Curriculum Directors' Meeting Agenda +

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Holt Board Offices Executive Conference Room


STEAM Geekend Camp - promotion and field trip transportation (Cindy 10 min)

Cindy provided an update on the STEAM Geekend Camp. She would like to have the link that was sent to all CDs added to their websites. Cindy discussed how we can support transporting students to the sessions. We have a week to figure this out. Option 1 - Can we coordinate with neighboring schools to transport students? Option #2 - Use Dean and create routes whereby parents would be to take their students to certain locals.
  • Stipends for instructors
  • Transportation was not included but could work it in the budget to have Dean provide a regional drop approach.
  • Can Dean donate the transportation?
  • Some shared that they could work with neighbors to provide transportation for students.
  • Registration will close one week from the actual date of the event
  • Dates for each event are Nov 7 and April 23 – students will select 6 breakouts and will have four actual sessions
  • One option is to create central pickup spots such as at the High school etc.
One district will have students transported by parents. The concern is student safety.

Block fee and customized service - (Roberta 10 min)

Roberta provided clarity regarding access to ISD support via the Block Fee when districts want customized support.
Three customized PD days to all districts and one data day. After that there is a charge which will be similar to a consultant fee. Districts can request PD onsite for free. This PD and sessions will be opened to other districts in the county. Roberta will let us know if districts have already utilized this feature prior to the decision to provide a limited amount of customized support will have used their number of freebies.
There is not cost associated with ISD staff is coming to support not prepare for and lead a data review day.

Gov. Third grade appropriation – (Roberta 10 min)

Roberta attended the meeting around the governor’s appropriations meeting on third grade reading. Read pages 5-7 related to the required to receive funds. The requirement is to have MTSS in your districts. In strategy one – they are putting 4 million dollars for acceptable assessments. For K-3 we will get 2 dollars per students. We will need to purchase our universal screening by October 15th. We are in a good place in Ingham County. Ingham supports 2/3 of our screening budget and the districts cover 1/3. Only for Grades K-3. They are trying to get money to us by December 1st. We will need to report our screener and student count (K-3) and to MDE by October 15th.
Additional 35a They are going to fund ½ literacy coach – they will send supplanting info. This is new money around the governor’s appropriations. PD 1.9million targeted to literacy support – districts can apply. Literacy targeted instruction and intervention – the big five ideas of reading – for T2-3 students – 1.7 million dollars if you can show that you are using MTSS. There is a formula districts will use to determine allocation amount.
Roberta discussed having Michelle and Margarita Frommert to attend our next CD meeting to educate on these changes.
  • MiBLSi Forecast – (Roberta 5 min)
Kim St. Martin will provide literacy PD at the Hanna Center in EL. It is open to other counties. Roberta will get info to the CDs.

EWS Grant Update:

Sean provided us with an update from the EWS grant (See handout summary). Seat time waiver for students who need more time. We have T 2 support but we are lacking in offering them options. The HS’s will be meeting to have data days around the EWS. Data Day – data review and action plans and then the teams will complete their grant application. Grants will be approved by the 10.19.15 date and checks distributed to all participating HS by 11.1.15. The grants will be distributed based on student count at the high schools
500 – 5,000
500-1000 – 10,000
Over 1000 – 15,000
The teams will use measures to determine the effectiveness of the work/systems. Other items included in the grant – support to schools needed to get things off the ground and running. There are several previous principals serving at the ISD. Stipends checks of 200.00 to support sub cost for data days.

Illuminate Ed – DNA (1/3 of LEA cost has been covered 14/15 and 15/16) – (SEAN 10 min)

The big challenge across the county at the secondary level is not having grade level assessments. High schools need more data points to have discussions around. The teachers also are wanted it. Questions: Do we want common assessments at the county level? How do we address the electives.

Michigan Model for Health – (Sherrien 10 min)

Who is using the MM? Eaton Rapids are using it across several grade levels. Mason is similar to Holt – very inconsistent with whose teaching - work is being done to create consistency across buildings. Okemos, Haslett, and are not teaching it due to the 90 minute reading block -
  • Other Items

Reading Street and GoMath updated – (Roberta 10 min)

Go Math - HMH is offering a plan to support one parent night per district and one Q and A sessions for each district. Contact Tara and Rob to set these up. Rob and Tara had the first PD for interventionist which went well. They also held the first county level Go Math PD. Rob and Tara are establishing a coaching network to support discussing issues around implementation. The first one is occurring in Holt. There will be an opportunity to observe a classroom. This support will be available to districts adopting next year.
Reading Street – Laura is working with districts to support the transition of RS for the new platform. Districts need to sign up by 12.1.15 to get the discount and access to iLit (grades 4-10 next year it will be 4-11). Sherrien shared that it feels more like a Core substitute rather than an intervention; It would be beneficial for districts to have a demo done to understand how it might be used in perspective districts. The next steps will include quotes for districts.

Evaluation Tools (Discussion around whose using what and why?)– (Ruth 5 min)

Waverly was using Charlotte Danielson but is now using Marzano – Okemos use Danielson and Smart Goals. Okemos had a committee who went to the session. That committee is getting back together to look at all of the tools – they want to use Danielson and rethink how they do the feedback - Haslett – Use Danielson 80 percent on domain 2 and 4. They are happy with the tool. Haslett is using google doc to provide feedback. There is a struggle with the student growth piece – Eaton uses a Danielson/Marzanoish tool. Admin are not allowed to give highly effective without evidence/portfolios. This was decided by their committee. The growth piece is still challenging – Mason - uses a model of Danielson/not happy with it. The growth piece is challenging as well. Dansville – use of Mazano, very intentional- focus on Domain 1 it has 41 indicators which is a lot. There is a formative assessment period – the goals show up in the I –Observation, which can be used with other eval tools. The “look fors” are tied to the district’s improvement focus. For student growth – connected with standards base grading. Leslie uses Danielson, piloted the 5 D’s – didn’t like it. EL – Kim Marshall – does not like. Holt – uses the Danielson tool. Teachers create data narratives around out school improvement goals. We struggle with the growth data.
Wrap up: 10:55-11:00
  • What decisions did we make?
  • What deadlines were set?
  • Agenda Items for the next meeting

Next Steps / Responsibility / Due Dates

Holt Public School’s Problem Statement:

Holt Public School’s core instruction in behavior, literacy, and math seeks to close the achievement gap associated various subgroups of students.

7 Norms of Collaboration:

Pausing, paraphrasing, probing, putting ideas on the table, paying attention to self and others, presuming positive intentions, pursuing balance between advocacy and inquiry