AVID TRF (all levels)

------Tutor: ______

Step #1: Tutorial Request Form (Pre-Work Inquiry)

Subject Area (1 pt.): ______
Subject Teacher (1 pt.): ______
Standard Essential
Question (1 pt.): / Student Name:
AVID Teacher: ______
Date: ______/ ______/ 2014
(1 pt.)
____ / 4
Subject, Teacher,
Date & EQ / Resources
_____ /2
1 pt. = book
1 pt. = notes / Pre-work Inquiry
____ / 19
Step #1
Boxes below / Collaborative Inquiry
_____ / 5
Ask Questions
for each Student / 30 Second Speech
____ / 5
30 + seconds = 5 pts.
20 -29 seconds = 4 pts. / 3 Column
____ / 5
For all students questions / Reflection
____ / 10
Answered in complete sentences / Total
____ / 50
Initial/ Original Question (1 pt.) / Source ______/ Page# ______/ Problem # _____ (1 pt.)
______/ 2
Key Academic Vocabulary/Definition Associated with Topic/Question (1 pt. each)
______/ 2
What I Know About My Question (1 pt. each)
_____ / 2
Critical Thinking About Initial Question
(Must list 4 critical thinking steps for 4 pts.)
______/ 4 / Identify: General Process and Steps
(Must list 4 process steps for 4 pts.)
______/ 4
Question from Point of Confusion (P.O.C.)
______/ 5


Step #2: Three-Column Note-Taking (In Class – During Tutorial)

Take three column notes: Point of Confusion / Notes / Steps in Process

* Keep notes in your binder – take notes for ALL tutorial questions.


Step #3: Reflection (In Class – After the Tutorial)

My point of confusion is based on a focus area from my Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection: ___Yes ___ No

I was a student presenter during tutorial today: ___Yes ___No

My point of confusion was: (must have at least 2-4 sentences for 2 pts.)
/ 2
What I learned about my point of confusion is: (must have at least 2-4 sentences for 2 pts.)
/ 2
I gained a new/greater understanding of my P.O.C. by/when: (must have at least 2-4 sentences for 2 pts.)
/ 2
This learning is important because it connects to my previous learning/experience, myself and/or my world (circle one) in the following way: (must have at least 2-4 sentences for 2 pts.)
/ 2
What I found meaningful about today’s tutorial session is: (must have at least 2-4 sentences for 2 pts.)
/ 2