Any player who is registered with a BFL or MDFL club and wishes to play football for a BFL or MDFLclub on an Interchange Agreement, must follow the process below. Please note players only need to complete this form once annually for it to be current for the entire season:

Step 1: Contact your league Secretary for an Interchange Agreement Form or print a form off from the Ballarat Football League website –

Step 2: Complete all sections of the form in the ‘Player’ section.

Step 3: Fax the form to the Secretary of the league in which you wish to play (For example, If you are a Ballarat Football League player and wish to play in the MDFL, fax this form to the Secretary of the MDFL)

Step 4: The league Secretary will complete the ‘League’ section of the form and keep on file for the entire season. The Interchange Agreement will then be keyed into the system as a ‘Match Day Permit’

Step 5: Club Secretaries will be informed of the Interchange Agreement by automated email which is generated by the system when it is entered.

Step 6: Once the player has submitted the interchange for the league Secretary, they must ensure their interchange club clearly marks ‘Area Permit’ on the team sheet next to their name each time they play so that the league can record each match played on an interchange agreement.

Note – The league would remind all clubs that this process must be carried out by 5pm on the Friday eveningprior to the match taking part. A fine of $100 for the first offence shall be issued to the offending club who do not obtain permission from both league Secretaries prior to the match, any further breaches will be charged at $250 per offence which is the maximum penalty allowed by the VCFL.

Please Note:

-A player must have competed in at least one home and away match before being eligible to apply for an interchange agreement to play with another club.

-The number of players permitted to interchange from any club in any week must not exceed 5 players

-The maximum number of games that can be played by any player under this agreement is 7

-Clubs must ensure they inform their opposition that they will be playing interchange players

-Clubs must clearly mark ‘Area Permit’ on the team sheet next to the name of the player in question.

-Players found guilty of breaching this agreement shall be suspended for a total of 4 matches

-Clubs found guilty of breaching this agreement shall be stripped of any premiership points and percentage gained from each game consisting of a player who has breached this agreement

-If there are any issues with the submission of an interchange form, the league Secretary will contact the player/club in question

-Both leagues will keep a record of all players who play in each match on an interchange agreement.

-This agreement does not include finals matches. Under no circumstances can a player play in a final under an interchange agreement.

Contact Details:

Ballarat Football League-Ph: (03) 5333 1977Fax: (03) 5333 3408


Mininera & DistrictFootball League-Ph: (03) 5350 5548Fax: (03) 5350 5548



Name: ………………………………………… ……………………………… ……………………..

(Surname) (First Name)(D.O.B)

Club Name:……………………………………………… Football Club

Current Age Group:………………………………………………………………………..

I, the above mentioned player, desire to Interchange with the …………………….……. Football

Club in the …………………………………..Football League.

Age Group Wishing to Play: ……………………………………………………………….

Are you currently suspended from playing football:YESNO

Player’s Signature: ………………………………………………………Date: ………………….

Guardian Signature: …………………………………………………….Date: ………………….

BFL Club President / Secretary Signature: ………………………….Date: ………………….

MDFLClub President / Secretary Signature: ………………………..Date:………………….


MDFL League Secretary Signature: ……………………………………Date: …………………..

BFL League Secretary Signature: ……………………………………….Date: …………………..

( Operations Mgr / CEO )