RAC Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2016

Staywell Health Center: 80 Phoenix Ave, Waterbury, CT 06702

Regional Advisory Council Members and Representatives in Attendance

Precious Price- Annie CIntern,Deb Kelleher- Annie C, John Doucette, Parent; Diane Capaldo- Lisa Inc. staff, Julie Calabro- Beacon Health Options, Jill Schoenfuss- Staywell, Laura Cummings- WYSS Inc., Jessica Sachse – VO/CTBHP, Kim Monahan- Center for Youth & Families, Jamal Bonello- Wellmore, Patricia Gaylord- FAVOR, Jennifer Bellamy- CAFAP, Sandy Porteus, FSGW; Cassie Manger, FAVOR; Dawn Zabek, CMHA; Cheranne, Youth; Jannat, Youth;Ninoshka, Youth, Charneil Bush; Community; Colleen Kaplan, DCF; Mark Hygysicion, Beacon Health Options; Jennifer Dewitt, CNVRAC; Jim Mele, CNVRAC; Barbara Howell-Lepri, Wheeler, Parent; Erika Mongrain, DCF; Valerie Ventura-Saadi, FCA; Patty Sghia, Parent; Joseph Dubbins, DYS; Jennifer Bellamy; CAFAP

  1. Meeting was called to order by Deb
  2. Agendas and sign-in sheets went around to everyone present
  3. Welcome to everyone present through the phone conferences
  4. Jules in Danbury
  5. Kim in Torrington
  6. Acceptance of Minutes from January
  7. Kim made a motion to approve the minutes, Julesseconded the motion. Motion approved.
  8. Presentation & Meetings
  9. Debriefed the Sex Trafficking workshop from January Meeting
  10. Next meeting will be a Care Coordination Presentation
  11. How to get presentation to all three spaces was discussed
  12. Tim to be present at Staywell for the presentation
  13. Tim to send the presentation beforehand
  14. Deb will email Tim- Structured presentation and they will follow along from offices in Torrington & Danbury
  15. Potential presentation on trauma in the fall was discussed
  16. Next Presentation- May Meeting- Disproportionate Minority Contact
  17. DCF Youth Bill of Rights
  18. Was distributed by Deb to the youth present from Lisa INC.
  19. Colleen discussed possible leadership team of social workers (possibly interns) to create a website/newsletter about youth rights
  20. Bill of Rights can be found on DCF website
  21. Communication was sent to the SAC informing them that youth are reporting they have not be shown the Bill of Rights
  22. Some youth not even aware that it exists
  23. Youth and families were encouraged to watch the youth forums on C-Scan Network
  24. ISS Update
  25. Meeting Tomorrow- 2/26
  26. Colleen explained to group what the ISS is
  27. ISS & RAC information is now on the Annie C. Courtney Foundation Website
  28. RAC By-law Update
  29. Deb explained that per legislature RACs have to all work together to change by-laws
  30. This was brought to the attention of the SAC
  31. Possible subcommittee to work on by-laws was discussed
  32. *Phone Connection was lost*
  33. Collaborative Updates
  34. Danbury- Very busy time
  35. PAWS Program was discussed for schools – Perfect Attendance Wins Stuff
  36. To encourage attendance
  37. Build Community with peers
  38. FELT (Fatherhood Engagement Leadership Team)- Dads Matter Too- Anthony Gay Presentation was discussed
  39. Transition to Adulthood Panel in high schools
  40. Creating pamphlet about Collabs aligning goals with Connect and integrating services to expand capacity
  41. Colleen mentioned the idea of having a presentation on school attendance
  42. Issues with youth and schools was discussed:
  43. Frequent moving
  44. Repeating grades
  45. More trauma focused interventions needed when they’re younger
  46. Services to follow children AND families
  47. Torrington
  48. Re-evaluating and working on goals & objectives (strategic plans)
  49. Waterbury
  50. Upcoming Presentation- IEP- Individualized Education Plan
  51. Upcoming Presentation- What’s available in the summer for youth in Waterbury
  52. LIST- Truancy pamphlet, parent involvement
  53. Next month- (March 16, 1:00-:2:30, WTBY Youth Services) Commissioners Team will be in Waterbury (Fernando Muñiz) - wants to know how families feel about CJTS- all are encouraged to attend
  54. What will be needed, what’s the alternative, secured facility within the community
  55. Community Updates
  56. DMHAS
  57. Substance abuse training on screening- next week (RSVP by March 3rd)
  58. Waterbury Mayors office- Opioid Forum- 6:00-8:00pm- in April
  59. Cheshire- Video game & internet addiction- April 26, 6:00pm- Free & open to community
  60. RAC Newsletter
  61. Can send Deb information on upcoming events to put on website- must be in final form
  62. News corner- potential- run by school youth for extra credit
  63. Jill to work on technology for next meeting
  64. Per Patricia- Faith Based Community- Training with brunch- April
  65. Tim Marshall- Connect- CHDI- wanted to know when to come talk to the RAC about Connect Initiative
  66. Possibly April (3:00-5:00 meeting time discussed)
  67. Chalkwalk- April 30th 8:00am- collecting shoes
  68. Let Deb know if you are able to be a collecting site
  69. Comments/suggestions
  70. Next meeting Thursday,March 31, 2016 at Staywell Health Center 3-4:30PM
  71. Meetings will be here with conference calling (1 phone from Danbury & 1 phone from Torrington) from here on out
  72. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Barbara at 4:25 PM, motion approved