Rules

  • Beginning a field event before the whistle is blown will result in instant DISQUALIFICATION for that particular event, NOT all of the field events.
  • The hall that best or most quickly or most times achieves the objective of each event wins First Place and is rewarded 10 points.
  • The hall that second best or second most quickly or most times achieves the objective of each event wins Second Place and is rewarded 7 points.
  • The hall that third best or third most quickly or most times achieves the objective of each event wins Third Place and is rewarded 5 points.
  • For every event that a hall participates in but does not place in, the hall is rewarded 2 points.
  • There may be ties, in which case all teams who place similarly will each receive the designated point values.
  • All events will be demonstrated for clarification by the Executive Board before the event begins.
  • All halls will participate in every event (unless they choose not to). Some events will allow two teams to participate at once, some events allow all teams to participate at once. This is dependent upon the nature of the event and the space we are working with.
  • All rules have been designed to be as fair as possible for all halls.

Potato Sack Race

Objective: To finish the event most quickly.

  • Each hall will select two (2) players to participate.
  • The first player will line up at one end of the field behind the field with the potato sack (also behind the cone) touching the ground and no body part of the player’s.
  • The second player line up on the opposite end of the field.
  • When the whistle is blown, the first player will place both legs in the potato sack and hop across the field (with at least one hand on the potato sack at all points) toward the opposite end of the field.
  • Once the first player passes the cone and the opposite end of the field, they will get out of the potato sack and the second player will then place both legs in the potato sack and hop across the field back past the starting cone.
  • Both players must be in the potato sacks before crossing their starting cone to begin. (A player may not use the field they are hopping across as a means to get in the potato sack)
  • Should a player fall during the race, they may pick themselves and the potato sack back up and continue.
  • Should a player pass their starting cone before both of his or her legs are in the potato sack, the team will be DISQUALIFIED from the event.

Relay Race

Objective: To finish the event most quickly.

  • Each hall will select four (4) players to participate.
  • Each player must complete a task at their respective station in the race.
  • Each player will start the race positioned at the beginning of his or her respective station.
  • The first player will begin the race wearing a 2XL t-shirt which will serve as the baton for the event. After completion of each station, each player must take off the shirt. His or her teammate must put on the shirt before he or she may participate in the next station.

Station #1 | Hose Crawl

  • The first player will begin the race by crawling through a tunnel.
  • Upon exiting the tunnel, this player must stand up, then remove the shirt, passing it to the next player.
  • Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in starting this station over again from the beginning.

Station #2 | Army Run

  • The second player will run through the hula hoops placed on the ground.
  • Both of the player's feet must touch the ground separately inside every hula hoop exactly once. (The player may not hop with both feet into the hula hoops.)
  • When both feet are out of the hula hoops, this player may remove the shirt.
  • Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in starting this station over again from the beginning.

Station #3 | Put A Condom on A Banana

  • The third player will first open the condom and remove from wrapper using only his or her hands.
  • This player will then properly put the condom on the banana by pinching the tip and rolling the condom down the banana.The condom should have no air bubbles and may not break.
  • Once an Executive Board member has cleared the player's work, only then may the player remove the shirt.
  • Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in starting this station over again from the beginning, in which case the player will be given a new condom and will use the same banana.

Station #4 | Crab Walk

  • The fourth player must complete a proper crab walk across the finish line.
  • Players will sit on their bottoms with their feet flat on the floor. They will place both of their hands palms downward with fingers facing outward next to them on the ground and lift their body up and walk on their hands and feet in the manner of a crab.
  • Only when the player's entire body is across the finish line is the race complete.
  • Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in starting this station over again from the beginning.

Shirt Rules

  • The shirt is "on" if and only if both arms are through the sleeves, the player's head through the collar, right side in, facing forward and pulled down as flat as possible.
  • A player must put on the shirt before starting a station.
  • A player may not remove the shirt before completing a station.
  • A player must take off the shirt by himself or herself, and pass the shirt to the next player.
  • A player's teammate may not assist in removing the shirt.
  • A player must put on the shirt his or herself.
  • If a player puts on a shirt incorrectly, he or she must fix it BEFORE beginning his or her station.
  • A player's teammate may not assist in putting the shirt on, however, players are allowed to tell their teammates the shirt is on incorrectly BEFORE the teammate begins the station.
  • Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in DISQUALIFICATION from the event.

Hot Potato

Objective: To avoid being in possession of the “potato” when the music is stopped.

  • Each hall will select one (1) player to participate.
  • Players will form a circle sitting down so that their knees are touching their neighbors’.
  • One Executive Board Member will stand in the middle of the circle and close his or her eyes while spinning and holding out one hand. When he or she stops spinning, the player whom the Executive Board Member is pointing toward will begin with the “potato,” in this case, the sponge.

When the whistle blows and music begins simultaneously, the player holding the sponge may begin to pass the sponge to the player directly next to them in the clockwise direction (to the left). Each player who receives the sponge may pass the sponge to the individual to the left of him or her, and so on.

  • This pattern continues until the music is stopped randomly by an Executive Board Member who is not able to see the event.
  • The individual in possession (upon discretion of at least two Executive Board Members) of the sponge when the music is stopped is out.
  • The game is played until there is one player left.
  • If the sponge is handed/tossed/thrown/etc. in any direction other than the next player’s lap, the player who passed the sponge is DISQUALIFIED from the event.

Jell-O Eating Contest

Objective: To finish the event most quickly.

  • Each hall will select one (1) player to participate.
  • Each player will be given three sealed store-bought containers of Jell-O.
  • Players will NOT be given and may NOT use utensils or tools of any kind. He or she may only use his or her hands and mouth.
  • Each player will eat ALL of the Jell-O inside each container. (There may be no remnants of jell-o after the player has finished.
  • Each player decides when they feel they have finished ALL of the Jell-O and puts both his or her arms straight up with their fingers pointing to the sky.
  • Should a player’s container(s) still have remnants of Jell-O, the hall is DISQUALIFIED from the event.

Sponge Race

Objective: To have the highest water level in the originally empty bucket.

  • Each hall will select five (5) players to participate.
  • The players will stand in a line in between two buckets.
  • When the whistle is blown, the player at the end of the line with bucket of water will use a sponge to absorb as much water as possible from the bucket of water that is beside them.
  • Once the sponge is soaked, the player will pass the sponge down the line until it reaches the last player.
  • This player, at the end of the line, must squeeze out as much water as possible into the empty bucket beside them.
  • Once this player has squeezed out the water, they will pass the sponge back to the first player who will soak it again.
  • The process is repeated over the course of one minute.
  • Once the minute is over and the whistle is blown, everyone must stop squeezing or passing the sponge, wherever it is.
  • The buckets used for each team will all be the same type to ensure that the water level measured is accurately reflecting the volume. Each team will begin with the same volume of water in the bucket.
  • The sponge must be passed through each of the five players, not thrown or tossed to one another! If the sponge is thrown or tossed or if not all five players pass the sponge, the hall is DISQUALIFIED from the event.
