Crutcher Teaching Materials #1

Chapter Questions for Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes



  1. Titter
  2. Amoeba
  3. Adjusto
  4. Cretin

Discussion Questions

  1. What is “contemporary American thought”? Class?
  2. What does Lemry say the subtitle of the classis and why?
  3. Summarize Eric’s argument of why the world is a bad place. THEN, summarize Kathy’s counterargument. FINALLY, explain who you agree with and WHY.
  4. Why doesn’t Lemry want to talk about Sarah Byrnes? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
  5. Why didn’t the teachers pass Dale Thornton in eighth grade?
  6. Why does Dale punch Sarah Byrnes?
  7. What characteristics of Sarah’s do we learn about in this chapter? Do we find out through direct or indirect characterization? Explain.
  8. Why doesn’t Dale take Eric’s lunch money?
  9. What does Eric talk to Lemry about after CAT class? What advice does Lemry give Eric?



  1. Unfathomable
  1. Succumbs
  1. Pompous
  1. Euphoria
  1. Tempestuous
  1. Cadaver

Discussion Questions

  1. What is your first impression of Ellerby?
  2. Why does Eric listen to “old” music?
  3. Why are Eric and Ellerby fearing Saturday’s practice?
  4. What does Mark try to do (have banned)? What is Lemry’s response? Do you feel Lemry’s response was appropriate? Why or why not?
  5. What does Ellerby’s father do for a living? Were you surprised by this? Why or why not?
  6. How does Ellerby mock Brittain before the race? How does Brittain respond?
  7. What is Brittain doing toward the end of the race that angers Eric? Do you feel Eric has a right to be angry about this? Explain.
  8. Explain how Eric and Ellerby trick Brittain.
  9. Why is Sarah Byrnes in the hospital (the story of how she got there). What is your guess on what truly happened to her (why she ended up there and why she is unable to speak)?
  10. Who is Norm Nickerson? What is his role in the story?
  11. What upsets Dale about the article? What does this tell us about Dale?
  12. Who does Eric believe told Dale that he had written the article? Do you agree with this theory? Why or why not?
  13. What does the last line of Chapter 3 tell us about Sarah Byrnes?

Chapter 4


  1. Sordid

Discussion Questions

  1. How did Eric’s mom feel about Crispy Pork Rinds? How do we know this?
  2. What does Eric do to upset his mom?
  3. What story (of Sarah’s) does Eric begin to question? Why might Sarah have lied about this story? Do you think she lied? Why or why not?
  4. Why does Eric feel he can’t ride home with Mr. Webb?
  5. What are the two reasons Eric claims he hung out with Sarah?
  6. Explain Sarah’s escape plan for Eric. How does the plan fail?
  7. How did Sarah turn Eric’s beating into a lesson?
  8. Both Eric and Sarah agree that if everyone at school knows they are the writers of Crispy Pork Rinds, then they will have a problem. However, they both believe this poses different types of problems. Why is Eric concerned about this? And, why is Sarah concerned about this?
  9. Explain Sarah’s World War II analogy, and then explain why Eric and Sarah are going to become friends with Dale.
  10. What comment does Eric make about Carver at the end of the chapter? How do you think he feels about Carver and why?



  1. Meticulously
  1. Insignias
  1. Olfactory
  1. Pagan
  1. Blaspheming
  1. Heretic
  1. Seminary
  1. Piousness

Discussion Questions

  1. Who does Sarah bring to Eric’s house? Why? Do you feel this was a good idea? Why or why not?
  2. How does Eric react to that situation (in question #1)? How does Sarah react?
  3. Why was Dale Thornton wearing a turtleneck to school? What insight does this give us into Dale’s personality? His home life?
  4. Why doesn’t Eric let people “up close and personal with [his] emotional self”?
  5. Who is Brittain’s girlfriend? How does Eric feel about her?
  6. What is the one thing Lemry asks of her “CAT” students? Why do you feel it is important she ask this of them?
  7. What song does Ellerby play? What is his purpose (argument) in playing the song? Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not?
  8. What is Eric’s response when Lemry asks him about the song? What do we learn later is the most likely reason for this response?

Chapter 6


  1. Smithery
  2. Tactical
  3. Analgesic
  4. Svelte
  5. Barrage
  6. Reverence

Discussion Questions

  1. At the beginning of the chapter, who is visiting Sarah Byrnes (besides Eric)? How is this person described? What do you believe is the purpose of this visit?
  2. On whom does Dale want to write a story (for Crispy Pork Rinds)? Why? What is Sarah’s reaction to this? Why?
  3. What does Dale say that finally angers Sarah? Why do you believe she reacts this way?
  4. In this chapter, we learn the story behind the title of this novel. What is it?
  5. Why does Sarah believe she and Eric will not be friends anymore? Do you believe she wants this to happen? Why or why not?
  6. How does Eric “stay fat” for Sarah now? What does this tell us about Eric?
  7. To whose house does Eric make Ellerby drive? Why is Ellerby apprehensive about this?
  8. What surprises Eric about Dale’s “shop”? What does this tell us about Dale? What do you think Eric expected of Dale’s “shop” and why?
  9. What does Ellerby ask of Dale? What does this tell us about Ellerby?
  10. What important questions does Eric ask Dale? What is Dale’s response? Do you believe Dale? Why or why not?
  11. Why do you believe Ellerby says, “I think guys like Dale Thornton don’t lie”? What is Ellerby’s reason for believing what Dale has said? Why does Eric not want to believe?
  12. For the most part, throughout the novel so far, have the following characters been described through director indirect characterization?
  13. Eric Calhoune
  1. Mark Brittain
  1. Steve Ellerby
  1. Dale Thornton
  1. Virgil Byrnes



  1. Catatonia
  2. Covetous

Discussion Questions

  1. Why does Lemry have a problem with Brittain requesting to drop the class? What is her decision? Do you feel this is fair? Why or why not?
  2. Cite an example of how Eric’s approach at getting Jody has changed. Then, how/why have her feelings toward Jody changed?
  3. What does Jody’s note to Eric say? Why do you feel she wrote this?
  4. Why doesn’t Eric feel comfortable talking to Sarah about his love life? Do you feel this is truly the reason? Why or why not?
  5. What do we find out about Sarah’s “condition”? Why do you think she is doing this?
  6. What punch line of what joke does Ellerby tell? What is his point?
  7. Explain Ellerby’s relationship with his father. Do you feel it is disrespectful of Ellerby to drive the “Christian Cruiser” when he father is a preacher? Explain.
  8. What do we find out about Ellerby’s brother? Do you feel this has shaped his beliefs? Explain.
  9. What is Ellerby’s take on Brittain’s beliefs? What is your reaction to this?
  10. Why does Eric think Dale is angry? What is Dale’s response? What does this tell us about Dale?
  11. Explain everything Dale reveals to Eric about Sarah. Why do you believe Sarah chose to tell Dale these things instead of Eric?



  1. Tenacity
  2. Skullduggery

Discussion Questions

  1. What topic does Lemry present for CAT class to discuss? What guidelines does Lemry set? Do you think these guidelines are fair? Why or why not? Would you add any other guidelines?
  2. What feelings does Eric reveal he has had about his love life? Were you surprised by this? Why or why not?
  3. What does Eric think about his mother’s relationship with his father? Why do you believe she hides this from him?
  4. Why is Eric so intent on beating Brittain at practice? Do you believe there are any other reasons? Explain.
  5. Why do you believe Crutcher (the author) chooses to switch from class, to swim practice, and back to class again?
  6. What are some of the reasons Eric initially chooses to stay out of the abortion discussion?
  7. Summarize Sally Eaton’s point, Mark Brittain’s point, and Megan Buckman’s point.
  8. What does Sally say that embarrasses Eric? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
  9. Summarize Jody’s response. What is Brittain’s reaction? How do we know this?
  10. Summarize Ellerby’s argument, Brittain’s counterargument, Eric’s argument, and Ellerby’s following argument.
  11. With what lesson does Lemry tell her students to leave?
  12. What does Jody ask Eric? Are you surprised by this? Why do you think she does this?


Discussion Questions

  1. What shocking occurrence transpires at the beginning of Chapter 9 Did this surprise you? Why or why not?
  2. How does Sarah threaten Eric? Why do you believe she does this?
  3. Explain why Sarah believes friends means different things to Eric and herself.
  4. What is the real story behind how Sarah was burned?
  5. What happened to Sarah’s mother? Why do you believe her mother hasn’t come back for her?
  6. Why did Sarah decide to go to Sacred Heart? Why didn’t she call the police instead?
  7. What does Jody reveal to Eric? Are you surprised by this? Why or why not? What sarcastic comment does Erick make in return? Do you believe he is surprised? Explain.
  8. How does Mark appear to be a hypocrite? Have your feelings toward him changed? Have your feelings toward Jody changed?
  9. Do you feel Jody should have mentioned this is class? Why or why not?
  10. What worries Eric most about a potential relationship with Jody? Who does he decide to speak to about this? Would you be able to talk to this person about a situation like this? Explain.



  1. Decorum
  2. Incensed
  3. Inverse
  4. Bouts

Discussion Questions

  1. About what does Eric speak to Lemry? What is Lemry’s reaction? Are you surprised by anything that Lemry says? Explain.
  2. Explain Lemry’s description of Brittain. Do you agree? Explain.
  3. How does Brittain attempt to insult Eric? What is Eric’s reaction?
  4. What does Brittain say about Jody? How did Eric respond? Do you feel Eric should have reacted more? Explain.
  5. What is Eric’s mom’s reaction to his dating Jody? Why do you think she is not more supportive?
  6. What is Carver’s response to Eric dating Jody? What does Carver then reveal to Eric’s mom? Do you feel Eric’s mom has a right to be angry about this?
  7. What agreement do Eric and his mother have regarding his bedroom? Do you feel this is a good idea? Explain.
  8. What does Virgil Byrnes do at the hospital? What is he told by the attendant?
  9. What question is Eric pondering toward the end of Chapter 10? What do you feel is the right answer? Explain.
  10. What scares Eric most about dating Jody? What does he wish he had right now? Why do you think he is wishing this?



  1. Residual

Discussion Questions

  1. What does Eric do to Mark at practice? Do you think Eric should ease up on Mark some? Explain.
  2. How do Eric and Sarah communicate in front of her father? What does her father say to Eric? How does Eric respond?
  3. How does Sarah react to Eric’s relationship with Jody? Why do you think she reacts this way?
  4. Why doesn’t Sarah want Eric to call Child Protection Services? Do you agree with her theory? Explain.
  5. Why did Sarah decide to go to Sacred Heart? Why didn’t she run away? Why did she choose to stay around her father before? What has happened at Sacred Heart that has changed Sarah?
  6. What is the true reason Sarah cried when Eric told her about Jody?
  7. Why do you believe Eric goes to Lemry about Sarah instead of his mother?
  8. Do you feel Eric had the right to show Lemry the letter? What would you have done if you were Eric?


Discussion Questions

  1. Why do you think Eric goes to Dale again? What questions does he ask Dale? What is Dale’s response? Do you feel there is any validity in his answer? Explain.
  2. About what does Mautz want to talk to Eric? What did you believe he wanted?
  3. How does Mautz describe Brittain? Do you feel this is an accurate description? Explain. What does Mautz ask Eric to do? Do you feel this is fair? Why or why not?
  4. Does Lemry seem concerned about Mautz? Do you feel she should be? Explain.
  5. Why do you think Lemry wants to talk to Sarah herself? Do you believe Sarah will listen? Why or why not?
  6. Why does Sarah believe Lemry will call Child Protection Services? Do you feel Lemry is obligated to do so?
  7. Do you feel Eric has gotten through to Sarah? Explain.



  1. Ominous
  2. Sentry
  3. Edict
  4. Haunches
  5. Imperceptibly

Discussion Questions

  1. Where is Sarah living? Are you surprised by this? Why or why not?
  2. At whose car does Ellerby beep? What was your reaction to this?
  3. What did Lemry tell Ellerby that shut him up in class? Do you agree with this? Explain.
  4. Which class member responds to Mark’s abortion argument? What is this character’s counterargument? Then, how does Mark respond?
  5. What does Mautz say to Lemry? What is Lemry’s response? What is your reaction to this?
  6. What does Jody reveal in class? Why do you believe she chooses to do this now? What is Mark’s reaction? What is Ellerby’s closing remark?



  1. Callous

Discussion Questions

  1. What does Mautz reveal to Lemry at the beginning of the chapter? Are you surprised by this? Why or why not? How does Lemry respond? Do you feel Lemry was out of line? Explain.
  2. Summarize the following students’ reactions to what Brittain has done:




Sally Eaton


  1. Why does Eric begin to feel ashamed at swim practice? Do you believe he should feel this way? Explain.
  2. What does Carver reveal to Eric? Why do you think he shares this with Eric?
  3. What has happened to CAT class? Do you believe this is fair? Explain.
  4. Who does Eric call? Why do you believe he chooses to make this phone call? What does this person say to Eric? What is Eric’s response? Do you feel Eric handled thesituation well? Explain.


Discussion Questions

  1. According to Sarah, what would court be like if the issue regarding her father went to trial? Do you agree? Explain.
  2. What are the reasons Eric doesn’t report the threatening phone call?
  3. According to Sarah, how did Lemry get through to her?
  4. In addition to Mautz, who is in the office waiting for Eric and Ellerby? What does this person say? Are you surprised? Why or why not?
  5. What is Ellerby’s reaction to this “meeting” in Mautz’s office? Who does he call? Do you feel this was a wise decision?
  6. Eric says (about Mautz), “He’s bigger than Mr. Ellerby, but definitely outmatched him in presence” (231). What does this mean?
  7. What does Mr. Brittain first say to Mr. Ellerby? What is your reaction to this?
  8. What does Mr. Ellerby say about the Constitution? Do you agree? Explain.
  9. Mr. Ellerby says to Mautz, “That’s what I wanted to hear” (235). To what is he referring? Why did he want to hear that?
  10. After Ellerby and his father leave, who comes into Mautz’s office? What does this person want? INITIALLY, what is Eric’s response?
  11. Finally, what does Eric reveal to Mautz? What does he go on to say to the other person in Mautz’s office? Then what does he say to Mautz again? Are you surprised by any of this? Explain.



  1. Voluminous
  2. Guttural
  3. Rousting

Discussion Questions

  1. Why does Ellerby feel he and Eric will not be able to go over to Lemry’s anymore? Why does Eric believe Mr. Byrnes didn’t simply take Sarah from class one day?
  2. What shocks Eric while he is driving? What does this person do to Eric? What does Eric do in an attempt to get this person to stop?
  3. What secret does Eric reveal? To whom? Are you angry with him for doing so? Do you think Sarah will be angry? Lemry?
  4. What happens to Eric after he reveals this secret? To whose house does he go?
  5. Where is Eric when the chapter ends? What do you predict will happen from here?


Discussion Questions

  1. According to Eric, why is his injury not so bad? What has happened to Dale?
  2. What changes when Eric is alone? What has happened to Virgil? What has happened to Sarah and Lemry?
  3. Who visits Eric? Why?
  4. Who comes to visit next? Who did this person find? What happened when this person was found? What is your reaction to this?
  5. What story (regarding a childhood experience) does this person tell Eric? What is its significance?
