Capital Area School for the Arts
Mathematics / Ms. Christ

August 31, 2015

Anticipated Classroom Format: My classes are formatted so that any and all students that are willing to work will be pushed to be the best math student they can be. The harder a student works, the higher the student’s grade will be.

My daily classroom routine is as follows:

·  A “Do-Now” Problem or Two. These problems will usually consist of SAT, graduation content, review or concept problems. These warm-up problems can be used on any test or quiz. These problems will always by my introduction to class and will go in their separate “Do-Now” composition notebook.

·  Homework Check. I will check homework for effort. I will either check each student’s homework visually or orally. A homework collection can be taken at any time and will count as a daily grade. Students attempting to copy homework at the start of class will receive an automatic zero.

·  Quiz. May be announced or unannounced.

·  New Lesson. The new lesson of the day will be taught at this time. Some lessons will be group oriented/discovery.

·  Homework Assigned. Homework will be given every day. The work is directly related to the in-class practice work that the student will have enough time to complete, ask questions and receive help prior to their home attempt. If time is not used wisely by the student it will hurt their ability to complete work on a regular basis.

Missed Work Policy – Any work missed must be picked up by the student upon their arrival back to school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignment from the missing work box or make arrangements for obtaining them.

·  Students have till the end of the current chapter to make up any and all work from that chapter.

·  Math is a very hard topic to miss, so please try your best to attend all classes if possible. I understand absences will happen so if extra help is needed I will be providing tutoring after school on Wednesdays!

·  Please do not come to me at the end of the marking period and ask to make up missed assignments; the answer will be “NO!”

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: The assessments in my class will include the following:

·  Daily Grades. These grades will include homework checks, class work checks, journals and participation grades. Daily grades can be taken at any time.

·  ALEKS – Each marking period students will be required to make 27% growth on the ALEKS program. This results in 3% growth per week and will contribute to 10% of each marking period grade.

·  Self Check Quizzes- Self Check Quizzes are small 5-10 question quizzes that correlate to the individual lessons. These will be assigned to students virtually and will be the student’s responsibility to complete the quiz and email it to me. Any student that fails to do so will receive a 0% for that particular quiz.

·  Tests. At the end of every chapter there will be a cumulative test and will be announced at least 3 days in advance. You can also find this on my personal calendar.

·  Projects. Any projects assigned will be counted as either a test or quiz grade.

·  Mid-Term/Final Exam. The mid-term and final exam will be a final evaluation of the student’s knowledge of the course. Mid-Terms cover the 1st half of the material and the final exam covers the second half of the material. Each test is 10% of a student’s final course grade.

Grading Scale and Plan:

ALEKS: 10%

Class work/Participation: 20%

Homework: 20%

Quizzes & Tests 50%

·  A 90 – 100%
·  B 80 – 89%
·  C 70 – 79%
·  D 60 – 69%
·  F 0 – 59%

Classroom Expectations:

·  Come to class on time each and every day!

·  Be prepared for class (You need your notebook, paper, and pencils).

**NOTE- All work is to be completed in pencil NOT pen**

·  Clear your desk of everything except your textbook, notebook, and pencil.

·  Follow directions

Calculator and Computer Use – Calculators and computers will be available (but there might not be enough for each student). Each student should have their own calculator a TI-30 will be sufficient but any TI-83 or newer graphing calculator would be most beneficial for top student achievement.

·  Retrieve the appropriate calculator or computer when needed

·  Use properly – Abuse will result in loss of privileges, a zero for the day/assignment, and a teacher detention.

·  Return the calculator or computer to its’ proper location at the end of the period. Failure to do so will result loss of privileges, a zero for the day/assignment, and a teacher detention.

Classroom Code of Ethics

·  Respect – I will treat others the way I wish to be treated

·  Integrity – I will strive to do what is right, even when no one is looking

·  Responsibility – I will be accountable for my own choices and actions

·  Equality – I will appreciate the worth and rights of others

·  Compassion – I will show kindness and consideration to everyone

·  Non-judgmental – I will honor the varying opinions and beliefs of others

·  Diversity – I will embrace with understanding the changes and differences in all cultures

Discipline Policy

·  First infraction – Verbal warning

·  Second infraction – Teacher detention and a call or email to parents/guardians

Dear Parent and/or Guardian:

My goal is to work closely with each student and parents/guardians to make sure each student reaches his or her maximum potential this year. The above policies and expectations are put in place to try to reach this goal. I encourage you to keep track of how well your son/daughter is doing in class on PowerSchool GradeBook. All homework assignments will be posed to my Edmodo webpage, it can be accessed by going to the district webpage, placing curser on “Faculty” then clicking on Ms. Christ. If you every have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email

I am looking forward to having a great year with your son or daughter.


Ms. Jessica Christ

Please print your name and sign below, indicating you have read and understand the classroom rules and expectations.