Statutory Budget Meeting
18th & 21stDecember 2006, Council Chamber
Members Present:
Councillors Charles Bobbett, Joseph Bonner, Pat Boshell, , Phillip Cantwell, William Carey, Shane Cassells, Eugene Cassidy, Jimmy Cudden, Jenny D’Arcy, John V Farrelly, Brian Fitzgerald, Michael Gallagher, Dominic Hannigan, Peter Higgins, Jim Holloway, Tom, Kelly, Nick Killian, Noel Leonard, James Mangan, Liz McCormack, Seamus Murray, Patsy O’ Neill, Brian Reilly, Joe Reilly, Tommy Reilly.
Officials in Attendance:
CountyManager: Tom Dowling
Head of Finance: Fiona Lawless,
Directors of Service: Brendan McGrath, Kevin Stewart, Tadgh McDonnell, Eugene Cummins, Liam Henry
Financial Accountant: Barry Lynch,
Management Accountant : Pat McHugh
Senior Executive Officers: Martin Rogers, Michael Griffin.
Administrative Officers : Jarlath Flanagan, Brian Murphy
Councillor Ann Dillon Gallagher
At the commencement of the meeting the members observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect, to the late Mr James Fegan, father of Cllr. Jimmy Fegan.
Prior to the introduction of the Draft Budget, which had previously been circulated to the Councillors the CountyManager introduced new Director of Services Mr Liam Henry. The CountyManager then identified that it was composed of a total expenditure of €106million for the 2007 financial year. The Manager highlighted various aspects from his budget statement and proceeded to identify programme by programme basis the proposals for the next financial year. Following on from this introduction from the County Manager Item No 3 on the agenda a report on the Capital Programme was presented to the Councillors by Barry Lynch a copy of the PowerPoint presentation was circulated to all members subsequent to this presentation the Cathaoirleach opened the debate to the floor a number of points were made by Councillors as follows;
Cllr Tommy Reilly
Acknowledged that the Manager had taken on board some comments from the previous discussions
Noted that more schools should be covered by the flashing lights programme
Disappointed that there was only a 3% increase in repairs for housing stock
Was concerned that the monies allocated for class 3 Roads maintenance were not adequate
Advocated that Meath County Council should aim for a greater proportion of the special allocation that the Minister had announced in the week prior to Christmas (€500,000 included in estimate)
Questioned the figure €298,000 for Pride of Place included area costs as well as Head Office costs
Queried the reason for a €750,000 increase in HR / Corporate Services
With respect to Programme Group 4 with an increase of €400,000 identified that Councillors would need to see results
Queried €600k for Enterprise & Development Board and stressed the need to ensure value for money
Cllr Nick Killian
Acknowledged receipt of money from Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Supported Councillor Tommy Reilly in advocating that money should go into roads and housing
Requested a breakdown of the top 50 travel expenses
Advocated that a commitment needed to be made to the DPG grants – special provision of €500,000 be included.
Asking what Meath County Council received with respect to extra money going towards sports promotion.
Queried staff costs at Meath Arts Centre
Asked what a figure of €350,000 for Arts, Galleries and Theatres was for and advocated that it was not Meath County Council role to fund the position of an Education Officer.
At this stage the Manager clarified a number of points as follows
- The 3% for Housing repairs was funded from internal capital receipts
- In the 2006 Budget Class 3 Roads were increased from €400,000 to €600,000 as a once off allocation the Manager indicated however that it was intended to retain the increase for 2007.
- With respect to the water grant announced by the Minister in the previous week in was prudent from a financial prospective to put in a receipt of €500,000 if Meath County Council were in receipt of monies in excess of this it would be a bonus.
- With respect to the sports promotion the net cost to the Council was €25,000
- With respect to travel expenses those expenses are incurred by staff and members carrying out their duties and are paid for at travel and subsistence rates as approved by the Department.
- With respect to the query for Arts, Galleries and Theatres the Manager confirmed that this had no connection with the Meath Arts Centre and that it was used to fund the Meath County Council Arts office
Cllr Bryan Reilly
Noted that it was good to see that the revenue deficit was zero for this year
As previous speakers he highlighted the need for housing maintenance and DPG allocations to be continued.
Excepted the need that Planning should be centralised but needed to keep services in Kells One Stop Shop
Welcomed the Recycling Centre in Kells and queried as to when it would open
he welcomed the proposal of the Manager to fund Christmas lights in various locations
and again queried funding going into Class 3 Roads.
Cllr Seamus Murray
Spoke on the presentation made in respect of the Capital Investment Programme and noted that the Trim Dublin Road / Summerhill Water Scheme and Ballivor Water Scheme are significant costs.
He welcomed the commitment from the CountyManager re: the proposal for flashing lights at schools particularly in the context of road safety
Asked about the cost of Basketstown landfill and if the Council has applied for funding.
Expressed concern over street sweeping costs due to litter pollution.
Cllr Dominic Hannigan
In his contribution mentioned Slane bypass and Bettystown Library in terms of capital funding also the figure for purchase of library books being €300,000 and if this was necessary.
He further raised issues with respect to Beach management and loan cost of €5 million per annum he queried where this came from.
Cllr Hannigan further asked if the funding for flashing lights could be augmented by diverting funds from programme group 9.
Queried whether refurbishment of AlvernoHeights would still be carried out
Expressed concern over funding for parks maintenance.
Cllr Liz McCormack
Welcomes the flashing lights suggestion
Welcomes the proposal with respect to Rathcairn Library and proposed improvements to Rathcairn Library.
With respect to Programme group 4 and urban and village renewal she raised the issue as to a programme of works to identify which villages should be prioritised.
She also raised the issue of accessing funds that are identified for the Clár area
And in addition queried the status of a by pass for Athboy
Her final comment was to welcome the proposal with respect to funding for the DPGs
Cllr William Carey
Commented as follows;
We can only spend funds that we have he welcomed the flashing lights programme but added that the ESB were met and should have been met to discuss a public lighting programme in the County.
Cllr Carey also talked about Business Investment Districts proposals for which were going through the Oireachtas at present
Cllr Carey also raised the issue with respect to duplication of services particularly Leader/ Pobail and the Council and commented that other parties seem to be able to avail of funding that the Council can’t access.
Expressed a wish for urban and village renewal scheme for Summerhill will go ahead.
Cllr Jimmy Mangan
In his contribution said
True to say that Meath had made a large investment in roads in the last number of years however at the same time we haven’t maintained the existing network
Class 3 Roads the allocation for Kells last year was ring fenced and he advocated that similar should happen for other areas
He queried loan charges in programme group 2 with respect to footpaths and roads and he also commented that with respect to flashing lights schools and regional roads should be given priority and in addition schools and county roads where traffic is higher than that on the regional roads should be included on the initial rollout.
With respect to the point Cllr McCormack had made with respect to urban and village renewal Cllr Mangan believed that two villages in each electoral area should be selected and the programme advanced on that basis.
He also commented on public lights and ESB and asked that a programme for rehabilitation of lights to be initiated
He further commented on the post of Education Officer
Cllr Tom Kelly
Made a contribution querying and noting that some of the queries he was to ask had previously been asked last year.
He asked of the €3.85 million paid to other local authorities for water and sewerage and asked why Meath had not developed its own facilities in the area.
Welcomed the development of parks and open spaces but stressed the need to maintain same
Cllr Kelly also noted that when the motorway is designated as such that the previous national route is declassified to a regional road and argued that the cost of upgrading and maintaining the road should not be left to the local authority. E.g. the N132 which used to be the N1 will take 2.5million to restore.
He also mentioned that road closures are affecting trade
Cllr Kelly further added that grants for the group sewerage scheme were not at as high a level as for group water schemes. The Department should remedy the situation.
He queried why Meath County Council made a contribution of €175,000 to the Regional Authority and asked what benefit Meath County Council got from this.
With respect to the various programme groups Cllr Kelly queried as to how finances were divided between each electoral area.
He also queried the average price of a house bought under Part V and the average price of a house bought under the tenant purchase scheme in this regard he also asked whether the local authorities acquiescing by taking Part V housing prior to an estate being taken in charge.
With respect to beach cleaning Cllr Kelly sought clarification that there was funding available in this years budget as had been made available here to for
With respect to traffic management and paid parking Cllr Kelly advocated that the spend should be spread across each electoral area
With respect to Fire Services Cllr Kelly asked that East Meath would establish its own Fire service and would not be dependent on Drogheda for a service.
Cllr Kelly also queried funding for the post of Cathaoirleach and Leas Cathaoirleach
Suggested funding for Slane bypass.
Cllr Jim Holloway
Made a contribution and highlighted;
That he welcomed money for lights at primary school locations
He welcomed the proposal to fund an audit of regional and county roads and they should forward a submission to the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government with respect to this.
Mentioned the presentation with respect to the capital budget and linked this presentation with the regional planning guidelines
Cllr Shane Cassells
1.0In the course of his contribution mentioned
The situation with respect to Meath Tourism and Heritage and commented on the year on year increases for various programme elements
Argued that the budget this year in the context of the finances of the Council should be about a back to basics and that we need to bias the funding allocation to programme groups 1 & 2
Cllr Charles Bobbett
Asked if there was a list of all businesses in CountyMeath and what is the percentage collection rate with respect to rates income
Cllr Brian Fitzgerald
Requested a separate meeting on the Capital Programme to allow it to be examined in greater detail
He queried the Arts allocation and the element of that allocation which was to fund Solstice Arts Theatre.
He queried a letter that Council had received from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government with respect of €700,000 internal capital receipts
Cllr Fitzgerald compared the situation with Fingal which has a rates income of €100million and received €30million in the Local Government Fund whereas Meath received €24million with a substantially less rates income
Cllr Fitzgerald commented that details of headcount had been issued to Councillors last year and would have been helpful in considering the draft budget this year.
Cllr Fitzgerald was further concerned that the outdoor staff numbers were reducing
With respect to Dunshaughlin Cllr Fitzgerald proposed that a provision should be made for a new grave yard
He also queried as to whether an allocation which had been made in 2006 to Community Games group would be continued this year
He stated that €30,000 was not sufficient to provide for parks upkeep
With respect to decentralisation of planning Cllr Fitzgerald stated that he would be opposed to it if it means the exclusion of Area Managers and Area Administrators
Cllr Joe Reilly
Supported Cllr Fitzgerald in his view that the capital budget needed to be looked at in greater detail at a separate meeting.
Cllr Reilly argued that the budget was not sufficient to meet the needs of the County
With respect to housing maintenance he queried as to whether there was a planned maintenance programme or whether maintenance was reactive based on issues being highlighted
With respect to roads Cllr Reilly highlighted that the allocation was €2million which equated to approximately €400,000 per area and argued that this was not nearly enough to maintain the road network
He also highlighted illegal dumping costs and asked why this central management charge was high proportion of the budget.
At this stage on the proposal of Cllr Seamus Murray and seconded by Cllr Tommy Reilly it was agreed to adjourn the meeting with the meeting to reconvene on Thursday December 21st at 6.00pm.
Reconvened Statutory Budget Meeting on Thursday 21st December
Members Present:
Councillors Charles Bobbett, Joseph Bonner, Cllr Oliver Brooks, Phillip Cantwell, William Carey, Shane Cassells, Eugene Cassidy, Jimmy Cudden, Jenny D’Arcy, Ann Dillon Gallagher, John V Farrelly, Michael Gallagher, Dominic Hannigan, Jim Holloway, Nick Killian, Noel Leonard, Cllr Michael Lynch, James Mangan, Liz McCormack, Seamus Murray, Patsy O’ Neill, Brian Reilly, Joe Reilly, Tommy Reilly.
Councillors Jimmy Fegan, Brian Fitzgerald
Cllr Jenny D’Arcy
Commented on the following issues
- The Higher Education Grants and youth grants and raised the issue of Dail no
Nóg and the support that the Council gives to it.
- She also commented on the Arts Centre costs
- She welcomed the programme with respect to installation of flashing lights at
- Commented on the Rapid programme and Pride of Place
- Agreed with Cllr Killian re: Education Officer
Cllr Noel Leonard
- Welcomed Minister Roches increase of 9% in the local government Fund and
commented that the increase was 54% from the period 2002 to 2007.
- He queried as to whether there was a land bank for social housing
- Also commented on the state of public lighting in the County
- Cllr Leonard was also concerned about the over lapping between agencies in
particular the Local Sports Partnership, Leader and the Council
- Finally the costs associated with Health and Safety
Cllr Eugene Cassidy
- Kells was not getting its fair share of the funding allocated to roads given that
the road network was denser in the Kells Electoral area
- Broadband was not available in rural areas
- In terms of the school lights that more than 3 per area were needed that 3 per
area equated to an overall cost to the County of €150,000 per annum
Cllr John Farrelly
- Spoke about the conditions of the roads and that the currant weather
conditions were excelerating the destruction of the road and further welcomed
the flashing lights programme.
- He also made contributions in respect of the group water schemes and tourism
- He acknowledged the increase in the budget but noted inflation erodes the net
- He made a suggestion that the provision for the deficit reduction be reduced
from the €400,000 as proposed to €100,000 and that the €300,000 should be made available for the roads maintenance programme.
- Sought additional funding for roads, particularly for the Kells Electoral Area.
- He asked for a report on efficiencies that the Council would prepare and the
Manager bring to the Council before the end of quarter one 2007.
Cllr Ann Dillon Gallagher
- Welcomed funding for schools
- Expressed concern about the condition of the road network especially road
- and queried as to what the start date was for Slane bypass
Cllr Michael Lynch
- spoke about forward planning and the need to maintain the road network
- reiterate points made by previous speakers about the ESB and the public
lighting network
- he looked for a commitment from the Manager that adequate money would be
made available for roads maintenance
Cllr Philip Cantwell – spoke on 18/12/06
- Welcomed money for the Library and also the Christmas light fund and the
school lights fund
- Spoke about the extent of the capital budget and queried supervision
particularly with respect to roadworks and broadband
- He asked about value for money in respect of capital schemes
- He also raised an issue with respect to a fund being made available for
investigations on the Tara Mines site
Cllr Patsy O’Neill
- Noted payroll increases and the increase in ESB and Health and Safety which
were higher than the increase in the Local Government Fund allocation and noted that this cost meant that in effect no additional works would be able to be undertaken in 2007.