RAC Meeting Minutes

September 29, 2016

Staywell Health Center, 80 Phoenix Avenue, Waterbury CT

Attendance (youth identified by first name only and community members as (CM):

Greg Simpson (BHO), Cassie Manger (FAVOR); Laura Cummings (WYSS), Jamel Bonello (WBH), Robin Corcoran (LISA), Diane Capaldo (LISA), Kaylyn, Desirae, Lionel, Dora Zimmerman (CM), Ashleen Whitaker (WCI), Cari Ciccarella (WCI), Sarah Haynes (FAVOR), Jill Schoenfuss (SHC), Robert Harrison (CM), Irving Jones Jr (CM), Patty Sghia (CM), Charlotte Ellis (CM), Bertha Rascoe (CM), Eloise Washington (CM), Eileen White (CM), Jennifer Bellamy (CAFAF), Patricia Gaylord (FAVOR), Jules Calabro (BHO), Josephine Bennett (CM), Maureen O’Neill-Davis (CM), Youlanda Williams (CM), Carol Hunter (CM), Sergio Alvarez (DCF), Joyce Voltaire (DCF), Deb Kelleher (AnnieC), Aubrinne Losty (AnnieC)

1.  Welcome and introductions/icebreaker: Deb welcomed everyone. Everyone introduced themselves participated in an icebreaker. Danbury and Torrington tried to do the same, but Waterbury could not clearly hear them on the phone line, which resulted in them listening to the meeting and being unable to fully participate.

2.  Acceptance of Minutes from August meeting: Minutes were approved with minor corrections. Motion by Jen, second by Jules. Motion passed with no dissentions.

3.  Annual Report Committee Update: We need to submit an annual report. At the last SAC meeting discussion was held regarding format of report. Deb told subcommittee that the format was simplified so she believes that the forms sent to the SAC monthly can be combined to form the report. Since she has these she will compile and send to subcommittee for comments/approval. There were no questions or concerns expressed.

4.  Discussion re: RAC monies for upcoming year: The RAC will get the approximately the same amount next year - $1200 and change. Deb brought up that they needed to decide how they wanted the money to be used regarding gift cards and refreshments for meetings. Deb discussed how other meetings were doing it. The members decided on keeping the gift cards at $20, but you had to come twice in order to get the first meeting’s gift card. But for youth they would not be held to that and would just get a gift card whenever they come. Discussion re: youth getting $10 for attendance. Jules suggested fund raising for when the money for the gift cards runs out. Deb said it would be put on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. Patricia mentioned that the monies for the RAC cards are funded through the CRP which supports the SAC and the SAC monies then support the RAC. These are federal dollars through SAMHSA and need to follow SAMHSA rules.

5.  SAC (Statewide Advisory Committee) update: Deb updated group about retreat. This included who the invited guests are and the agenda, which focuses on transition age youth and communication.

6.  ISS update: Deb announced Colleen Kaplan from DCF is leaving the region to go to Region 1. Discussed the MSS (Multi process and how that might work for families with needs. Sergio updates more about meeting.

7.  Collaborative reports:

a.  Waterbury: LIST meeting had a speaker on homeless youth and CJTS was discussed.

b.  Danbury: Jules updated about the Danbury and LIST collab and that they were integrating the two meetings in an effort to de-silo.

c.  Torrington: Patricia discussed VENT, a parent led support group in Torrington. Jamie from Torrington will email an update on the LIST. Sara reported a truancy presentation was given at the meeting.

8.  CRP report: Maureen gave an overview of the CRP (Citizen’s Review Panel.) CRP annual report is not yet available to the public. Maureen talked about the need for additional community members in the CRP and what their mission is as it relates to DCF oversight.

9.  Community updates:

a.  Diane from Lisa Inc reported that CBLS (Community Based Life Skills) will now be a service for fee.

b.  Sergio reported Vanessa Dorantes, Regional Administrator for DCF will begin attending the RAC meetings.

c.  Patricia discussed that the 2nd round of the CONNECT community conversations will be starting again and they are looking for groups.

d.  Joyce Voltaire from DCF and Sergio discussed an event DCF is hosting about the challenges all community providers have retaining bilingual clinicians.

e.  Laura from WYSS has an event that she will send a flyer for November 8th.

f.  Josephine will also be sending a flyer for an event her youth group is holding at Mattatuck Museum. Deb to send out once received.

10.  EMPS (Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services) will be speaking at the next meeting about their services in Region 5.

11.  Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.